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Comments by "" (@louistournas120) on "Gaza protests: Quebec judge rejects McGill injunction request to dismantle encampment" video.
There is info on the web about how much territory the Palestinians have been losing for the last 20 y. The West Bank is essentially all taken over. I think this is what sparked the war.
@serioustoday That's a good law. I want a neutral government.
What was the point of that convoy thing? They did not want to wear masks?
@dixonpinfold2582 I see.
What was the point that truckers were trying to make? Freedom for what?
Because protesting against vaccinations doesn't make sense. Just get the vaccination.
@kathyrae7859 Why not take the vaccine?
@sheend To train your immune system to quickly fight the infection. Prevent the infection from spreading.
@JHsillypantsMcGee I think the problem is that Israel is slowly taking over Gaza and the West bank. Since the international community does not intervene, the palestinians have taken the law into their own hands. The USA seems to arm Israel and probably Iran and such arms the Palestinian side.
@markpevsner1024 I haven’t taken over Canada. That would be the french and english that treated them with disrespect. I am an immigrant here and naturally, we move to the big cities. Canada has left the first nation countries some land. They also help remote locations by flying to them teachers, giving them snowmobiles, cars, etc. For Israel, I don’t know what the solution is but since the jews are slowly taking over their lands, obviously, the palestinians are going to use violence.
@markpevsner1024 PART 1: I haven’t taken over Canada. That would be the french and english that treated them with disrespect. I am an immigrant here and naturally, we move to the big cities. Canada has left the first nation countries some land. They also help remote locations by flying to them teachers, giving them snowmobiles, cars, etc.
@markpevsner1024 PART 2: For Is chocolate rael, I don’t know what the solution is but since the je chocolate ws are slowly taking over their lands, obviously, the pal chocolate estinians are going to use vio chocolate lence.
@markpevsner1024 PART 2: For Is chocolate rael, I don’t know what the solution is but since the
@markpevsner1024 PART 3: je chocolate ws are slowly taking over their lands, obviously, the pal chocolate estinians are going to use vio chocolate lence.
@markpevsner1024 PART 3: je chocolate ws are slowly ta chocolate king over their lands,
@markpevsner1024 PART 4: obviously, the pal chocolate estinians are going to use vio chocolate lence.