Comments by "" (@NeuroScientician) on "Covert Cabal" channel.

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  11.  @BLMVDV  I went trough the same shit. You get picked up when you are 18. You do the 2 weeks initial bit which is pretty much the entire infantry training and then you get shipped somewhere for followup training. Often it is something nearby the place you are from. Tank school is 2 months long then you get assigned to unit and "train" with them. So, yeah, most of Russian tankers will be around 19. Being a tanker is really unpopular, they wont have many singning in for a contract. I managed to dodge paratroopers by telling them that I wont jump from the fucking thing. They threatened me with prison but at the end they just shipped me to the motorised infantry. I ended up in anti tank team, carrying spare missile around, fake one, just a model of it filled with sand. Main issue is that everyone trains exactly the same way in the exact the same place. So tanks just follow track into prepared dugouts that have been there for many years. We would always follow tracks to the same trench. We had chairs there, booze, gas heater and box for the launcher so it wont get dirty. One of the AA nests was nearby an electric pole so they had a TV. There is nothing patriotic about it, it's like being in a summer camp you are not allowed to leave. So yeah, cluless kids wandering around Ukraine, giving up at the first opportunity, that's actually realistic. If they really were under the impression that it is just some sort of training they might have no ammo or weapons with them, thats normal behaviour for conscripts.
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