Comments by "" (@neutronalchemist3241) on "Mannlicher 88/95 - A Rare World War One Update" video.
@ineednochannelyoutube5384 We have a first hand explanation in Maj. Luigi Gucci book "Armi portatili" year 1915, p.58. It's about the Carcano semiauto conversion, that had been shown here
The reason was that, altough the rifle was perfectly functional, and costed way less than a new semiauto rifle, in adopting a semiauto rifle for all the army, the price of the rifle was, in the end, marginal in respect to the price of the logistic. IE the price of a brand new semiauto rifle, not a conversion, was estimated in 60L, that of a single Carcano cartridge was 0.1L, so a semiauto rifle costed like 600 cartridges. So it made little sense to adopt a solution that, "however ingenious, simple and well designed is, it's anyway a stopgap and, as such, it can't fully comply to all the requirements of an excellent infantry semiautomatic rifle."