Comments by "Hyok Kim" (@hyokkim7726) on "Genocide in China is Worse Than You Think" video.

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  15.  @faaldeyra  ''Not to mention there were and still are a considerable amount of people against making Hawaii a state'' - faaldeyra ''Hawaii became a state in 1959 toward the tail end of WWII, relatively shortly after Pearl Harbor. This was done pretty much alongside Alaska becoming a state.'' - faaldeyra So why had you said there are still a considerable amount of people against making Hawaii a state? ''''Stop talking about my home if you don't know its history. (Notice I'm playing your game now)'' - faaldeyra ''Well, do you?'' - Hyok Kim ''7) Yes, I do, considering you had to ask if Hawaii was a state makes me wonder. Do YOU?'' - faaldeyra You claimed that there are a still considerable amount of people against making Hawaii a state. ''Not to mention there were and still are a considerable amount of people against making Hawaii a state'' - faaldeyra Why are you lying? ''2) You cannot be born a hypocrite. By your logic, since everyone's ancestors participated in slavery & conquer culture, nobody can have an opinion.'' Where had I said, ''You can be a born hypocrite.'' Where had I said, ''Nobody can have an opinion since everyone's ancestors participated in slavery & conquer culture.''? Why are you lying? ''3) Yes, it's ignorant based on my answer to the previous question.'' - faaldeyra ''Not to mention there were and still are a considerable amount of people against making Hawaii a state'' - faaldeyra ''and it was the best possible outcome considering the fact that there was an entire world war.'' - faaldeyra There was no world war during the annexation of Hawaii. ''4) I don't care what Russia says. I have a problem with your line of thinking.'' - faaldeyra What kind of problem? Too much honesty, and logical consistency for you? ''It was a little less than half of Native Hawaiians that protested the annexation, with the rest being in favor of it and also wanting it to become a state.'' - faaldeyra ''The overthrow of Lili'uokalani and imposition of the Republic of Hawaii was contrary to the will of the native Hawaiians. In fact, there had been a series of rebellions by Native Hawaiians since the imposition of the Bayonet Constitution in 1887. On January 5, 1895, during the "Wilcox Rebellion," an armed revolt was suppressed by Republic of Hawaii forces. The leaders of the revolt were imprisoned along with Queen Lili'uokalani. In March of 1897, William McKinley was inaugurated as President of the United States. McKinley was in favor of annexation, and the change in leadership was soon felt. On June 16, 1897, McKinley and three representatives of the government of the Republic of Hawaii – Lorrin Thurston, Francis Hatch, and William Kinney – signed a treaty of annexation. President McKinley then submitted the treaty to the U.S. Senate for ratification. Queen Liliuokalani and her fellow citizens successfully protested the annexation by petitioning Congress. Two Hawaiian groups, Hui Aloha 'Aina and Hui Kulai'aina, one group for men and one for women, organized a mass petition drive. They hoped that if the U.S. government realized that the majority of native Hawaiian citizens opposed annexation, the move to annex Hawaii would be stopped.'' ''7) Yes, I do, considering you had to ask if Hawaii was a state makes me wonder. Do YOU?'' - faaldeyra Why are you making up stories?
  16.  @faaldeyra  ''Not to mention there were and still are a considerable amount of people against making Hawaii a state'' - faaldeyra ''Hawaii became a state in 1959 toward the tail end of WWII, relatively shortly after Pearl Harbor. This was done pretty much alongside Alaska becoming a state.'' - faaldeyra WW2 ended in 1945; Pear Harbor happened in 1941. ''and it was the best possible outcome considering the fact that there was an entire world war.'' - faaldeyra There was no world war during the annexation of Hawaii. ''It was a little less than half of Native Hawaiians that protested the annexation, with the rest being in favor of it and also wanting it to become a state.'' - faaldeyra ''The overthrow of Lili'uokalani and imposition of the Republic of Hawaii was contrary to the will of the native Hawaiians. In fact, there had been a series of rebellions by Native Hawaiians since the imposition of the Bayonet Constitution in 1887. On January 5, 1895, during the "Wilcox Rebellion," an armed revolt was suppressed by Republic of Hawaii forces. The leaders of the revolt were imprisoned along with Queen Lili'uokalani. In March of 1897, William McKinley was inaugurated as President of the United States. McKinley was in favor of annexation, and the change in leadership was soon felt. On June 16, 1897, McKinley and three representatives of the government of the Republic of Hawaii – Lorrin Thurston, Francis Hatch, and William Kinney – signed a treaty of annexation. President McKinley then submitted the treaty to the U.S. Senate for ratification. Queen Liliuokalani and her fellow citizens successfully protested the annexation by petitioning Congress. Two Hawaiian groups, Hui Aloha 'Aina and Hui Kulai'aina, one group for men and one for women, organized a mass petition drive. They hoped that if the U.S. government realized that the majority of native Hawaiian citizens opposed annexation, the move to annex Hawaii would be stopped.''
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