Comments by "ZIPZ" (@zipz8423) on "Did Russia Steal Election For Trump?" video.
The FBI KNOW and have EVIDENCE that the Russians attempted to hack into the voter registration systems in Arizona and Illinois, THAT is the evidence, only a complete fool would ask that that evidence be made public which would expose the sources, methods and technology used to garner said evidence.
Releasing that evidence publicly will help Russian counter intelligence to defend their methods and destroy the American counter intelligence mechanisms used to protect the National Security of the United States.
When National Security cases go to court, the evidence is not made public , to protect National Security.
National Security pillars are based on a "Need to Know" ideology, as long as the President Elect , Congress and the Judiciary have seen the evidence, as they indeed HAVE, they are the people who "Need to Know".#
Calling out on social media to see that evidence is a lame attempt to discredit the whole idea of Russian interference and to stand behind your "Orange Orangutan", who owes Putin and Gazprom for bailing him out through Deutche Bank when he was declared Bankrupt and NO US bank would touch him.
Trumps supporters KNOW this, the reason you are rubbishing this obvious attempt by the GRU/FSB to interfere with the US Election process is the same reason Trump and his cohorts are doing so, to deflect any possibility that Trump is not the legitimate winner of the Election, you are scared to death of him not legally making the Inauguration date.
You are confusing your Political leanings with an attack on the National Security of the United States and for that you should be eternally ashamed as Americans.
History will be your judge.
"I never asked that the US Intelligence community show the public how they collect , intercept and collate intelligence."
YES you did, if you want to see evidence, you would also see by default, whom, where and how they got that evidence, isn't that obvious?
You and I both know that is not going to happen.
The Head of the CIA is not the President, he is the head of a government agency, he reports to the President and it is not his job to open a press conference of his own volition to present anything without the express order or permission from the National command authority
the CIA and FBI , DHS evidence HAS been presented to both the President and the President Elect.
The heads of Congress have also seen the evidence.
For a member of the public to even suggest that there is "No evidence" is ludicrous.
This is NOT an "MSM" Story, its FACTUAL, the evidence HAS been presented.
Write your Congressman for confirmation.
walter byrd
It doesn't matter whom you supported, its Trumptardism.
Its incredible ignorance of factual information.
Its immense hubris.
Its hypocrisy.
Its Dogma.
Everything Trump is about.
"and if there was such an all pervasive attack why is it no one heard of it until now"
Jesus Christ woman, do you lack the ability to read anything I previously wrote??
THE EVIDENCE AND PROOF WERE MADE PUBLIC IN JUNE 2016, what on Earth are you talking about to say "Why are we only hearing about this now"?
I heard about it back in 2016, why didn't YOU.
That is the question YOU should be asking yourself Sharon.
"the russian gov also warned of the brussels attack and nothing was done.
BULLSHIT, every Intelligence agency in Europe knew something was going to happen but sure as shit the FSB had NO CLUE WHEN WHERE OR HOW, just like everybody else.
Listen, your agenda is obvious, your pro Putin pro Moscow rhetoric is pathetic, we all know why you didn't see anything last year Sharon, its because you have your head shoved up Putin`s ass.
walter byrd
"I am not ignoring the warheads. They have been there for many decades."
If the USA and Russia are a command authority decision away from destroying each other 25 years after the Cold War ended and all Putin wants is peace, then why do the USA and Russia have thousands of weapons pointed at each other?
Why does the GRU/SVR spy on the USA right up until today?
Why does the CIA spy against Russia today??
Why is America`s intelligence effort primarily against China and Russia but not Finland?
You are missing something Walt.
As long as Vladimir Putin continues to subvert, invade and wage war against sovereign countries like Ukraine, as long as he tries to cement a permanent military presence in the Eastern med ie, Syria, as long as he continues to reinforce Kaliningrad on the Polish border, a NATO country I might add and reinforce it with small mobile short ranged nuclear missiles, as long as he continues to patrol nuclear armed bombers around the UK air defence region, the Norweigian ADR and the Danish ADR.
The Polish ADR and the German ADR, as well as his submarine patrols at a tempo not seen since the cold war days, I think it is safe to safe , THEY know whom their enemy is, its a pity Trump supporters have forgotten that.