Comments by "" (@Pythoner) on "How Nomads in Siberia Shower and Spend Their Sundays at −64°C (−84°F)? Yakutia" video.
@urankhaysakha No, what happened is that Voroshilov was in charge of the war initially. He was incompetent, spread out Red Army efforts over the entire length of the Finnish border, and made the same mistakes over and over with the Finns throwing back one Soviet assault after another.
Stalin eventually had him replaced with Timoshenko who reassessed the situation, decided to focus forces just on the Karelian Isthmus, and within a month had launched an operation which broke through Finnish defenses there and alarmed the Finnish leadership enough to sue for peace in return for the territories that Stalin initially demanded. There was no retreat or whatever, I'm not sure where you got this from.
Stalin's main goal was not Finland joining the USSR. There were 6 months of negotiations between the USSR and Finland before the war began, where Stalin offered Finland territory in Karelia in return for Finland ceding territory on the Karelian Isthmus, north of Leningrad, as Stalin wanted a larger buffer for Leningrad. He also wanted several islands in the Gulf of Finland. The Finns refused, as the Soviet demands reached past the Mannerheim line, which was their main defensive line.
It was this territory that was Stalin's main goal. But once the war started then of course, if the opportunity appeared to make puppet out of Finland then it would have been taken.
@jariyrjanainen8770 yes we occupied Finnish people's "living space", but the Finnish people were not opposed; they went from one ruler to another, they had and never had any polity of their own or cities of their own, they lived in villages and life progressed for them as it always had. Stop trying to pretend like you were liberated under the Swedes and oppressed under the Russians.
There was no alliance between the USSR and Nazi Germany. Why in that case was Molotov denouncing Germany at the League of Nations throughout the 30s, and then the USSR and Germany/Italy fought a proxy war against each other in Spain? What there was a non-aggression pact for each to buy time, at the expense of peoples in between - but that's the way it is between the big boys.
In any case, if you're not complaining about Germany, that you are lambasting us for an alliance with, and are buddy-buddy with them yourself today, then you have nothing to complain with Russia about. We're not ruled by Stalin these days, it's not the USSR either.
Yeah, look I sympathize with Finland, honestly, I know we stole your land and everything, although the point was buffer defensive territories not conquest for the sake of conquest. But you're mistaken if you're trying to draw an analogy to the Ukraine here. Because it was never their land for us to come and steal, it was always our land and the land of our ancestors but in 1991 no-one cared because we thought, we're all Slavs, it doesn't matter if Russian land ends up in the Ukraine or whatever. Anyway, there was a war in the Ukraine in 2014-2015, they signed a peace agreement, but they didn't stick to the peace agreement, and all the more so they started inviting NATO troops onto their territory and bringing their own troops to the contact line, and now the war has restarted and we will liberate our people from Ukrainian rule. It doesn't matter if it goes on for years or whatever. It will be done. And if you're friends with the Ukrainians so then tell them not to make the same mistake next time and stick to the peace treaties it has signed. There will be peace again and there will be a new border, where it will be depends on how quickly the Ukraine and NATO sober up and return to the negotiations that they abandoned in April 2022 in Istanbul.