Comments by "" (@creditelectric) on "Andrews labelled 'dangerous' and 'arrogant' during fiery question time" video.
@imkuntox The government boogey man, I do have sufficient acumen to work out how s apply chain to the market may work. "Free thinkers" are merely frightened cut & pasters while calling others sheep to ingratiate themselves, as far as Dan is concerned the electorate will decide & will get it mainly right, both sides have issues obviously, thankfully we have compulsory voting with a very high participation rate that mainly keeps fringe dwellers like Cory & Pauline on the fringe & allows them to make noise, feel important, a pressure valve for their following that ensures a safer environment for the saner people who in the main recognise they are loopy & sit back & have a smirk or express understandable outrage from time to time. Bill Clinton,I did not have sexual relations with that woman, I guess the semen stained clothing wrapped in plastic is still hanging somewhere, I hope they had a good time.Monica is still a very attractive woman, but there was no shock horror, people around them knew & it was between two people nothing more & further, no ones friggin business.Storm in tea cup.Dinosaurs?Extinct, gone forever an upscaled Rooster with a killer instinct, there will never be a complete definitive answer, but no one is lying, so pointless to do so, but they definitely existed with fossils & footprints left, such a non issue, but interesting.Look at a duck,a rooster, similarities & T Rex was formidable. I will trust the science every time but not those who denigrate it by constructing a hypothesis first & cherry pick to support it while disregarding non supporting evidence, this is common in the anti science movement & is part of the baggage.None of it is that scary. WMD'S, monstrous but so was Saddam, who set that one up & there is neighbouring Iran, the region should be paradise, it is not appropriate to denigrate the people, outside influences have had a hand in this mess.9/11 Buildings hit widespread physical damage & carnage get over it, Titanic hit iceberg 1912 again same, which made Costa Concordia 2012 even more incredible almost 100 years later & emphasised vulnerabilities.Nothing is infallible, but I will have my annual flu shot thanks.
@imkuntox The straw man is getting desperate.Have you heard of OCD? There are things you cannot do anything about nor are you in a position to prove or disprove, those who continually agitate over such issues do pick the wrong mark occasionally, Buzz Aldrin V's that inane idiot who denied his mission all those decades ago comes to mind. Have you seen a dinosaur? Enough evidence of their existence to satisfy trust worthy credible academia to counter any tin foil ideas & conspiracies. 1979, Saddam marched his opposition out of a large gathering & they were never seen again, he conducted purges, that is a fractured country where gruesome acts have occurred towards those in power, go back to 1948, Britain left a mess, then in 1958 the Crown princes dismembered remains were dragged through the streets & strung up & the entire Royal family were shot.Great place depending on which side you were on. Last point you try to make is insightful & portrays a narrow, limited view of life, a divisive mindset & naive. People can have their faith & accept the sciences, it is called pluralism & it is an ingredient of a peaceful coexistence that fanatics & hate groups will never appreciate.