Comments by "Xyz Same" (@xyzsame4081) on "Bernie Finally Snubs Warren Back" video.

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  3. She got over 60 % of the vote in dhe midterms 2018 (in a 3 candidate race, the Indie got only a few percent - but still). - I am not sure if her staying in the race did cost Sanders anything, or if she at that point only had the Hillary faithful and affluent white suburbans as support - people that would not have voted for Sanders in the primary anyway. But she for sure showed her colors - unlike Gabbard (who has shown some spine in the past and would be stranded in the middle of having no career) Warren is rich, already HAD a distinguished career (Harvard professor with a little help declaring herself a minority ?). Warren also worked as corporate lawyer (helping big biz NOT pay pension and to avoid paying damages, nothing illegal, but even a Republican candidate would not brag about it). Plus she (or her brother) flipped houses during / after the financial crisis .... Warren also can return to her home state with a not too long (domestic) flight (the long distance flights to Hawaii seem to take a toll on all the representatives there - I wonder if that is one reason Gabbard did not seek to defend her seat. Or if it was hard to get funding for her campaign, Sanders I think did not raise money for her, and the DNC had put her on the black list: for being outspoken about Sanders in 2016, and for her anti regime change stance). So I'll give Gabbard a pass - but not Warren, who is in a much better position when it comes to financial security. Warren is up for reelection in 2024, she should win that easily - and if not she can enjoy her cushy retirment.