Comments by "" (@neutronalchemist3241) on "10mm is the Best Millimeter: the Colt Delta Elite" video.
The FBI adopted the 10mm for a short time, but had soon to move to lighter loads, and then they replaced it with 40S&W, that had the same load they were using, but, being shorter, could be used on standard 9mm frames.
It was not a question of small hands. it's a question that agents are not gun enthusiasts. When the 10mm was adopted, the FBI standard issue was the 357 mag revolver, but much agents, with permission, loaded them with .38 Special +p ammos, because they didn't like to train with the 357 mag. That's the problem. When you adopt a round that's uncomfortable to shoot, agents reduce the training time to the bare minimum, and that degrades their performances on the field much more than the more powerful caliber can enhance.