Comments by "" (@creditelectric) on "Andrews labelled 'dangerous' and 'arrogant' during fiery question time" video.

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  6.  @imkuntox  The government boogey man, I do have sufficient acumen to work out how s apply chain to the market may work. "Free thinkers" are merely frightened cut & pasters while calling others sheep to ingratiate themselves, as far as Dan is concerned the electorate will decide & will get it mainly right, both sides have issues obviously, thankfully we have compulsory voting with a very high participation rate that mainly keeps fringe dwellers like Cory & Pauline on the fringe & allows them to make noise, feel important, a pressure valve for their following that ensures a safer environment for the saner people who in the main recognise they are loopy & sit back & have a smirk or express understandable outrage from time to time. Bill Clinton,I did not have sexual relations with that woman, I guess the semen stained clothing wrapped in plastic is still hanging somewhere, I hope they had a good time.Monica is still a very attractive woman, but there was no shock horror, people around them knew & it was between two people nothing more & further, no ones friggin business.Storm in tea cup.Dinosaurs?Extinct, gone forever an upscaled Rooster with a killer instinct, there will never be a complete definitive answer, but no one is lying, so pointless to do so, but they definitely existed with fossils & footprints left, such a non issue, but interesting.Look at a duck,a rooster, similarities & T Rex was formidable. I will trust the science every time but not those who denigrate it by constructing a hypothesis first & cherry pick to support it while disregarding non supporting evidence, this is common in the anti science movement & is part of the baggage.None of it is that scary. WMD'S, monstrous but so was Saddam, who set that one up & there is neighbouring Iran, the region should be paradise, it is not appropriate to denigrate the people, outside influences have had a hand in this mess.9/11 Buildings hit widespread physical damage & carnage get over it, Titanic hit iceberg 1912 again same, which made Costa Concordia 2012 even more incredible almost 100 years later & emphasised vulnerabilities.Nothing is infallible, but I will have my annual flu shot thanks.
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