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Comments by "ARK CON" (@arkcon714) on "COVID-19: Netherlands introduces strict lockdown over Christmas to contain Omicron" video.
@salsa564 why do you lefties think posting facts is trolling?
@r.m2192 shouldn't be but most certainly is one. The left has firmly taken the position that collective rights trump individual rights so they have no place in western society
@darlene2709 The ‘Danmask-19 trial’ was conducted in the spring with over 6,000 participants, when the public were not being told to wear masks but other public health measures were in place. Unlike other studies looking at masks, the Danmask study was a randomised controlled trial – making it the highest quality scientific evidence. Around half of those in the trial received 50 disposable surgical face masks, which they were told to change after eight hours of use. After one month, the trial participants were tested using both PCR, antibody and lateral flow tests and compared with the trial participants who did not wear a mask. In the end, there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19.
@pandorachild you talking about the largest protest movement of all time and uts not even close? The reason we are still "in this" is because of sheep like you who are so afraid of the sniffles that you grab your ankles and say boost me daddy government
@pandorachild we sre on the right side, freedom is always the right side. You are the new brownshirts and your day is coming
@pandorachild omicron almost exclusively effects the fully vaxxed and almost half are in the triple jabbed so enough of the nonsense
@thejeffinvade like staying up till 5 in the morning making up nonsense like you do? Hahahahahahahahahahaha Poor jeffy
@alexp7984 that is a fact, the jab has ended a ridiculous amount more people then omicron
@darlene2709 Background Containment of the COVID-19 pandemic requires evidence-based strategies to reduce transmission. Because COVID-19 can spread via respired droplets, many states have mandated mask use in public settings. Randomized control trials have not clearly demonstrated mask efficacy against respiratory viruses, and observational studies conflict on whether mask use predicts lower infection rates. We hypothesized that statewide mask mandates and mask use are associated with lower COVID-19 case growth rates in the United States. Methods We calculated total COVID-19 case growth and mask use for the continental United States with data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. We estimated post-mask mandate case growth in non-mandate states using median issuance dates of neighboring states with mandates. Results Case growth was not significantly different between mandate and non-mandate states at low or high transmission rates, and surges were equivocal. Mask use predicted lower case growth at low, but not high transmission rates. Growth rates were comparable between states in the first and last mask use quintiles adjusted for normalized total cases early in the pandemic and unadjusted after peak Fall-Winter infections. Mask use did not predict Summer 2020 case growth for non-Northeast states or Fall-Winter 2020 growth for all continental states. Conclusions Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges. Containment requires future research and implementation of existing efficacious strategies.
@darlene2709 hahahahahaha if natural immunity doesn't work why exactly would an old vaxx work? Hahahahahahahahaha poor Amelia
@darlene2709 Facebook finally admitted the truth: The “fact checks” that social media use to police what Americans read and watch are just “opinion.” That’s thanks to a lawsuit brought by celebrated journalist John Stossel, which has exposed the left’s supposed battle against “misinformation” as a farce. There's a lot of reason to doubt their reporting, remember southwest airlines?
@darlene2709 again Amelia those are third party "fact checkers" not employed by Facebook. It is the same as the people you is to spread your misinformation so you can stop pretending, we caught you anti science maskers red handed
@thejeffinvade poor jeffy
@darlene2709 remember when you claimed that there hasn't been a single person who has died that was fully vaxxed and wore masks? Hahahahahahahaha remember that? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
@r.m2192 no you don't, if you did you wouldn't be spouting such nonsense. The right is about choice and individual freedom we couldn't care less about what words alienate you softy lefties
@r.m2192 I explained why your line of thinking makes you a lefty. The fact that you ignored it and just asserted your own nonsense just confirms it
@pandorachild every study done shows the restrictions will end more lives then the sniffles ever would have
@pandorachild grab those ankles and say "boost me daddy government" don't want people getting the sniffles
@darlene2709 Colin powel? The guy who was fully vaxxed and wore a mask all the time and died of the coof? Ready to admit to the millions of others in the same boat? Hahahahahahahahaha As for measles guess who doesn't catch the measles when it bounces back? Hahahahahahaha go on just guess! The people who are vaxxed against it, even if they got the vax 30 years ago and there's no boosters needed! Hahahahahahaha Poor Amelia
@darlene2709 you are terrible at debating! Hahahahahhahahaha Also stop liking your own comments, it's pathetic
@thejeffinvade poor Jeffy, can't handle that you got owned and called out for lying so you desperately want to have the last word
@CosmicHarmony58 pot, meet kettle
@bloodnwine it os of course you that is exposing yourself as a sheep Now grab those ankles and say "boost me harder daddy government"
@twilight444m5 spoken like a true communist
@darlene2709 how many times do you need to be owned on Florida before you stop spreading misinformation?
@twilight444m5 luckily the marxist algorithm can't detect sarcasm yet
miguel sanchez that's obvious nonsense, the lefties are always the useful idiots used by the government to oppress the freedom loving conservatives. Whether it was the bolsheviks or the brownshirts its always the government following lefties that usher in totalitarianism
@thejeffinvade not nearly as much as you do it apparently staying up till 5 am then getting in your teleporter and transporting yourself to BC Is that what your fake PHD is in? You'd think a chemical engineer would have better things to do then try to get the last word in on YouTube! Hahahahaha Ready to at least admit you made all that up or are we keeping the delusion going?
miguel sanchez that's obvious nonsense, the west very clearly and obviously supported the white Russian army even with the US invading Russia in 1919 to try to overthrow the bolsheviks Open a history book kid
miguel sanchez are you listening to yourself? Did you even know the US actually invaded Russia in 1919? No, you didn't. In 1917 Russia was fighting in WW1 and was not communist, you are reading commie propaganda and getting reality confused. At that time the Czar was in power and Russia was fighting Germany, providing a passport hardly compares to invading Russia in 1919. You have no idea what you are talking about and are just repeating nonsense commie propaganda. The only reason they cooperated at all with the soviets in ww2 was to stop the Germans. Churchill famously said we shouldn't stop marching until we reach Moscow. Communism is the most destructive ideology the world has ever seen ending at least 100 million lives in the 20th century
miguel sanchez you got owned so now you are talking about 9/11? Stop reading commie propaganda
miguel sanchez you haven't brought up a single fact, all you did was bring up nonsense conspiracy theories and lies. Yes the corporations supplied both sides, the US was neutral until pearl harbor was attacked, this is an example of the government knowing and encouraging something to happen but did actually do it. They didn't paint their planes with Japanese colors and bomb their own harbor. You are just making up nonsense, America invaded Russia in 1919 after the end of ww1 to overthrow the bolsheviks, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you just make up nonsense? Where did you hear this? Answer the question you coward, where did you hear this? It's obvious nonsense for in 1917 america was on the western front not invading Russia, where sre you getting this nonsense? The American corporations didn't supply the soviets until they were ordered to by FDR. What you forget is that Germany was considered the most cultured and intellectual country on earth before ww2. They didn't even believe the stories coming out of the camps when they were first reported. As for wtc7 you can believe whatever nonsense you want but the Whitehouse couldn't even cover up oral sex. I do believe they let 9/11 happen but to say they planned it and placed charges in the towers is nonsense tin foil hat conspiracy theory nonsense. You have watched too many silly "documentaries" like zeitgeist which is so full of misinformation its almost unbelievable. Even their nonsense about religion in that silly movie is so full of nonsense that you could easily disprove with even the smallest amount of research but people like you don't so any research, you watch an internet movie and run with it. Wtc7 caught on fire from wreckage that hit it from the other buildings. The fire melted the structural supports and it fell. That's what happened champ. The government is incompetent and couldn't keep something like that secret for so long. You need to grow up and stop watching internet movies. Now are you going to acknowledge that you have no idea what you are talking about and are basing all of these nonsense conspiracies on zeitgeist.
miguel sanchez the October Revolution in Russia would herald the establishment of the Soviet Union and the rise of communism as a global movement. However, the Bolsheviks’ power play resulted in years of warfare, civil and otherwise, with the remnants of the White Russian provisional government, their supporters amongst the Allied powers and rampaging local warlords across the vastness of imperial Russia.Many have forgotten that more than thirteen thousand American soldiers battled the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War, and over four hundred would lay down their lives on frozen Arctic and Siberian battlefields, in an ill-conceived attempt to tilt the outcome of that conflict.
miguel sanchez cite your source that America invaded Russia in 1917 This ought to be good
miguel sanchez hahahahahahahahaha "official government documents" no champ, I'm not relying on Wikipedia, this is well known historical fact that you can find from 100s of sources. Show me these "official government documents" where did you acquire these? Are you listening to yourself? Why did they send in soldiers to fight the bolsheviks if they were also sending them money? You are truly a low intellect person
miguel sanchez this is why nobody takes people like you seriously, one person writes a book in stark contrast to the facts and you just buy it hook line and sinker
miguel sanchez nothing you've saod is a fact and it's of course you that won't address the facts I've presented Name your source that showed in 1917 America invaded to help the bolsheviks because that silly book you cited says absolutely nothing about that You got owned, deal with it
miguel sanchez nothing you've saod is a fact and it's of course you that won't address the facts I've presented Name your source that showed in 1917 America invaded to help the bolsheviks because that silly book you cited says absolutely nothing about that
miguel sanchez your source=conspiracy theory nonsense
miguel sanchez you can fund dozens of engineer reports showing how it collapsed Show me a single source that says the US invaded Russia in 1917 to assist the bolsheviks. That book you cited says absolutely nothing like that showing you neve actually read that book you just read what someone else said about it Cite anything resembling a credible source
miguel sanchez 1) it wasn't a perfect implosion and you'd know that if you actually read the multiple engineering reports on it instead of watching silly videos on the internet 2) again, stop watching silly internet videos and read the engineer reports 3) no it didn't, stop watching silly internet videos and read the engineer reports, honestly this is the silliest thing you've said yet and that's saying something. That most certainly would not be a good way to take down a building for it would be more dangerous and more expensive. It shows how desperate you are bringing up such ridiculous nonsense. Just because a fire can and did cause something similar to a controlled demolition doesn't mean it always would so why would companies do this? Are you listening to yourself? Still waiting on a single source that says the US invaded Russia in 1917 to assist the bolsheviks because that silly book you cited about Wallstreet says absolutely nothing about that. I get you want to move on from this subject and just concentrate on your latest tin foil hat but cite your source that the US invaded Russia in 1917 to help the bolsheviks
miguel sanchez please try to fully think out your messages before posting them
miguel sanchez stop watching silly internet videos and read the multiple engineering reports Now, let's hear you source on the US invading Russia in 1917 to help the bolsheviks. Are you avoiding answering this because you have no source?
miguel sanchez it didn't and who exactly is paying me? Why won't you comment on your imaginary source that said the US invaded Russia in 1917 to help the bolsheviks? Ready to admit that bever happened until 1919 and it was to fight the bolsheviks?
@chrislim7976 In Canada, medical errors account for 28,000 deaths yearly, according to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute which campaigns to reduce that number. Errors are said to be the third leading cause of death in Canada after cancer and heart disease, and every minute and 18 seconds someone is injured from unintended harm. Literally twice as likely to die from going to the hospital then getting covid and almost 10,000x more likely to have permanent injury then from covid so when does the vaccine against doctors, nurses and hospitals come out?
@chrislim7976 no problem, give me back my tax dollars for I dont want to pay for your delusions
@chrislim7976 if you think you are in more danger of the coof then you are of dying from medical malpractice in Canada it is in fact you that is delusional
@chrislim7976 you seem to be desperate to come uo with a rebuttal but can't Just saying
@thejeffinvade this coming from the guy that invents fake PHDs and pretends to be in different provinces