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Brad Canning
Global News
Comments by "Brad Canning" (@bradcanning875) on "Poilievre slams Trudeau over hefty bill for queen's funeral stay while Canadians are "out of money"" video.
Did you cry and whine about the cost to taxpayers when Harper spent ONE MILLION to fly his personal limo by military transport to India for the G8 rather than use the free one supplied to visiting Heads of State? Of course not.
Can you imagine the service included when Harper spent ONE MILLION flying his personal limo to India rather than use the free ones supplied for Heads of State?The reason why you have no credibility with Canadians is you only notice it when they guy who beat your guy spends money.
@powerofloveism What's even more disturbing is taxpayers paid for Harper and Kim Campbell to fly to London and including their free hotels, meals, and living expense. But PP forgot to mention that.
@rodweinmeyer1435 Really. How accountable did you hold PP's leader Harper when he spent 1.2 MILLION to fly his personal limo to India rather than use the free ones provided to all visiting Heads of State. PP defended spending that money.
Taxpayers foot the bill for Stephen Harper and Kim Campbell to fly to London and paid for their hotel rooms and meals and expenses as well. I guess your boy PP decided to omit that from his price list.
PP left out the 20 million that had to be paid to Ottawa businesses for losses and damages by the 3 week SCAMVOY blockade of innocent citizens.
Detached from society??? Is that some new fringe cult terminology?
Sorry but folks just re0elected him for 4 more years. Just enough time for greedflation to end and and PeePee to talk enough to remind Canadians why we tossed that career politician out with Harper.
@Ryanlexz Why would they vote for him? They have the Bloc as their Federal Party. Of course they knew their vote would ensure a Liberal minority and keeping Conservatives out of power which is what the majority of Canadians want.
I'm surprised he didn't spend a MILLION DOLLARS flying his personal limo over like Harper did when he went to India.
@davemack6384 No I've just been around or 65 years and have 50 years memory of political corruption and hypocrisy.
@Moloch1038 Both Harper and Kim Canpbell had their hotels, air flights, meals, and living expenses paid to go to the funeral in London at the same time. PP forgot to say how much that cost. He's the PM. They aren't.Can you spell Hypocrite???
@davemack6384 I guess I'll have to wait for you to figure it out if you can???
The total cost for the delegation was $400,000 including Kim Cambell ,and PP's puppet master, Steven Harper. PP omitted how much taxpayers spent for Harper to fly to London and have his hotel, meals, and other expenses paid in his rant about wasting tax payer money.
@k.t.5405 That is the best comment ever.
@brianreynoldson1965 They would see Spongebob as the second coming they are so desperate. Although it's mostly the Reform base. he did only get 68%. Until Conservatives drop the Reform base they will never get a majority. No other Party will join the Alberta Refomers of which PP is in spite of his recent move from Calgary to Ontario. There is too much diversity in Canada to have anything born out of Alberta controlling Canada. Thankfully Harper burned that bridge forever.
@rodweinmeyer1435 Since a cult of personality doesn't fuel the rest of Canadian voters they don't much care what a PM does in his personal life. We have seen one corrupt PM after another since Mulroney. What we care about is getting ours instead of just seeing the wealthy get tax cuts and the interests of corporations always first. That's why no more Reform/Conservative governments. Trudeau could stand at the podium in dress and grope himself and Canadians will still vote to ensure the extremists who think it's okay to blockade bridges or hold innocent Canadians hostage in their neighbourhoods don't get in power. You really need to learn where you live.
@karlhoehne8974 I bet you try and use t6hose big words every chance you get. Obviously the issues too complicated for you to grasp.
@slwide7507 Yes. Kim Campbell too.
@rodweinmeyer1435 I see you and PP both omitted the cost to fly Steven Harper and Kim Canpbell to London and pay their hotels and meals and expenses. Why should tax payers pay for them??? You see, your just another political hypocrite telling half the story and expecting anyone to listen.
@sachagessie7137 Wrong. The 12k includes the Chef and guest for official dinners. If you prorated the costs to Harper's time the costs are the same.
@brianreynoldson1965 Stick with IF. When is a ship that will never sail. PP is "Skippy" from Harper's failed government and Canadian voters in the other 3 Parties will vote to ensure his puppet master Harper doesn't get control of us through him.
When PeePee was in government he defended Harper spending 1.2 MILLION flying his personal limo to India rather than use the free bullet proof limos provided to visiting Heads of State.
Did you thank Stephen Harper and Kim Cambell for flying to the funeral and their hotels, meals, and expenses paid for by tax payers??? Why did we pay for them??? Yup, another hypocrite sho0t down in flames.
@Slipshott I doubt that. Of course unlike me that can't be confirmed because you hide behind a fake name. Besides, your using an exact quote of details on Google rather than relying on experience for your dishonest reply.
PP didn't complain when his buddy Clement resigned over the 3.2 BILLION in terrorism funds that vanished. Nor when Clement was later rewarded with Health Minister for taking the fall. You HYPOCRITES all remain silent when your Party does it 100 times worse.
@Slipshott It was Martin who wanted to get rid of it on first. Then Chretien said he wanted to scrap it. Harper began with saying he also wanted to scrap it but once pressed he said it would be a gradual removal at 1% a year. He quit after 2%. If course to make up the difference he slash social programs and other things like the coast guard base in Canada's largest port and the huge Sardis army base both in BC to punish them for their safe injection site. Your conservative created GST remains but thankfully for people like me on a pension I received an extra $222 today in GST rebate which PP voted against. Nothing I said was inaccurate and nothing requires an apology. I remember in the beginning of Harper's campaign it was abolish the GST but then saying 1% and another 1% after constantly being pressed by the media. I lived and voted through 6 PMs beginning with the first Trudeau. Unlike you who had to Google and get the partial story. Of course like all you fringe cult whiners you needed to turn yourself into a victim and think you deserve an apology for learning a portion of the facts because that's all you ever use. That which suits your agenda.
@Slipshott Google it. December 2, 2006. Headline. Harper promises to cut GST if Conservatives get a majority. Why lie in these days of Google? It makes you so pathetic and desperate. Blaming liberals for everything is all you have.
@Slipshott You keep relying on your false narrative which is the typical tool of the extremists. You put your dishonest spin on a comment and expect someone to own it. I made it clear. I don't defend Trudeau. I just state the fact that the lies and ethical breeches have been going on for decades. Mulroney was caught taking a kickback from Airbus. Chretien had his sponsorship scandal. Harper and Clement stole 3.2 billion in terrorism funding. It's you who only sees them when it's someone you didn't vote for. I see them all. But keep trying to put your words in my comment since desperation and dishonesty is all you have. Well losing elections is 3.
@Slipshott No I'm saying lying has been going on for decades but you only get offended when it's not your guy lying. Hypocrisy and saying next time is what the right is reduced to. Politicians lie and anyone who thinks it will ever change are delusional.
@davemack6384 Still waiting. It can't be that difficult to type it out.
@cindyhaduik7171 Except it isn't a fact unless you are a delusional member of the fringe cult. Knowledgeable Canadians are aware it's a global inflation but Canada's economy and job numbers are the best in the western world. You can listen to the spin but there is still record travel and every big store like Cosco and Canadian Tire has full parking lots and full shopping carts every weekend. It's rare to see cars more than 6 or 7 years old with the majority only a couple. Nice try though.
@firstandforemost87 Oh no he isn't. Canadians are fully aware he has PP sitting firmly on his knee with his hand up the dummy's back. No one believes the fool Harper nicknamed "Skippy" has his hands on the controls. You really need to take it easy on the koolaid.
@billclay9511 What terrorist. I know that he didn't give anyone convicted of terrorism in a Canadian Court millions. I do recall some kid who was born here was taken to a terrorist camp by his father. He was then unlawfully imprisoned while Hare did nothing. Then the Supreme Court ordered he be returned which Harper's actions cost us 10 million in having to pay compensation to that CANADIAN. I love these comments because they are why the majority of Canadians vote to keep the Reform Party out of power. Thank you.
@sinofacedia6544 Harper is running with PP as his hand puppet. There is a huge difference between the corporate and wealthy sycophant conservative party and our current minority government. We threw them out because they destroyed our economy and jobs and middle class and social net. They will again. They always do. Pos controllers are Harper and his campaign advisor who is one of Trump's co-accused in Georgia. He's Running on the MAGA clone platform feeding on the hate and anger of people who need to blame someone else for their unhappy life.
@Slipshott People like you is a reference to common minded thinkers. The need to cherry pick these single irrelevant issues to create a wave of anti-Trudeau campaigns is desperate and discrediting of yourself. The outrage by his own voters when Harper didn't abolish the GST as promised lasted all of 5 minutes. Anyone who expects politicians to do everything they say is delusional.
@Slipshott And Harper said he would abolish GST and Chretien said.... Politicians say things to get elected and when the get in the chair they see it isn't that easy. So there were 2 elections after that and he's still in the chair. Only now Canadians are tired of majority rulers. So unfortunately for you no other Party will join up with the Reeform Party extremists so get used to more of this. It's funny how people like you only notice the lies when you lose elections.
@mr.moistly1633 Did Harper have billions in covid costs and economic help to prevent a collapse of the economy? Nope. Not did he have a booming economy or record job numbers. We can thank Harper's corporate masters for our greedflation where they've enjoyed record profits. You'll need better than shallow talking points with me.
@thereishope3867 What PP failed to mention in his rant about wasting taxpayer money is his puppet master Harper and Kim Campbell also went to the Queen's funeral with their airfare, hotels, meals, and expenses paid by taxpayers. Why is that? They are private citizens. PP also fails to mention he takes the $88,000 living expense and moved into Stonway where taxpayers pay for his groceries again. If you expect something different from a career politician from a previous corrupt government omitting all that you're dreaming.
Well get used to it because they were just re-elected until 2025. If you think the majority of Canadians are going to vote for Harper's puppet PeePee from his failed government you will enjoy another 3 years after that. Wake up. Only your fringe cult ignores the years of Harper corruption and only decided to notice when they lost elections over and over.
@Moloch1038 None of it's okay but they including PP didn't complain when Clement resigned over the vanishing 3.2 BILLION in terrorism funding only to be rewarded with Health Minister for taking the fall. When I see that kind of spending and corruption in this government I'll say more than you are all HYPOCRITES.
@rodweinmeyer1435 It's not whataboutism. It's just pointing out CONSERVATIVE/REFORM PARTY HYPOCRISY. They have all been doing it for decades but you people only see it when the other guy does it.