Youtube activity of "JdeC1994" (@JdeC1994) commenter.
- Name JdeC1994
- YouTube id UCuVb4axkvK27rSNrbUv70zg
- YouTube name id @JdeC1994
- Found user comments 1029
Comments grouped by channel
"6abc Philadelphia"
"ABC News"
"Actual Justice Warrior"
"Al Jazeera English"
"BBC News"
"Bloomberg Television"
"CBC News"
"CBS 8 San Diego"
"CBS Chicago"
"Cash Jordan"
"Channel 4 News"
"China Observer"
"DW News"
"Drew Binsky"
"FOX 5 New York"
"Forbes Breaking News"
"Fox News"
"Global News"
"Hindustan Times"
"Inside Edition"
"Life Where I'm From"
"NBC News"
"Nomad Capitalist"
"Our 50 States"
"Peter Santenello"
"Sky News Australia"
"The Guardian"
"The Sun"
"The Telegraph"
"The Wall Street Journal"
"The Young Turks"
"Voice of America"
"World According To Briggs"