Hindustan Times
Comments by "ZOFIEL HERRERA" (@ZOFIELHERRERA-wy3yo) on "Zelensky's Warning After Russian Missile Wreaks Havoc In Chernihiv; Vows Retaliation | Watch" video.
@irishsiri100 You prefer to swallow and believe the russophobic propaganda rubbish published by the corrupt, corporate Western mainstream news media and a number of Youtube channels that echo them. The fake news trash spread by Reuters, Sky News, BBC, CNN, The Guardian, Rte, etc., etc. The same, old, worn-out, deceitful propaganda narratives the infamous Western news media brainwashes and dupes people like you with. Well, in that case you lose.
@monumentaltravel3745 What about you criticizing the corrupt, tyrannical Fascist Ukrainian government? During an 8-year-long period starting in 2014, the Nato-sponsored Ukrainian armed forces carried out a war of agression and genocide against the ethnic Russian civilian population of Lugansk and Donietsk's Peoples Republics resulting in the deaths of more than 14,000 innocent ethnic Russian civilians, men, women and children. In Ukraine, the Ukrainian government banned opposition political parties, banned the use of the Russian language, banned independent media, banned the Russian Orthodox Church. Ukrainian Police and Neonazi paramilitary groups persecute, arrest, jail, torture and murder leaders and regular members of the political opposition, independent activists, leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church and anybody the Ukrainian government labels "undesirable". Nazi war criminals are glorified. All this information is true and well-documented by World human rights organizations.And yet, you knowingly and deliberately remain silent about these undeniable facts.