Comments by "Jammit Timmaj" (@therealjammit) on "Libertarian Leader In Favor Of Stripping Away Women's Rights" video.

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  2. likeminas I beg to differ. I'm on Rand's email list. Here's a sample of what he's mass mailing (spacing edited to improve readability): "Jammit, During my 17 years as a practicing physician, I treated premature babies almost every week. I've cradled their small, precious bodies in the palm of one hand and looked into their eyes as they struggled to survive. Many of them weighed under two pounds. So Jammit, I'm not going to mince words. The thought of Planned Parenthood officials killing these babies, dismembering them and selling their body parts for profit sickens my stomach. And I vow to do everything I can to stop it. That's why I just introduced an Amendment to H.R. 22 (the vehicle for the highway bill) to Defund Planned Parenthood. <clickable link removed> Jammit, the latest undercover video shows Planned Parenthood officials squabbling over the price of aborted baby parts because one official joked she wanted to buy a Lamborghini. And to add insult to injury, hard-working taxpayers are being forced to fund Planned Parenthood's killing and selling of aborted baby body parts for profit. In fact, Planned Parenthood raked in almost $550 million in taxpayer funding in 2014 alone. That's over half a BILLION dollars, Jammit! Ripped from the paychecks of hard-working taxpayers and sent directly to Planned Parenthood's abortion mills across the country. I believe it's time to put the brakes on Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funded gravy train. And since the Republican Congress controls the power of the purse, I believe this is a fight you and I can win -- even with President Obama in the White House. <clickable link removed> And after you sign your petition, won't you please chip in a contribution of $20.16 right away? There's no telling when my Amendment to defund Planned Parenthood will come to the floor for a vote. It could be as early as next week. Your generous gift will help me mobilize as many Republican voters across the country to stand with me in this fight to end taxpayer funding of abortion. So Jammit, won't you please chip in a contribution of $20.16 right away to help defund Planned Parenthood? It's up to you and me to ensure my colleagues in Congress take action. No one else will do it for us. The national media remains virtually silent. But with your help, I'm confident we can force my Amendment to defund Planned Parenthood to the floor for an up or down vote. <clickable link removed> Thank you in advance for your support. "
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