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FRANCE 24 English
Comments by "" (@VersusARCH) on "FRANCE 24 English" channel.
French helped with the breakthrough (French 122 and 17th colonial division bore the brunt of the actual breakthrough as well as French artillery) and they also supplied the Serbian Army. The French air force won the air superiority over the front too. Other allies helped as well. It was a joint effort, although the exploitation part of the breakthrough was indeed mostly performed by the Serbian Army.
One of the 6 infantry divisions of the Serbian army in 1918. was named the Yugoslav Division. It comprised largely of the ex-Austro-Hungarian POWs (taken by Russians) of South Slavic ethnicity that expressed desire to fight for Serbia and Yugoslavia. There was enough of them initially to form an entire corps of 2 divisions in Romania that saw action there. Once the revolution in Russia began many of them managed to travel to Salonika (via Trans-Siberian railway, Vladivostok and sea) and were organized into the Yugoslav division. Supplanting them were also ethnic South Slav (mostly Serb) volunteers from the USA which answered the call of the Serbian government in exile.
Funny thing Russian propaganda emphasized so much the so called "petrodollar" characterization of US currency during the Iraq War while in reality the value of Russia's own rouble is far more based on hydrocarbon exports...
Then you definitely did not see any even remotely terrifying things...
Lyrics (by English fans) "Alonsa-fun-the-la-patri-eh, leasure-the-glow-are-eh-ah-rivet! Can't-renew-the-la-tyrrany-eh Let-under-Sun-grant-elev-eh Let-under-Sun-grant-elev-eh Enter-the-wood-hundred-companies, Mooo-jeer-server-awesome-soldats! Vivien-juice-care-donner-bras Eh-garage-eh-fees-no-comparison! Horse-armed Citroen! Form-eh-war battalions March-on, march-on! Caisson impure! Approve no Ceylon!"
@salonez91 That was in 1916. and it was called the Serbian Volutnteer Corps (comprising of 2 divisions). By 1917. Russia and Romania were out of the war and of the survivors who made it to Salonika + addittional Yugoslav (mostly Serbian) volunteers mostly from USA only one Yugoslav division was formed at the Macedonian front.
@aleksk4151 Likewise Bulgaria on its own would not be able to occupy Serbia. While stronger, the disparity in strength was not big enough for Bulgaria to pull it off.
They can nuke Russia... And get nuked in return. They can attempt to enforce a no-fly zone and have the airbases from which they are trying to enforce it hit with a lot of conventional tactical ballistic missiles. Or it can send to Ukraine all the ex Soviet weaponry from the its ex Warsaw-pact members (for a price of course), sell those members US-made weaponry to make up the stocks, send some mercenary instructors "volunteets" and drones (operated by the former) there to cause Russia some additional problems, exploit all the refugees as cheap illegal labor and prostitutes, grab popcorn and enjoy the two parts of the hated ex USSR wear themselves out by fighting.
Default exhaust/contrail is white...