Comments by "Smaakjeks K" (@smaakjeks) on "Open-Carry Mall Cop Fired, Grabs His Gun & The Worst Happens" video.

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  4. ***** "you can't produce any either." Says who? But, they may not be convincing to you. So, what evidence would convince you that families/households are safer without guns in the home than with? You then rattle off statistics after saying how untrustworthy you find them, with no references to actual studies. "So why ban guns again, because you're scared of them?" I don't think guns should be banned, nor am I scared of them. "I'm not against people needing to show their ID when buying guns and getting a background check. Seems reasonable to me" Cool! :-) "Also are you really mad I assumed you were anti gun? You were arguing points as if you were...Should I have assumed you were just debating from a stance you don't believe in?" If you had only written the point above about advocating ID check and background check before purchase (and nothing else), someone in this comment section would have accused you of being anti gun. In fact, I dare you to do just that and see how long it takes before someone talks to you about tyrannical governments disarming their populations and how banning guns is wrong. The only thing I've said is that guns in the household don't make you safer. The evidence I've seen bares that out. The reasons (among other things) are because home invasions by strangers are rare (and therefore low risk), and having a gun in the home 24/7 opens up a lot of risks for accidental deaths and even spousal homicide. Obviously my first advice would be to never marry someone who occasionally wants to kill you, but alright. Look, I've done the mistake you've done and assumed something about someone on controversial topics like this. The topic has become extremely polarized. One is either a gun nut or an anti gun nut, even though most people fall within a moderate middle-ground somewhere. I can understand the assumption. We're cool.