Comments by "Xyz Same" (@xyzsame4081) on "Anti-Vaxxers React After Being Hospitalized With COVID-19" video.
@counselthyself 99 % that get it in the U.S. are NOT vaccinated (and it is not said, but I am assuming also do not have immunity from a former infection). In order to mutate the virus needs a host to infect: No new cases no mutations possible.
Transmission by immune people is very rare if it happens at all - so if a lot of people are vaccinated the virus cannot spread and also not mutate anymore. There are not enough cases.
The Spanish flu virus died out, it vanished (after 2 years and millions and millions of people). Same with SARS-CoV-1 from 2003.
I concede that the lack of vaccines globally and for the developing countries is an issue, the Delta variant came from Peru I think.
Not sure if the vaccine for people that refuse to get at least are sent to other nations, that do not have enough vaccines.
Cuba is hindered by the sacntions to import raw materials that they need for their vaccine.
It is not easy to mass produce vaccines (not the ones that are approved), the Trump admin did nothing to peprae for providing globally. A Texan doctor and team (Dr. peter Hotez) did research an tests on old tech - the vaccine would be produced with help of yeast, which is easy to produce and easy to scale up. Last time I heard fromthe People's vaccine was end of April 2021, then he said the tests were going well.
He had to run around in early 2020 and beg private investors for a few millions - peanuts ! - to be able to fund the development. Not sure how they are doing.
Trump blew that - that should of course have been supported, just in case they find a good enough vaccine to have global mass deployment. Warp Speed was only financed because the pharma industry stood to profit, and I do not see the Biden admin now pushing for that Texan vaccine. They were dragging their feet on lifting patents a few months ago, that cost time, because no comapny is going to invest, when they do not know whether they will be able to produce.
@jamieg2427 thanks for your thoughtful answer, I mostly agree. However: I think you underestimate how much some (a LOT) of people enjoy the tribalism, being bigots or bullies, or being oppositional. IF Trump had supported those measures and had won the election (with competent pandemic handling he would have won the EC, Biden barely pulled it off) - those citizen would go along.
So it is not about science not even in medicine, it is only about tribalism.
At some point that has to count as a choice - not using the human ability to get new information and to be rational.
The citizens that made a stink about mask wearing, the withe folks that were livid about the Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s were not oppressed / misled / and we not have to make concessions for their difficult (economic) circumstances either. They were or are comfortable - but they are very ENTITLED and enjoy being utterly selfish resp. get furious if their privileges would be slightly reduced. Be it to grant a fellow citizen the right to vote or to accept some nuisance for the greater good.
When things were normal and the status quo was unchanged (black folks discriminated against, gays were shunned, they can go shopping whenever and how they want) and the economy worked better for all they did not stand out and did not show their colors.
While other "nicer" folks are just intellectually lazy,and have been in the past - but then they still had some trust into institutions. I agree that a lot of trust was betrayed, but at the same time, one can get informed about the pandemic and vaccines in general, it is not that hard, and people that are genuinely concerned that there will be side effects in a few years cannot base their assumption on any data or substantive information. They just cannot make up the claim that the vaccine does immediate harm, that is obviously not true with the many people who already got the shot. So the idiotic claim is projected into the future.
These are the folks that were all for the Vietnam war (not being drafted themselves) and reacted in reactionary ways to the societal change in the 1960s, by voting in crook Nixon. And the silent majority later voted in Reagan, and And in the end they have the same frontal lobes as all of us, they could show a tiny bit of self reflection. Humans are tribal creatures but we re not completely ruled by our instincts.
Some people have a fight or flight or freeze reaction that kicks in when the world does not work like they expect it to work, that does not only kick in when they have to fear to suffer disadvantagages.
And if "fight" is their mode they were a little at a loss, you cannot shoot a virus with a firearm, and all the other mechanisms also do not work.
So politicians wanted to create a wedege issue - and their followers were VERY willing to follow.
I get that couple: they assumed they could boost their individual safety, not get the vaccines and enjoy protections nontheless. A selfish strategy considering that this is NOT a good idea with this virus, but it is not rabid, hostile, conspiratirial or irrational.
Many of the rabid anti vaxxers are financially secure. It is well known that if you put people under economic stress some of them can get quite nasty. usually they are the very willing ! followers of demagogues. But some are nasty even in the good times.
@andream.973 Do you know the history of the polio vaccination development ? They had to stop a campaign, but at the end of the 1950s there was another bad outbreak in the U.S. (26,000 cases, meaning diagnosed cases) - and in the 1960s they launched another vaccine. Which then proved to be effective and safe.
The parents needed a leap of faith (to a degree), the 1950s failure was certainly a setback - but did not damage morale substantially.
They did test the vaccine in the 1950s and it was considered safe - problem was production, they tried to render the virus inactive, and that did not work in all cases. One of the companies got it wrong - they abandoned that campaign, after kids got polio because of the vaccination (note: natural infections with polio were often harmless, it was just infectious enough to spread a lot - also because it often went unnoticed and there were enough cases where it very noticably went very wrong.
It was not per se a children's disease, but so widepread, that many got infected as children already, and then either suffered lasting impariments, or died (sometimes after months on the iron lung) - or survived with immunity and unharmed.
Same with measles. Approx. one in thousand children will die, so an individual child has fairly good chances. but it is also one of the most infectious diseases and if you have millions of cases you have the fallout. The immediate death, those disabled for life (and a burden for families so very tangible) and the rare cases where the virus survives in dormant form an resurfaces. It then causes increasing neurological problems and always ends deadly.
The overal risk for that complication that manifests years later was thought to be 1 in 100,000 cases of infection. Now it turns out that it is much higher for toddlers, especially for children unter 12 months ....
@jamieg2427 I think they are VERY willing "victims" they WANT to own the libz and they want "red meat" , they like the outrage porn. War on Christmas, gay marriage, going after transgender people, ....
Being riled up, persecution complex and contempt for others is one hell of a drug.
U.S. society for several reasons rewards grifters that build their business model or political career on that.
They deliver on the desir and rile up people (which get their needs met, so they are not critical all of what is provided).
The grift does not require hard work or being factual or excellence, just certain rhetorical skills and being tuned in with what kind of red meant te base wants. Trump did not have to work hard on his speeches, he winged it. no work, fact checking necessary.
It is a way how non-excellent people can progress. But there is some competition (no talent or diligence and can be highly lucrative) and they have to outcrazy each other to remain relevant. Politicians find that they cannot contro the monster they so cycnically helped to create.
See evanglicals. (Check out the channel HolyKoolaid, or - this time w/o satire and in earnest The Victory Channel).
Riled up people come back for more resentment porn and contrarian viewpoints, they are loayal (donors, voters, audience) but the grifters have to increase the dose over time. It gets crazier.
Religious leaders, radio hosts, right wing politicians. Dirty attack ads. Infotainement as a milder version of that. Or recently the Russiagate outrage campaign of neoliberals to distract from their defeat. Also: the U.S. media lusts openly for war, that does not happen in other countries either.
Those voters and grifters exist in other countries but they are not nearly as active, and there are restrictions of what they can pull off. Radio hosts making a doctor of an abortion clinic a target - that does not happen. Politiciands try to exploit xenophobia but have to restrict themselves, and they all stay clear of abortions, or gay rights.
There is asegment in the population that LIKEs to be that way and in the U.S. there are enough grifters around that pander to their worst instincts.
Trump had successfully run in 2016 as "outsider", but that did not work in 2020 when he was the sitting president.
he needed a wedge issue - and he, his cabinet and grifting Republican politcians detected they could hype up masks into being the next frontiere where fReEDom was defended and they could be CONTRARIAN.
I am sure many Republican politicians are meanwhile uncomfortable to how far they have to go. But they must go along, or they will be primaried, the pull-yourself-up crowd wants to keep the cushy post, they have no interest to struggle in a coporate world. The big donors do not mind on principle the nonsense - as long as they get tax cuts the occasional war, trad deals, and deregulation and subsidies.
Which they do get also from the far right. They find the distraction and division useful, they would fear when the right and left leaning voters would organize around common interests likelabor rights, or healthcare. Recently the oligarchs found things have gone too far, especially since someone like Biden is just their cup of tea.
That man / recovering CoVid 19 patient is a hunter I think that was a shot from a safari ?
He is not poor and has no lack in opportunity and can go to the internet like all o us.