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Jonathan Noble Esquire
Comments by "surfshack2" (@surfshack2) on "Jonathan Noble Esquire" channel.
The worst thing you can do is fall for a narcissist. It can kill you. It almost killed me.
Accurate description. I experienced the "whatever you've done i've done it better" from my ex. It's a personality disorder. It can go back and forth in their minds that they love you and then they don't. You will be left not knowing what to believe except you feel sick mentally and physically from the abuse and feel anxiety leaving you doubting yourself. The narcissist person will have you an abused wreck and you won't even recognize yourself. Then they will discard you. And the discard will be punishing. It will be an extremely confusing and heartbreaking situation. Just leave by any means , I don't care if you have to jump out the window at 3am to escape , just do what you have to do to save yourself. It is not a joke.
Instead of getting married I think i'll go play my guitar instead.
The woman you idealize with all your heart could very well be not anything like you imagined. And it can happen in ANY situation. Think logically, go slowly in the relationship, be observant and investigate their background.
This happened to me but I split and went no contact before I married or over spent my money. She got me for a boob job but that was basically it $4500. It could’ve and would’ve been a lot worse. A lot worse believe me. It’s not only the money but more importantly my mental and physical health.
Cell phones , social media and 24/7 access has almost instantly changed everything and it'll never go back to the way it used to be. You can't win against her cell phone.
The stress of someone cheating on you or disrespecting you in a relationship is one thing but when you are married it's on a whole nother level. These modern times sure aren't like your daddy's era. People are just blatantly mistreating each other in the name of greed and disrespect and dishonor. It's immature, ugly and disheartening.
We are living in female times. All a man can do is smile back. Just don’t fall in love. 🤣
Your gut and intuition will tell you. Listen to it.
Most times at that point you don’t even care about the money, you just want to get away from that person. You just want peace. That’s how bad it gets.
Be careful bragging to a woman. You could be giving away intel to the enemy and everything can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have to be careful of everything these days.
Hmmmm let me pick...peace or marriage. 🤔Hmmm that's a tough one. Ahhh, I think i'll pick peace. But that's just me. 🤷♂ 🤣
If you get destroyed nobody cares. Maybe a couple people like your mother and maybe another family member but that's it nobody else's up to you and you alone to make the right decisions. Marriage and partners are the most important decision and there are manipulative/narcissistic people everywhere who deceive. It happened to me, i was deceived by the one girl who i never would of thought would ever deceive but yes she did...she didn't care....I am just extremely lucky i didn't marry her. Like Jonathan says "It happens everyday"
It’s now 2025 and you’re still seeing these cases??
They're dream killers 🤨
Don’t get married buy a guitar instead (that would make a great bumper sticker actually).
I appreciate your help Jonathan. To all the guys out there be careful… remember the devil comes with a pretty face not with the look of the grim reaper. Set your boundaries from minute one in any relationship.
An old guy told me once when i was in my early 20's. He said, let me tell you something about women and i quote ..."the f'ing you give aint worth the f'ing you'll get". At least the kid is recognizing the red flags. I know what he's going through, i went through it. She's got him coming and going because he's p-napped. She has the Golden P and he is all up in it and she KNOWS it! My advice to him is Don't do it. It's too fast. Never do or sign anything under duress. Never. If she really does like him , she'll wait. And if she's a narcissist she will show her colors within 3-6 months. I would tell her that too. I am not rushing into marriage. If she asks how long I'd say at least 2-3 years. And even then i don't know. Marriage these days is a bad deal for men.
"Don't marry them." "Why?" Because you're gonna end up in my office and you aint gonna like that." Lol
Bad relationships/situations happen all the time these days. We live in a disposable world and now people, their feelings , who they are etc....are disposable.
They're all good pills. My ex was mean and wanted what she wanted right then and there. She was like a 5 year old. Very pretty but completely psycho.
It's incredible that they get away with the promise of "I love you" , "I love you forever" , "You are my soulmate" and all those other lies and then guys take the bait and it friggin' destroys their life. And women get away with this. It's just incredible that society is ok with destroying men's lives. I say Hey If that's how it goes down and you don't care about me then i don't care about you. I will protect myself and never get married. I won't even cohabitate.
The law doesn't care about you , they just want access to everything and marriage is the perfect way in. Great video Jonathan , you didn't have to reveal this but you did and i commend you for it.
Yes anybody that exhausts you in a relationship, it’s a form of abuse. It has to be from trauma from their past and then taking it out on you. You can sense it in your gut that something’s off. Trust your gut feeling. Like Jonathan says it’s not your job to fix them. Ultimately it will not end well for you.
And she never will be
There’s manipulators and manipulation everywhere and they’ll be coming for you if you got something. Women can be the worst because it’s personal.
Hey Jonathan , Are you a noble guy?
One classic thing my ex did was start something chaotic to see if I would stick up for her even if she was completely in the wrong. I mean insane and crazy things that I must’ve been out of my mind to buy into it. And yes get you to financially commit and cause fights and try to get you back with sex. I completely lost myself. She did do self harm and nothing was ever enough or really appreciated. You gotta run you are being abused and she will leave you at your worst time and leave you destroyed and broken. I could go on and on. Completely crazy and she will turn you into a crazy person if you don’t get out.
Ok here's a shot of reality. Things that you accumulate together in a marriage or things that you as the man worked to get and being a good person shared it with this other person...well when the sh*t hits the fan in the relationship and you're dealing with massive stress and maybe develop bad health or they could possibly benefit from you dying or becoming sick, well they'll encourage that and will try to make you even more stressed out to where it becomes a battle of will. It can get VERY ugly of the worst kind of human spirit. Be very careful of anybody that you enter a contract with.
They don’t make them like Adrian anymore.
Yes that is exactly how they are.
I got into a relationship with a narcissist and all I got out of it was a scrambled brain.
I agree , life is busy enough.
I would never open anything in an obscure email or anything like that. It gets deleted immediately. That's also why i got off social media like Facebook and instagram. You don't know people from seeing them online even if you knew them from 20-30 years ago. So you gotta protect yourself. Hey Jonathan if you like guitar , you gotta get the BOSS JS-10. 👍
ELO does a song called "Evil Woman" , whenever i hear it I pay attention to the words now.
🤣 Omg that’s a good one.
You can buy a Brian Setzer Nashville '59 Signature Smoke G6120T!
I have nothing to worry about because I’m A sexual 🤣
You can't change the essence/core of a person of what they are on the inside despite what the outside appearance looks like or whatever or how you idealize/pedalstalize of who you'd like them to be. What they are inside is what they are and if it's crap then it's crap, i don't care if they look like a super model. If something's off and you can tell , take warning because it will get worse and make you more and more miserable. Love your videos Jonathan...people need to hear reality.
My ex was a narcissist and she almost killed me. Completely nutz! They don't stop. Ever. I was targeted and setup before the relationship even began. You think you are getting a beautiful relationship with your soulmate but what you're really getting is a crazy psychopath who doesn't care about you and is conning you out of everything until you have nothing. You will be left spiritually and financially destroyed and suicidal.
What used to be something that was necessary to raise children and a family has turned into a way for lawyers to make money. But what happens when there is no more families.
I never married and life is good. There ain’t many good women out there anymore
Yes absolutely , this happened to me but at least i was smart enough not to marry or cohabitate. The main reason i continued to fix is because i idealized this girl and i was afraid if i stopped fixing then she would have left me. Ultimately what happened was i became so worn out mentally and physically and stressed that i just couldn't do it anymore. The pain of ending the relationship hurt but i stayed no contact and eventually in time i got better and now i realize how stupid i was and fortunate to avoid marriage because she was pushing marriage. It would've been a disaster. Remember to always be in control of your actions in any situation you get into, never let anyone dictate or control you no matter who it is.
Uncle Jon, you're a good man. I always liked the drums too, one day I'm gonna get a set.
There you go. This is from a professional in the field with a lot of experience.
Man Sly got finessed by that old bird. I bet he didn't have a prenup or not a strong one because he got a tattoo of her on his arm. It kinda shows where his head was at , she probably told him he was the love of her life etc , he fell for it and didn't protect his assets like he should have. But the thing is is that life changes , it can completely change to the point he could end up hating her and then he's gotta give her half his money. And at his age it's not something he should have to go through. Maybe at 76 he'll finally learn his lesson. I can hear Mick now....."Ahhhh Rocky"
Very good. You know when I was a kid I was made to believe men were the evil ones who took advantage of women but now as I am an adult an older, I realize that that’s not the case at all.
So you're saying never get married.
Uh-oh now you’re bustin out the tele
Yes 100% exactly.