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The Young Turks
Comments by "romanmir01" (@romanmir01) on "How Many 'Patriots' Want an 'Armed Revolution?'" video.
4:36: "you come to me" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! The problem IS YOU. The problem is the socialist oppressive state that must be stopped.
You THINK that they are different, let me demonstrate: In Germany prior to the WWI there was a fairly large socialist movement. After WWI due to reparations (and thanks to USA for that, helping to win that for UK), all of a sudden the "nice" version of socialism you refer to, the international type: "let's just rob the producing wealthy and subsidise the mob" type was easily REPLACED with the next LOGICAL type: "fuck everybody, the pot is shrinking, let's restrict who we subsidise with theft"
So you are observing Greece, where socialism ended up destroying the economy and is now just following through to its LOGICAL next step: fascism. Why is it logical? Because what IS socialism? It's using force of majority (collective, gov't) to steal private property from minority. Socialism promises to distribute it among the mob 'equally'. Fascism does NOT promise equal distribution, it promises distribution of proceeds of theft UNequally, just to the selected national groups.
The government doesn't "eat the banks", by the way, the mob votes for the larger and larger government, which distorts the power and increases authority of gov't where it shouldn't be (Constitutionally) and thus gov't becomes THE centre of power, and the bankers gravitate towards centre of power, as power gravitates towards control of the banks. It's very symbiotic, but the socialist agenda feeds straight into it (the useful idiots in the mob only want bread and circuses, doesn't matter how)
In reality the mob doesn't care, doesn't have a POLITICAL ideology, it has a PERSONAL GAIN ideology. As long as your average chimp amoeba out there gets what he wants from the system, he is being 'generous' with OTHER people's money: sure, let's help everybody. Once the pie shrinks and there is much LESS desire to share with others, and you have NATIONALISM grow because it is one FORM OF LIMITING who gets the proceeds of the theft from the shrinking pie.
Same reason why in reality socialists are also racists The socialists now turning fascists are all going to yell for national interests AND for RACE discrimination That's the reason that NAZIS also are a LOGICAL EXTENSION OF SOCIALISM. Nazism is just a way to limit the sharing of proceeds of theft Socialism is in its pure form is desire to steal, desire NOT to share the proceeds of theft go hand in hand once the proceeds shrink because socialism kills economy
This is NOT about guns. This is about FREEDOM.
My point is always the same: the MOB does NOT HAVE POLITICAL IDEOLOGY. It will follow WHOEVER PROMISES AN EASY GAIN. That's all that socialism is, that's all that fascism and nazism is. To the mob it doesn't matter which "ism" it is, be it communism or aneurysm, they don't know, they just want the MONEY. They want bread and circuses, whoever promises that wins politically. WHOEVER promises bread and circuses and also DOMINATION over others (once the egos are involved) becomes Hitler.
When I say "egos" I mean HURT egos. And egos get hurt. Be it Germany after WWI OR be it USA once the US Dollar collapses, the US Treasury bonds fall through the floor and interest rates spike up and China stops exporting to satisfy USA demand for cheap Chinese goods... then EGOS GET HURT Egos get hurt and then you can bet your ass, whoever comes out with flags waving and promising the return to the 'good old days' and 'equality and prosperity' (to the nation of-course) becomes god for a while
Yes, it is corporate fascism. Let me simplify something for you, the ignorant one. Fascism is a form of collectivism. It is just a subset of Marxism, but it's not international Marxism, it is an ultra-national version. Since I know much more about it than you (I have studied it, the Soviet version and then the actual deal by studying German history of socialism and the switch to fascism after the WWI), I'll tell you that the mob transitions from one to another fairly smoothly.
Private = State in the mind of this mental navigator. Good job. Coming next, the navigator will explain how up is down, north is south, cold is hot and dry is wet.
And it is NOT going to be 'equality under LAW' and 'prosperity by WORKING', no. No no no. No. It's going to be 'equality of outcomes' and it's going to be 'prosperity by forcing those inbred Arab Muslim Asian Black Australian South American Mexian DIRTIES' to accept whatever, that USA is a dominant war machine or whatever. I wonder though, I wonder if the fact that there are 30% of people NOT willing to take it is a GOOD SIGN, I think it is.
It's a crazy world, where a Jew like Ben of TYT (I am also considered Jewish by the way, my mothers mother was, so I am by Israeli standards and I have their citizenship) is so PRO-socialism Being pro-socialism for an ethnic or religious minority in a country where majority is not your ethnicity, not your religion, not your race, not smart at all So many Jews and blacks and latinos vote as a democratic block, they like this version of socialism, they'll be the victims of the next version of it
Dumb ass, our Soviet revolution REQUIRED DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT. That was one of the axioms that Soviet State was built upon. Was USSR left or right in your stupid head?
All that "Sweden socialism" ends very very quickly once the mob can no longer STEAL from the minority enough to satisfy their own demand. So just like in Greece, where you are observing EXACTLY THAT IN ACTION: socialism transitioning to fascism, that's what happened in Germany. Of-course it REQUIRES demonisation of capitalism, of individual and elevation of the central planning authority and harsh discipline, they need to steal more efficiently and punish more harshly for not following.
Obviously, people fought more than one civil war against the proletariat, the revolution was done by a tiny minority of people, paid for by the German, American and other interests, who wanted to see that power crumple and they did. Only they gave rise to a much worse thing that preceded it.
You are a complete moron, fascism allows SOME private ownership of property because the fascist government recognises that private ownership is still more efficient, and they have personal gain interest, so they just tax the corporation but protect it with government monopoly. Soviet Union didn't have ANY private corporations, dumb ass.
Of-course as Jews were forced into financial and various trade professions for historic reasons (they were often prohibited from owning land in different countries), some of them were seen as people with money So Nazism (and this means racism and anti-semitism) just allows to STEAL from them as well. It's very SIMPLE There are no ideological reasons for nazism, for fascism for socialism There is always only ONE REASON: theft Theft is socialism, nazism, fascism, collectivism wrapped together
4:10: if the government does NOT GO AWAY once an armed revolution begins, and instead it uses tanks and airplanes and missiles etc., then the government just adds to the entire mountain of facts that it is illegitimate. Of-course it IS illegitimate, it is unconstitutional, it completely destroyed the freedom of the individuals. Just adding tanks to the mix makes it much more clear to the REST of the population.
Not good enough. That number needs to cross 50%.
3:30: BULLSHIT. It's not about any conspiracy, it's about SOCIALISM. Socialism must be stopped, the democracy must be stopped and the Republic must be restored. That's what it is about, it's about cutting the government's head off and then recreating a Constitutional Republic where the INDIVIDUAL IS FREE from government oppression.