Comments by "ZIPZ" (@zipz8423) on "Vladimir Putin Endorses Donald Trump" video.

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  2. Orest Makar The EU financial crisis was exacerbated by the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the banking collapse coupled with the risk of the single currency, the Euro, so risky the UK decided to stay out of it. It was always going to happen at some point with the backdrop of another "Black Wednesday" .type market collapse. Since devaluation, the only real tool any country can use to prevent a collapse was removed when they joined the single currency was removed as a tool in the arsenal, it has left many EU countries exposed to risk. Plus, borrowing the Euro was cheap. Oh how they borrowed, except the Germans. The UK was caught out by the financial crisis, a global one in 2008, otherwise the UK would have been fine. Greece?? Self inflicted massive financial mismanagement and traditional Greek corruptionĀ  with a solution from the IMF which made things even worse, the IMF were a joke, what they did to Greece regards the bail out was criminally negligent. The gave them an altruistic bailout not backed up at all by sound science based fiscal policy. "US is spying on it's allies" This was only public outrage, every government knows allies spy on allies, it has always been thus , the Germans are no exceptions, if they were, then they were naive in the extreme. The Israeli`s spied on the USA, and the USA spied on the Israeli`s for example until they made an agreement not to. The NSA had back doors put into Cisco routers after intercepting the supply chain of manufacturers in the USA, this is now documented. The only blushes were because it was made public by the Snowden double agent. "same thing goes for British UKIP", UKIP have ZERO power in the UK but the truth is UKIP is really a splinter Tory group its the same for the other right wing groups in the EU. "Marginal" apart from Austria.
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