Comments by "Xyz Same" (@xyzsame4081) on "Republicans 'Expose' Warnock With Video Of Him Being Awesome" video.

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  2. The thugs narrative is conveniently used by the right wingers * - and he flips the talking points on their head instead of cowering and thus confirming the preducdices. * the right (and righwing politician) use it to rile up the base, to denigrate people that need public assistance (would cost the rich more taxes). Either it is implied they are lazy moochers or they are criminals. Or by media owned by rich people gladly props up the narrative because it gets them views. When it bleeds it leads Also: humans instinctively pay attention to fires, so whether it is "war" reporting or the alleged or real riots they will have the footage with some fire on loop 24/7. * hint: eveolutionary trait: Africa, large dry steppes. Once humans learned to control fire it protected them. Even if they only smelled of the smoke (which they did all the time) the predators would be apprehensive of the small, let alone the sight. Raging wildfires could also kill strong and fat lions if they could not flee soon enough. Europe and Asia during the Ice ages ALSO had huge dry grass steppes the fed lots of prey and predators. (it was not a barren land). During the warm (always windy) summers the long grass became standing hay. The glaciers to the North grind down rock, the dust was blown over long distances and incorporated into the soil. Made for rich and fertile soil (loess soil, now the bread / grain baskets in Ukraine, China, ...) In most regions it was too dry for forests to grow, so it was nourishing fast growing grass in the regions that now have moderate climate. That grass grew during a longer wet spring and then dried up. Read: repeated raging fires mid summer till early fall. The grass recovered soon, much faster than a forest would, so it could feed the animals soon again, certainly in the next saison. Some grass eaters and predators were huge, much larger than today (cave lion, cave bear, sabber toothed cat). Food (gras, or the meat from prey) was good enough and the larger & fatter the better they withstood the cold and long winters. Huge antlers for some and often they shed them every year (the grass had plenty of nutrients thanks to the stone dust, so they could easily regrow them every saison. May have been a mechanism to shed excess - of whatever was not supposed to remain in the body).