Comments by "ARK CON" (@arkcon714) on "How far are world leaders willing to go to punish Russia?" video.

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  32.  @bigpacthatseazye3462  why would I want to shut it down? I'm winning as you scramble about nonsense Let's talk about how this is really going, my original comment was about how the economy has bounced back and the cost of gas is about 40 cents a liter, both 100% true. I posted the articles that talked about how the sections are not having the desired effect and they used the ruble as one of many examples. As for the atrocities, you keep believing the media that has lied every step of the way, I'm sure this time they are telling the truth....BAAAAA BAAAAA Outside investment is irrelevant, the economy has bounced back and that is a fact, the sanctions are having more effect on the day to day lives of the west then they are to the Russian people and that is a fact. I couldn't care less about the super rich and the fact you keep trying g to use them as an example of the economy as a whole says a lot about you. Again the reason the pound to the dollar was brought up is because you said Yvonne "fact checked" me when all she brought up was the rubble to the dollar so what exactly did she fact check me on if this measurement is irrelevant and either way I never brought that up until you said she fact checked me, you are backpedaling so fast you are tripping g over your own argument. Inflation os hurting the west more then it is hurting the average Russian which is why it is a relevant argument and what the economy is. Who cares of the super rich get hurt, they aren't as effected by inflation anyways And no I meant intellectual junior because calling you junior clearly triggered you. I get you are trying to slip in a win here but you got owned junior, you need to accept this reality I said the economy has bounced back and gas and groceries are cheap in Russia, this is a fact. You are the one that is gaslighting trying to change the subject, I never mentioned the ruble in comparison to the dollar. The article talked about that as well as other things but the point of the article is the sanctions are not having the desired effect which they aren't. You keep owning yourself by saying me bringing up 60% of Canadians can't afford their monthly bills is gaslighting then bring up Russian oligarchs getting g hurt by sanctions as proof their economy is collapsing. You are the one who brought up education as you clearly feel inferior and you can't even define what a woman is. I'm not going to hear about education or intellect from a lefty that can't define what a kindergartener can define
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