Comments by "Eric Taylor" (@ejtaylor73) on "Wife Meltsdown after Man Puts Boundary in Place" video.

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  2. The cope is strong with you two women. "...never even spoke to someone APART FROM..." meaning you had interaction with another person. "I have two one hears from either of them for weeks..." Just because you and those you know don't hear from them does not mean your aunts aren't interacting with other people. Resorting to the same tactic of insulting and trying to shame someone, "I don’t think you know any/many women..." you made an assumption to insult, and coming up with bad faith arguments trying to prove yourself right. In the military I sat side by side with many women for 12 hour shifts and they couldn't go 5 minutes without having to talk. "Observation is the best teacher," and women now-a-days put everything on social media, which gives me MILLIONS of women to observe and see patterns in their behaviors. You should go back and read the comment and actually comprehend it. I said "...and not talk to another person..." One argument says you did interact with another person proving your own argument invalid, the other says what someone else is doing without actually knowing what that person does because they aren't there to see what they are doing, again proving their own argument invalid. Agreeing with a bad faith argument trying to validate that argument proves the argument itself is wrong. A good argument can stand on it's own without validation, because it is based on facts not assumptions and bad faith. "Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the WRONG." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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