Comments by "Stephen Jenkins" (@stephenjenkins7971) on "Finland and Sweden consider NATO membership" video.

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  6.  Tyler Hopkins  "even after the EU/NATO coup in 2014" Which only ever happened in the Kremlin's imagination. Literally no international organization or reliable democratic rights group accepts Russia's version of events as anything but propaganda nonsense. And neither do you, but I guess if Papa Putler says so then it must be true to you? "even after shutting down opposition newspapers" What Ukraine did was terrible for democratic liberties, but lets be clear here; we still know for a fact with studies on the population that Ukraine vastly supports NEVER aligning with Russia since 2014. Also, Russia by every metric is infinitely worse in this regard; opposition parties and media have been shut down or "mysteriously died" by being thrown out a window or poisoned. You're arguing in bad faith here. The very "opposition newspaper" in the Kyiv Post you talked about did a poll on how many Ukrainians wanted to join NATO; with it being at a whopping 59% hope to do so. So you're just lying here too. Convenient how Marxists don't give a shit about the democratic freedoms that are being trampled insofar that the evil capitalists that control everything and thus "are the REAL dicatorships1!!1!". The N@zi's did the same thing, except claimed it was "da Joos". Yugoslavia died because fascist Serbs tried to install a Greater Serbia. Cry me a river. We have definitive proof that Ukrainians want to join NATO since 2019 the latest, and the corporate fascist Russian oligarchs are attempting to distract their poor peasants by starting crap. And you are their apparent useful idiot of sorts. Sorry, but your lying doesn't work when we have literal statistics pointing elsewhere...
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  18. ​ @LollipopUnicorny  "“I ask you one thing. Just give Europe to Russia. The US is not in Europe. Europe should be the business of Europeans. Russia is half European and half Asian.” To this Clinton responded: “So you want Asia too?” and Yeltsin answered: “Sure, sure, Bill. Eventually, we will have to agree on all of this.” Clinton suggested that the Europeans would not like this very much. Yeltsin, on the other hand, said: I am a European. I live in Moscow, Moscow is in Europe and I like it. You can take all the other states and provide security to them. I will take Europe and provide them security. Well, not I. Russia will. … Bill, I’m serious. Give Europe to Europe itself. Europe never felt as close to Russia as it does now. We have no difference of opinion with Europe, except maybe on Afghanistan and Pakistan—which, by the way, is training Chechens. … Russia has the power and intellect to know what to do with Europe." This was what Yeltsin had to say to Bill Clinton in 1999. If you wanna be a slave so bad, then just go to Russia, don't drag the rest of Europe with this madness of imperialism. Edit: My point is that Russia has never considered "Europe" to be independent and sovereign nations; it was always just a chess board to be used at will. The only "players" Russia acknowledges in the West is the US, and thus sees NATO as just a US plot to expand its empire. Ignoring the reality of European sovereignty while people like bootlicker for them because "Murica bad".
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  29.  @LollipopUnicorny  Here's the bit I posted expanded: As if a student of Stalin, Yeltsin tried to reach a secret oral agreement on the new division of Europe. He proposed a “gentlemen’s agreement” to Clinton that no former Soviet countries would join NATO. Clinton responded that he believed in the new Russia, which was not interested in annexing other countries. He recalled that he had been working towards a NATO that would not be a threat to Russia but that would permit the US and Canada to stay in Europe and work with Russia to build an undivided Europe. Clinton said that [i]f we were to agree that no members of the former Soviet Union could enter NATO, it would be a bad thing for our attempt to build a new NATO, but it would also be a bad thing for your attempt to build a new Russia. I am not naive. I understand you have an interest in who gets into NATO and when. However, he stressed firmly that “there are no secrets in this world. … [This secret agreement would mean] Russia would be saying, ‘we still have an empire’.” Yeltsin persisted and asked again. He wanted Clinton to confirm that the former Soviet republics would not become NATO members, at least in the following decade. Clinton didn’t crack and said that he couldn’t make promises on behalf of NATO or veto any country’s wish to join NATO, and least of all allow someone else, Russia included, to do so. “I’m prepared to work with you … to make sure that we take account of Russia’s concerns … . I can’t make the specific commitment you are asking for. It would violate the whole spirit of NATO,” said Clinton. Yeltsin accepted this but proposed to agree that no former Soviet republics would be in the first wave of enlargement. Clinton did not agree to this either, because he felt that it would make it seem they were the old Russia and old NATO. This concluded the NATO expansion saga. Clinton successfully defended the common interests of the West and Yeltsin did not miss out on an opportunity to express Russia’s discontent with it all. Add Yeltsin’s previously repeated assurances to Clinton that the reintegration taking place in the CIS space was the free will of the countries and their firm wish to increase well-being by restoring former economic relations, and it becomes clear that Russia wanted to steer the US away from preventing the rebirth of the empire. This topic and this entire article are best concluded with a recollection from the last official face-to-face meeting, which took place on 19 November 1999 in Istanbul. Yeltsin started off the meeting, which lasted just under an hour, by throwing harsh criticism at the US—it was supporting Turkey in the training, on Turkish territory, of guerrillas who were fighting in Chechnya. Clinton did not respond to this, and a slightly calmer Yeltsin revealed a request that summarised the answer to the question: what did Russia want? “I ask you one thing. Just give Europe to Russia. The US is not in Europe. Europe should be the business of Europeans. Russia is half European and half Asian.” To this Clinton responded: “So you want Asia too?” and Yeltsin answered: “Sure, sure, Bill. Eventually, we will have to agree on all of this.” Clinton suggested that the Europeans would not like this very much. Yeltsin, on the other hand, said: I am a European. I live in Moscow, Moscow is in Europe and I like it. You can take all the other states and provide security to them. I will take Europe and provide them security. Well, not I. Russia will. … Bill, I’m serious. Give Europe to Europe itself. Europe never felt as close to Russia as it does now. We have no difference of opinion with Europe, except maybe on Afghanistan and Pakistan—which, by the way, is training Chechens. … Russia has the power and intellect to know what to do with Europe. It is not known how Yeltsin felt during this conversation, but it can be concluded from the verbatim report that his state of mind was confused. He ended the meeting abruptly by standing up while Clinton was talking about Europe’s attitude towards the new war in Chechnya. Clinton asked Yeltsin, who was leaving, who would win the elections. Yeltsin answered: “Putin, of course. … He’s a democrat and he knows the West. … He’s tough.” ^What Russia wants here is for the US to just give Russia an empire again. That's literally it. No other explanation, and even Clinton specifies it and Yeltsin doesn't even deny it. Stop acting like Russia is the innocent party; it's literally the one pressing the US to "give peace a chance" by giving Russia promises to recognize the lack of sovereignty of multiple nations. It's asking for a Munich Conference 2.0.
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