Comments by "James Lim" (@jameslim6865) on "Singapore watching new Omicron COVID-19 variant very closely" video.
LHL thinks unvaccinated people are "anti-vaxx", "misguided", "ignorant", and "weird". He does not understand American politics. I would also argue world politics. It showed that LHL is ignorant and out of touch with the world. Such one sided view of the world is typical of an intolerant tyrant. Most people are unvaccinated because the technology is in its early stage development and lack rigorous data to back its efficacy. Also, people prefer their liberty and would like to make their own choice whether or not to get the vaccinated. To summarize, unvaccinated people would "rather die of Covid-19 than give up our freedom".
On Singaporeans' "trust" of the PAP government, it is a narrative set by him and the fake news media of Singapore. In reality, PAP is losing popular votes as seen by past few GE. Singaporeans are increasingly not trusting of the PAP to govern Singapore. Singapore is only having such high vaccination rate due to extreme pressures created by the PAP, threatening people's life and livelihood. Imagine that Singaporeans are able to carry arms and have American style 2nd Amendment, do you think the people would still be as afraid of the PAP government's threat and still comply with vaccination and discrimination? I do not think so. Singaporeans do not need more vaccines, we need guns.