Youtube comments of JdeC1994 (@JdeC1994).

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  35.  @zoobrizz  "Chicago turned into a cesspool in the past 20 years." HUH?! Dude, you have no idea what you're writing about! So, up until 2001, Chicago was great, then it "turned into a cesspool"? NOOOOOO! Chicago has always had "cesspool" neighborhoods. After W.W. II, things really started to go downhill. The 1960s was absolutely horrible for Chicago, and the 1970s was even worse. The 1980s was another decade of decay (but at a slower pace). The early 1990s saw more homicides than now. Then, in middle 1990s, things started to improve. In fact, during the late 1990s, we were actually being called a boomtown. By 2004 (when Millennium Park opened), Chicago's jealous haters were foaming at the mouth! As for homicide (the bread and butter of Chicago's seething haters), that's nothing new. 1974: 974. 1991: 927. 1992: 940. 1994: 930. By 2004, we had it down to 448, and 2014 was 411 (yet the haters still kept blasting us). Facts: (1) The air is wayyyy cleaner. I've read that the air pollution downtown used to be so bad, that the day would be night, and the lights would actually be on. I remember how buildings like the Field Museum would actually be black. (2) Lake Michigan is way cleaner. (3) The Chicago River is way cleaner. (4) Since 1989, all kinds of stuff has been fixed up. I could go on and on. Here are my credentials: I was born and raised in suburban Chicago, and I visited Chicago often (my grandparents lived in the city, going to museums, sporting events, etc.). I've lived in Chicago proper since 1990. What are your credentials?
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  289.  @cryptoffilth8711  "It sounds like you agree with me that perhaps not all of Chicago is "'AMAZING?'" Of course I agree with you–big deal. Dude, it's the third-biggest city in the U.S. What else would you expect? Maybe all of Tokyo safe, but urban America is different (e.g., Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Milwaukee, D.C., K.C., Memphis, Cleveland, Oakland, the Bronx, Albuquerque, etc.). Last year, was rioting unique to Chicago? No. It also happened in Minneapolis, N.Y., L.A., D.C., Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland, etc., right? For that matter, the urban Western Hemisphere is different. In case you didn't notice, nine-out-of-ten cities mentioned in this video are located in the Old World. What percentage of Hanoi is Vietnamese? What percentage of Seoul is Korean? What percentage of Prague is Czech? The fact is, it's much more difficult for hyper-heterogeneous cities (vs. ultra-homogeneous cities like Hanoi, Seoul, Prague, etc.). "It's sad that the people of Chicagoland have accepted that large swaths of their city looks and feels like a war zone" It's sad that the people of America have accepted that large swaths of their country looks and feels like a war zone. Of course, you're not one of those people, right? Okay, so what are you doing (to make violence magically stop across the entire country)? Last year, when large swaths of America looked and felt like war zones, what did you do (to make all those riots magically stop)? Chicagoland = the entire metropolitan area (e.g., Harvey) "their city" = Chicago proper There you go again (mixing up the two). "Are you saying that only the experiences of people who visit the wealthy areas of the city are valid?" Did I not make myself perfectly clear? Judging a city based on a warehouse district is illogical enough, but to judge a city based on one suburb is off-the-charts illogical. Dude, suburbs–like Harvey–govern themselves (duh). "Dude, I'm responding to a post where someone is saying, 'Chicago is AMAZING.'" Are you saying that only the experiences of people who visit warehouse districts and poor suburbs are valid?
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  421.  @jeremycrisp4488  "If I remember correctly the news channel that was reporting it was something Chicago. But still, from the sound of it, the apple didn't fall far from the tree." Does your "logic" also apply to Winnetka, Glencoe, Hinsdale, Lake Forest, Kenilworth, or any other of the many, affluent suburbs in Chicagoland? "I live in Arizona." Does that mean you have no credentials? Here are mine: I was born & raised in suburban Chicago, and I've lived in the city for the last 33.5 years. "Don't care enough about Chicago to hate it." Uh, your nickname for Chicago is...NOT...hateful? 🙄🙄 "I just have a hard time understanding why people there want to shoot and kill each other so much." Really? Don't you also wonder about Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Newark, New Orleans, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Cleveland, K.C., D.C., Philadelphia, Little Rock, Milwaukee, Oakland, Gary, Mobile, Jackson, Camden, Birmingham, Flint, Louisville, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Buffalo, etc.? 🧐🤔 Oh Jeremy, don't you see the pattern? 🙄🙄Are you really that naïve (even if you are from Arizona)? 🙄🙄 "...I don't have nicknames for all those places you listed." Really? Why do you single out Chicago? Because New York & L.A. have programed you to think that way? 🤔🤨 "Chicago is in the news all the time..." Of course it is: New York controls the national media–duh! 🙄🙄 Don't you see the ulterior motives? Or are you too naïve? "...toddlers who live in Chicago have a good chance of having bullet scars if the are able to make it past 5." Does your heart bleed just as much for "toddlers" in Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Newark, New Orleans, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Cleveland, K.C., D.C., Philadelphia, Little Rock, Milwaukee, Oakland, Gary, Mobile, Jackson, Camden, Birmingham, Flint, Louisville, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Buffalo, etc.? Oh Jeremy, don't you even know what "per capita" means? For example, in 2022, New Orleans had a homicide rate that was almost THREE-TIMES WORSE than Chicago's! How often have you seen the media talk about violence in New Orleans? Have you ever written anything snide about New Orleans? 🤔🤨If not, are you going to? 🤔🤨 "Supposedly there are still nice parts of Chicago..." Yeah, I can vouch for that (e.g., the neighborhood that I've been living in for almost 30 years). Why is my neighborhood so nice? Demographics (duh). "...I can drive through the worst parts of Phoenix without a care in the world." Uh, how many Americans were injured/killed by vehicular accidents last year? 🙄🙄 Oh Jeremy, don't you see? Phoenix has much easier demographics. Compare the demographics in Phoenix to New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, Philadelphia, etc. Perhaps then you'll be less naïve. 🙃🤓 "[Vulgar] just rolls of the tongue naturally." They're waiting for you.
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  581.  @gregoryguerrier963  "On the contrary..." "On the contrary" what? You agree that religion can't fix this situation? "I work 2 jobs and run my own business. I have no debt..." Very good. However, the state of Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc., would indicate that people like you aren't common enough. "There's a difference between everyday hard-working blk American people and criminals. Not all criminals are blk. Not all people that live in those areas are criminals." Yes, of course–no kidding. The thing is, ENOUGH people in Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Englewood, Austin, etc., have been criminals, welfare recipients, etc., to ruin those formerly prosperous places. "President Lyndon B. Johnson's new deal, created the criminals you complain about." L.B.J. hasn't been the president since 1-20-1969. In case you hadn't noticed, we're almost in 2025. 🙄 How about we take responsibility? By the way, the New Deal was F.D.R.: L.B.J. was the so-called "Great Society." "Second and third way feminism created the criminals you complain about." I'm not a fan of feminism either. However, I've lived in feminist communities all my life, yet none of them have been crime factories. My current neighborhood is extremely feminist, yet safe (unless the 'hood crowd shows up). For that matter, many demographic groups have been embracing feminism for generations, yet that hasn't resulted in massive urban/suburban destruction amongst those groups (or at least not until all that liberalism lead to demographic change). "Let's get to the root of the problem instead of pointing fingers." Uh, but you just pointed at Democrats, L.B.J., feminists, and the media. 🙄 "If the media Covered your community in the same manner..." My community hasn't been giving the media much crime to talk about. No wonder that I've lived in my neighborhood for the last 30 years. On the rare occasion that it has, what % of those incidents were due to outsiders?
  582.  @gregoryguerrier963  "On the contrary..." "On the contrary" what? You agree that religion can't fix this situation? "I work 2 jobs and run my own business. I have no debt..." Very good. However, the state of Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc., would indicate that people like you aren't common enough. "There's a difference between everyday hard-working blk American people and criminals. Not all criminals are blk. Not all people that live in those areas are criminals." Yes, of course–no kidding. The thing is, ENOUGH people in Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Englewood, Austin, etc., have been criminals, freeloaders, etc., to ruin those formerly prosperous places. "President Lyndon B. Johnson's new deal, created the criminals you complain about." L.B.J. hasn't been the president since 1-20-1969. In case you hadn't noticed, we're almost in 2025. 🙄 How about we take responsibility? By the way, the New Deal was F.D.R.: L.B.J. was the so-called "Great Society." "Second and third way feminism created the criminals you complain about." I'm not a fan of feminism either. However, I've lived in feminist communities all my life, yet none of them have been crime factories. My current neighborhood is extremely feminist, yet safe (unless the 'hood crowd shows up). For that matter, many demographic groups have been embracing feminism for generations, yet that hasn't resulted in massive urban/suburban destruction amongst those groups (or at least not until all that liberalism lead to demographic change). "Let's get to the root of the problem instead of pointing fingers." Uh, but you just pointed at Democrats, L.B.J., feminists, and the media. 🙄 "If the media Covered your community in the same manner..." My community hasn't been giving the media much crime to talk about. No wonder that I've lived in my neighborhood for the last 30 years. On the rare occasion that it has, what % of those incidents were due to outsiders?
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  808.  @naitthegr8131  "...that was a rhetorical question to your question, idiot." Homeboy, my question was rhetorical too–idiot! Yeah, no kidding: it was a rhetorical question. So? Are there strict rules about how people must respond to a rhetorical question? Of course, the question is purely rhetorical. "Tokyo is a wealthy city..." Could demographics have something to do with that? Of course, the question is purely rhetorical. "...that was helped by the west after world war 2..." World War II ended in 1945 (when Tokyo was reduced to a parking lot). In the year 2023, how much does post-war aid have to do with what Tokyo is like now? Of course, the question is purely rhetorical. "As for the U.S. cities that you mentioned, [...], they were founded and mostly white cities until after world war 2...." When those cities were mostly white, how much more prosperous were they? Of course, the question is purely rhetorical. "...with the rise of suburbia..." Was the high-crime rate among a certain demographic a major reason why so many urban whites fled to suburbia? Of course, the question is purely rhetorical. "...systematic housing discrimination..." With regard to housing, there's a certain demographic group that believes that it should be allowed to live wherever it wants. On the other hand, among this same demographic group, very many believe that other races must not even set foot in their "turf." Is that flagrant hypocrisy–and discrimination–ethical? Of course, the question is purely rhetorical. "...decline and outsourcing of industries..." Could demographics be a major reason why nations like China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan have been so tough to compete with? Of course, the question is purely rhetorical.
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  956.  @duckmercy11  "...their insane work culture..." In places like Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, Cleveland, Philadelphia, etc., there's an insane laziness culture. 🧐 "...high suicide rates..." In places like Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Cleveland, Philadelphia, etc., there are high homicide rates. 🧐🤕 "...high cost of living..." In places like Detroit, they try to give houses away for ONE dollar! Why so desperate? Because nobody wants to live there. 🧐🤕 "...and stagnant economy." Not nearly as stagnant as in Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Newark, New Orleans, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Cleveland, East Cleveland, K.C., D.C., Philadelphia, Little Rock, Milwaukee, Oakland, Gary, Mobile, Jackson, Camden, Birmingham, Flint, Louisville, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Buffalo, etc. 🧐 "...most Americans wouldn't wanna live there." Most Americans also "wouldn't wanna live" in Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Newark, New Orleans, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Cleveland, East Cleveland, K.C., D.C., Philadelphia, Little Rock, Milwaukee, Oakland, Gary, Mobile, Jackson, Camden, Birmingham, Flint, Louisville, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Buffalo, etc. 🧐 "'re cherrypicking the most dysfunctional country from one group..." Yeah, just like I've been "cherrypicking" dysfunctional cities like Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Newark, New Orleans, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Cleveland, East Cleveland, K.C., D.C., Philadelphia, Little Rock, Milwaukee, Oakland, Gary, Mobile, Jackson, Camden, Birmingham, Flint, Louisville, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Buffalo, etc. 🧐 "I'd certainly pick [...] Botswana over North Korea." I'd certainly pick South Korea over Botswana. 🧐
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