Comments by "Diana Sims" (@dianasims6819) on "JUST IN: Karine Jean-Pierre Snaps At Reporters: ‘I’m Done With You’" video.

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  8.  @LastBruhStanding  I don't know what to say about trump. As far as I could see he did some good for this country. We were more united than I can remember. The president we have now is trying to tear us apart in any way he can whether it's by race or sexual preference or whatever he can come up with. This country has definitely gone downhill very fast in the last 2 years. And it all started with shutting down the pipelines and not letting us drill for oil anymore. That is what skyrocketed prices everywhere. Honestly I don't think either one of them should run again. There's too much controversy around both of them. We need to get someone younger and someone who has not a politician. There are several Representatives right now that I think would make good presidents. There is a black man that ran I believe in North Carolina I'm not sure I heard him speak once and I would vote for him in a heartbeat. There are a few representatives in Congress now that could run and I think they would do a good job. But we need to get those in their 70s and '80s totally out of it. They've been there too long and they have become rich off of our backs. The paycheck should not be higher than ours! I have never seen a job where the employees made more than the employer. That needs to stop. They're also needs to be term limits and age limits. I don't believe you should be able to run if you're over 60. I'm even thinking more like 50 or 55. This stress levels involved just don't go with aged people. And politicians who have money do not know how to not spend money. And it doesn't matter if it's theirs or not they're going to spend it. That too needs to stop. I think we need to decrease our government by about 70%. Especially the FBI and those that do not answer simple yes or no questions. I am sick to death of these run around questions where I don't even know what they're talking about but they're certainly not answering the questions. Or they say I don't know I'll have to get back to you on that. I never see where they get back to anyone. If you can't do your job you need to be fired. Do not care if you've been elected or not if you're not doing your job it's bye-bye. As far as the elections I'm thinking maybe we need to go back to Counting each vote and each vote counts. Whoever gets the most votes wins. And if you're running for an office you do not get to help count the votes! From what I understand that's what happened in Arizona she guess what the one that helped count the votes won at least that's the last I heard I feel very bad for Ricki Lake she should have won that
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  17.  @richardweber6130  when are you guys going to get it they all lie! Any politician lies. You have to try to figure out which ones lie in the least and which ones actually going to try to help the country and the American people. The one we got right now ain't doing anything for us. He's trying to tear us apart whether it's by color bisexual preference or whatever he can find. He's got the borders wide open anybody and everybody can come in. We've got criminals bringing in drugs we've got criminals bringing in guns and you guys want more gun control there you go that's going to help with the gun control oh my gosh! People wake up look around see what's going on! Do you want to continue with high inflation and no gasoline at all cuz they're going to force us to switch to electric vehicles which we cannot afford? Do you want an electric vehicle that you have to replace the battery every 2 years and it's tens of thousands of dollars each time? Oh and wait if you're in an accident in the vehicle catches fire it's gone because even if they get the fire out it starts up again all by itself. Oh and let's not forget that the electrical grid can't take it. California's already being told don't charge your cars the electrical grid can't take it. And they want to be all electrical they want to be the first ones. I don't understand why you guys can't see what's going on! And no I'm not a trump supporter at this point. But I am certainly not a Biden supporter cuz he's ruining this country every chance he gets
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