Comments by "M Hall" (@mhall801) on "'If I were Donald Trump, I'd be really worried': Gergen on possible DeSantis showdown" video.

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  19.  @6j6666  👈. Look, I fly for a living in country and outside the country and have the opportunity to talk to many people and see different areas. CNN doesn’t do anyone that’s dedicated to them any favors at all. That’s why I don’t watch it. I come here to this YouTube only to kill time dead heading back home or from a hotel . Fox & MSN does the same thing although I do like Gutfeld. He’s funny as hell. I get most my news from local news, the local papers, talking to people or just watching the areas I’m in. With that said you mentioned the wall. The wall was working but it wasn’t just the wall. It was patrolled on both sides. Had aerial and drone surveillance. It is very different now than 2+ years ago, it’s a complete mess now and that’s because biden gave an open invitation and relaxed Trumps policies. I go to border states then and now. 180 degree difference. Biden says there are more jobs now. Well, I don’t care if I go to a 5 star restaurant or a McDonalds, they are always short handed. Business is short handed. Aircraft and airport jobs are short handed and Good God the tent cities are everywhere. Was in SBD, LA California couple months ago. A lot of folks there are mad at biden. Illegals camping in their outside garden sheds, tent cities and drugs everywhere, break ins, shootings, etc. I would not live there for nothing. It’s definitely not the picture CNN paints. Was in Roswell broke down last week for a while and it’s more of the same. People are very frustrated at this administration and are wishing Trump was in the WH. I get along with everyone for the most part on both sides. I would have a beer or a coffee with you and Im sure we would get along. One of my best friends is a leftie and we give each other hell all the time. But he is seeing what biden is doing to our country. Now let’s talk Israel. I fly there too and most love Trump. He acknowledged Jerusalem as capital and moved our American embassy there. The democrats played it off but that was a BIG deal. Israel is our Allie’s and one of the most bas a$$ Air forces/Army’s in the world. We need them. And they are surrounded with people that want them dead. biden has dropped the ball with them as well which is a mistake. Ok I just let you inside my head a little. Like it or not.
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