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M Hall
Comments by "M Hall" (@mhall801) on "Lindsey Graham just threatened Mitch McConnell" video.
President Trump is much better. Maybe biden can earn some respect someday, but I doubt it.
It’s President Trump and biden. It’s a respect thing.
@cameronbratten7840 👈. Bless your heart. biden is now ranked the worse president ever. 33% and dropping. Dropped a historical 20+ points in 9.5 months as a new president. Bless your heart you must be one of the ignorant minority clinging to bidens depends.
👍 absolutely
@ramonareinhold8424 👈. Bidenturd sniffer.
No way biden can compare to a dog turd
Let’s go Brandon
President Trump biden It’s a respect thing.
@carinaekstrom1 👈. Maybe in your little libturd head 🤡🤪🤡. What little bit of respect I had for biden I lost when he looked at his watch several times as the 13 dead American heroes passed by him in their 13 flag draped caskets as if he had something better to do. And biden caused their dead’s because he didn’t follow instructions or listen to his generals . President Trump wouldn’t have done that.
@carinaekstrom1 👈. No President Trump wouldn’t have done that. President Trump was pro military. The military hates biden as does the families of the 13 dead American soldiers biden killed. . Good God woman. You must have gulped the liberal koolaid by the bucket fulls. The democrats/biden are destroying America. Look around you and for God sake stop watching CNN and MSN. biden is supposed to have a press conference today that his handlers set up. You watch and see if reporters will be allowed to fire hardball questions at him like they did to President Trump every day. biden will have the answers to their questions in advance. It will be hand selected reporters in advance. It will be like everything else biden does, embarrassing.
President Trump 2024
Chris - the main thing is the house and senate will be red. 🏓🏓🏓🏓🏓🏓. Red spanking coming.
@b.t.2795 👈. Booger Taster is back. Jethro diddling himself? And you would be right next to him picking your nose and munching.
@seyyedbanisadrbenisadr9993 twice acquitted making Democrats look like fools. biden is now ranked the worse president ever. Just sayin.
@seyyedbanisadrbenisadr9993 👈. Wow still making excuses for potato Head biden worse president ever. Definitely you didn’t get a scholarship anywhere. How’s that 33% and dropping working out for you?🤔
@voltaire2221 👈. Biden is worse because he is still sinking.
@allenjames417 👈. They were hoax by the democrats 💤💤💤💤💤💤
@cameronbratten7840 👈. I feel sorry for you for your momma dropping you on your head as a baby.
@voltaire2221 👈. Sure I can. biden has dementa. His handlers are controlling him and he won’t get any better. He fks up everything he touches & you guys keep deflecting to President Trump to take focus off the potato head sniffing biden. The only true words Obama ever said was “ Never underestimate Joe’s ability to Fk things up “.
@cameronbratten7840 👈. Well you must be old and senile making excuses for someone who is destroying America just like we predicted last year. Just didn’t predict it would happen this soon. Go ahead, deflect to President Trump like You always do to take focus off biden. Go for it.
@voltaire2221 👈. My grandad had dementia and acted like biden. No I’m a pilot not a doctor but from bidens actions, the gaffes, racial gaffes, running from reporters, the disaster Afghanistan pullout at the border, his deer in the headlight looks and the majority of the people turning on him making him 33% and dropping, something is going on Voltaire. biden has already done enough damage that his legacy is shot.
@cameronbratten7840 👈. Bs Democrats have been deflecting from biden for a year now. The world knows he is incompetent and embarrassing.
@cameronbratten7840 👈. Yea democrats covered that up really good didn’t they.
@voltaire2221 👈. Thank you. 👍 I hear ya. It just amazes me of all the smart people in this would they could have chosen they picked biden. Before he was elected we predicted what would happen to America if he was voted in. And it happened. Just sooner than we predicted it would. Anyway thanks for the response. Have a safe evening.
He is called President Trump and biden is called, biden. It’s a respect thing.
President Trump biden It’s a respect thing.
biden damn near 80 and demented
President Trump biden It’s a respect thing. Let’s go Brandon
President Trump 2024
@E-bikeeverything57 👈. Hahahaha. You clowns been saying that for 5+ years 🤡🤪🤡🤪. Thanks for the laugh.