Comments by "Dank" (@Dank-gb6jn) on "Virginia Woolf: The Stream of Modernist Creation" video.
@juancana457 in case you don’t want to read all of this, skip to my TL;DR at the bottom.
Hoo boy. That’s...a lot to unpack. Look, I’m religious, I’m not a perfect Christian by any stretch, but I’m a Christian nonetheless. I don’t think Carlin “scapegoated” religion, (don’t understand why you picked Christianity and Judaism, Carlin picked on every religion.); I think he made skillful critiques of both the idea of religion and the institution of religion. After all, one of my favorite bits of his, was his “sun worshiper” bit.
Personally, I don’t agree with how corrupt and debased my religion has gotten, what with all the denominations, institutionalization, and such; but I still practice my faith. I’m also man enough to let others criticize and make fun of my chosen belief system as much as they want; because (Matthew 5:38-40) says to turn the other cheek.
Furthermore, is it not rational for one to blame their chosen deity/deities for the death or loss of someone/something close to them? Is that not part of the grief process in some shape or form?
Also, seeing as you’re obviously a religiously inclined person, you must certainly be familiar with the phrase, “he that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her....” This was said by Jesus, in regards to a woman who was to be stoned for adultery (I believe), the men in the crowd ultimately decided not to stone her; since they were all full of sin, as another verse mentions: “For all have sinned, and have fallen short of the glory of God.” You must be the first sinless person to be born on this world since the birth of Christ, if you can freely cast stones at Carlin. Surely that can’t be the case, as that would invalidate our scriptural faith.
TL;DR, don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house, and don’t assume you’re the only one who can quote religion; I assure you, that you’re not.
@juancana457 alright, and again, Carlin scorned ALL religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, the whole nine yards. You rail against hypocrisy, and claim to be moral and upstanding (or so it seems); yet I can bet you 100% that you’re just big a hypocrite as I am, or anyone else in the world. In fact, using your religious worldview/interpretation to determine what is and is not morally absolute is just as immoral as someone who uses their own self-imposed moral absolutes as THE absolutes for the everyone else.
Further you’re still dancing around my point of not throwing stones. You attack a dead man, based on nothing more than his differences in religious opinion, and claim that you’re the one who is in the right, based on nothing more than your own interpretation of God’s word; and your own inborn moral belief systems. An agent can not impose their own moral beliefs on another without that individual’s consent to be have the agent’s morals imposed. To do so without the consent of the individual is immoral.
Tell me, if a Southern Baptist Preacher were to go on an anti-alcohol tirade during his sermon, but sit and drink at the bar afterwards; would you hurl insults at the man? Would you call him a bad Christian? Tell him God hates him? That would be awful immoral of you, since God says, (along with the things you mentioned), that HE is the ONLY one who can judge a person. You would be acting as an affront to God, and the principles you claim to hold dear.