Comments by "Gazz, ASc, AdHd." (@ascgazz7347) on "High Court blocks plan for UK's first new deep coal mine in 30 years" video.
Seems you’re crying for attention over nothing mate. Allow me to help.
So, you say the average age is 50, then rant about them all being pensioners?
Pensioners are a decade and a half older, many still working past the age, too.
Secondly, probably filmed during work hours, how many kids and “working age” are knocking around to film this during the day?
(You’d probably complain about them being there and not working, if they were there too)
Thirdly, the average age of the population is rising, the birth rate is dropping, so get used to seeing older people mate.
..and if you’re really lucky, one day you’ll get old yourself.
Not holding my breath for ‘wiser’ along with it. 😂
@Behaving_Golem well, your first two paragraphs implied that you could show critical thinking beyond the ability of your first attempt, that’s interesting for its own reasons but I’ll gloss over it for now.
Your third paragraph went all abstract. It was an interesting story straight from your imagination, but mostly incorrect. I see little point in correcting much but I’m definitely not a boomer, but I’ll take that as a compliment towards my 45 years lived experience, most of which working with young people.. I do have higher than average IQ, and have lived a lot so I do carry more than average experience for my age. Well spotted. 🫡
So you are more than welcome to imagine things about me, but it only serves to demonstrate that you could well be imagining other things too, no?
Since we (regrettably) kicked all the Europeans out we have a lot more vacancies for work in this country, as well as a good employment rate, what I suspect however, is that you may be from a less wealthy or rural area where there do tend to be less opportunities for young job seekers, who like in my own extra rural county leave at a rapid rate, or at least the ones that can afford to.
What I’m saying is that it’s no good if a job exists for someone, if that someone lives miles away/lacks resources to travel to said employment.
Get it, Einstein?
So rest assured I am far from “confused”, my angry, yet somewhat imaginative buddy.
Maybe you can ask me anything else you’re curious about, that is if reality has any meaning to you at all.
“Boomer”. That’s tickled me.
It’s only the young and petulant, or just plain low intelligence people that attack another on their age.
(It’s a special kind of tool that guesses the age, and still launches the attack based on fiction LOL)
You’ll notice I’m not asking you many questions.
Maybe you can work out why that might be, on your own. Eh?
Passive aggressive kiss emoji too, wow, you really know how to treat a chap like a king. 🫠
You’re just not my type, sorry.