Comments by "ZIPZ" (@zipz8423) on "euronews"
Putrin also "verified", by answering directly in an interview, that Russia is mainly helping Assad, unless that interview I saw was some sort of professional editing Faux Pas?
I think not.
The US is funding Rebel groups, who are fighting Assad, Russia is helping Assad stay in power, there is nothing complicated about either Putins or the US`s motives.
This is Proxy war my friend and the victims are ordinary Syrians.
So, you call me a fool for believing the Pentagon but not believing the Russian defence ministry? That`s not even an argument.
Its a "choice".
Putin is shoring up Assad, plain and simple, go ask the people on the ground, not defence ministries, the people on the ground are backing up what the Pentagon has said so umm, its a no brainer, the choice you have made, is to support Putin, no matter what the evidence is, so your view will be skewed.
There are no spokespeople from ISIS saying , "yeah the Russians are killing us here"., but there are plenty of rebels saying "yeah, Putin is bombing the carp out of us", so who is doing that? the Syrian Air force?
I think not.
Oh dear, you expounded the old dinosaur "Its US Propaganda", that is the first line of defence for Putin apologists.
That line magically excuses any wrong doing Putin does, doesn't it?
Lwet me ask you a question so i can prove a point,
is there "anything" terrible Putin has done during his presidency , give me an example.