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Comments by "romanmir01" (@romanmir01) on "When Did Romney Leave Bain?" video.
Free market doesn't have externalities, because free market means that gov't isn't involved in business, it's not regulating business, it's not guaranteeing anything, it's not there to give business ability to mine (for example) on property that is not owned privately. Free market is all about private property and individual rights, this means that there are no externalities, every single transaction, everything is subject to possible liability claims from property owners.
Of-course every single regulation is bad. Every gov't regulation of business is bad. Every time gov't steals freedoms from individuals, goes over Constitutional authority is bad. There are no upsides in the long run and not for the entire economy, somebody is 'helped' alright, but this destroys the economy by destroying individual rights. Pollution is created by gov't meddling with business - limiting liability and dealing with businesses on so called 'public property', which shouldn't exist.
The cost of business includes all liability claims when there is no gov't intervention. With gov't intervention, be it providing the moral hazard of public property or fake insurance guarantees or removing criminal liability, etc., this does create the consequence of shifting the costs from the business to the tax payer, because gov't becomes responsible for everything that free market would simply price into the business cost. Cheers.
Wrong, I wouldn't vote for Romney just like I wouldn't vote for Obama. One of those is your guy. I'd vote for Ron Paul and if he is not the nominee I'd vote for Gary Johnson, he is the Libertarian on the ticket.
There are no property rights and no actual human rights in India, so without property rights, the company in question colluded with the gov't and only gov't can provide a company with guarantees against liability, provide a company with legal ability to violate other people's property and not to be liable for it.
There are no 'good regulations', it's simply a contradiction in terms. Regulation by definition is a bad thing, because it is something that goes contrary to the freedom of an individual to do business with his own property the way he and the market desire. Regulation BY DEFINITION is USE OF FORCE - threat of gov't violence. People don't need gov't to deal with criminals even (gov't corrupts that process) and having gov't to deal with business and individual entrepreneurs creates corruption
The insurance industry has been completely corrupted by the gov't. The insurance companies used to make lump sum payments and the clients would then decide how to use the money, any type of treatment that was available for the amount that the person was insured under. Insurance had claim caps, and that's how it should be, it's insurance, not a bottomless pit. BUT people used to pay out of pocket for most Dr visits. Today insurance is no such thing, everybody expects it to pay for EVERYTHING.
Externalities do not exist in the free market, where the gov't is not controlling your life and it's not regulating business and it's not in business of giving a green light to companies to do whatever they want on this so called 'public' property. No property should be public, and if property isn't privately owned, then no business should be allowed to operate there. That's the 'externality' that gov't creates, it's not a free market problem, free market regulates this with private property law
There are no 'pros', only cons when gov't regulates, taxes income, creates a welfare society, a society of dependency on gov't, because this creates the society that is interested in voting for violence. Violence is in stealing from the productive members of society to subsidise the unproductive and this promise of violence keeps politicians who promise it in power. People looking for subsidies act as children, unwilling to take care of themselves and looking for gov't violence based solutions.
WRONG. Healthcare is a business like all other businesses, and people have to pay money to get it. Healthcare is a for profit business, and treating it like something that it is not will only distort it, destroy quality, cause prices to always go up and will create shortage and black market in it. Having gov't in healthcare only causes people to get worse healthcare at higher prices, like with all other businesses.
What you don't understand is that the problem isn't about profits, the problem is about collusion with gov't, it's about regulations, tax code, it's about gov't meddling with health care and insurance. The solution of-course is to get rid of gov't intervention from this, but the population has been conditioned over the century to not understand simple economics.
Of-course there is a subsidy of limited liability that gov't creates, so in case of oil for example BP had this subsidy: 75 million USD per incident claim cap, but that's exactly why gov't shouldn't be allowed to regulate business, to set rules and to provide access to this so called 'public property', which is partially how these so called 'externalities' are created in the first place All gov't regulations create moral hazards, reduce competition, raise prices, destroy savings and are immoral
There is no free market in insurance, you are under impression that business of insurance is ruled by the free market for some reason. Free market in health insurance ended about 50 years ago, at the time when people could buy insurance coverage for 2 dollars per month for a family of 4 with a 500 deductible covering up to 50K per year, enough for 2.5 years of most expensive hospital stay at the time.
You've been conditioned to believe that externalities are inevitable in the market, they are not, they are created by this very flawed gov't concept of 'public' property. There is no such thing, this is what creates the externalities. Without public property, all property that is affected by any company or any person is private property, and then there are no externalities, because cost of any activity is factored simply through liability, which gov't removes.
Gov't regulations have everything to do with welfare and taxes. Welfare and taxes are part of the regulatory process. Welfare is not just a straight forward check from gov't. It's also a law such as labour laws for minimum wage or so called 'civil rights' or anything that creates a potential artificial liability to the employer because of gov't rules. A gov't provides a group of people with entitlements and places obligations on other groups of people, this is also done with threat of violence.
All regulations are simply an act of violence directed against individuals, and that's why gov't must be limited - to prevent such acts of violence. Gov't shouldn't be allowed to regulate individuals and businesses, gov't has a role - protect freedoms of individuals, that's the role of gov't. You think I 'act as a child' in reality every person who ever said: I want gov't to do something to regulate business or individuals, acts as a child. With my business, I look for least amount of gov't.
I don't live specifically in any country, I move all the time, staying here and there, but I do have a couple of so called 'home bases'. Obviously I have private insurance for health care and I have insurance against critical illness. But I pay for most of doctor visits out of pocket, which is the way it should be. Also all business is for profit, health care and health insurance aren't an exception and shouldn't be. Profit motive is the best way to provide lowest price and highest quality.
The fundamentals of a modern society are in the free market. Modern society is not just the last 100 years, modern society started once the capitalism and free market were allowed to work on this planet, especially since the USA was established as a Constitutional Republic. That's what created the modern society - not a big strong gov't, but a small and limited gov't and a big, strong individual free to do business as he wanted for profit to satisfy the demand on the market.
I don't need to 'discredit' gov't, it has discredited itself just fine all by itself (of-course not without the fucking morons who keep voting for all of these hand outs that do in fact destroy the economy). Gov't slows growth and prevents growth, gov't destroys savings and thus investment capital by inflation, by income taxes and by crowding credit out because only gov't can borrow at these fake interest rates. Gov't regulates and destroys competition to these 'too big to fail' firms.
There is nothing that gov't can do except protecting individual freedoms to allow market to work and to be efficient. Every rule and every regulations that is aimed at regulating individuals the way they run businesses prevents and destroys competition. Every new dollar printed or credited with fake interest rates to the banks destroys the currency and thus prevents savings and investment. Every penny that is taxed from income prevents savings and grows gov't.
Yeah, you seriously can't understand the simple concept that in a free market 'externalities' don't exist, they are potential liability claims against any individual or business who does anything in the market. Gov't removes liability, provides companies with ability to do business on 'public' property and creates externalities. It's YOU who don't understand what is happening, BP had liability capped at 75Million USD per incident, which was the moral hazard that allowed it not to give a shit.
As to energy industry, you clearly are under impression that oil companies get subsidies, they are not. They are a net tax payer, they are not a net tax receiver, which is what 'alternative bullshit energy' companies are in USA. A net tax payer by definition is not getting subsidies, he may be taxed at a lower rate, but those are not subsidies, good for the company if it can find ways to minimise the the theft of its productiivty. Of-course there is a subsidy of limited liability.
The own interests of the people are in allowing the market to work, NOT in growing a bigger gov't. Gov't doesn't produce anything, every employee gov't hires is a person that is paid for by the productive society - free individuals in the market, and every gov't worker is given the money (stuff) that was made by the free individuals in the market. UNFORTUNATELY today the freest individuals in the market are not found in the USA, apparently China allows individuals to be freer today than USA
Gov't creates pollution by regulating business, it creates pollution the moment it removes personal liability. BP had no liability beyond 75 Million USD per incident. Gov't creates pollution by having so called 'public property' and then allowing business to be done on this so called 'public property'. There should be no public property and definitely there shouldn't be any business done on it. Environ't problems are created by gov't meddling and destroying rights, especially property rights
I don't have to address everything, I can throw plenty of problems that gov't creates, with wars and with limiting liability to companies to prevent them from being responsible for whatever, while preventing competition from entering the market with regulations, taxes and destruction of investment by inflation. If Ford as a company doesn't do a good job, the market will punish the company with less profit, but gov't REMOVES personal liability from corporation managers and owners.
What you don't understand is that what you take for granted as the idea of 'externality' is a problem created by the gov't concept of 'public ownership'. You have to step back and realise that this concept is completely flawed - there is NO public ownership. Unless I own something (on my own or as part of a contract with other people, but not gov't, it has to be private ownership) then I don't care about it. I have to own something to protect it, gov't doesn't protect anything 'public'.
What actually would be funny if Romney was now brought up on those charges that he lied on a federal form and from being a presidential candidate he became a defendant. THAT WOULD BE FUNNY. Of-course federal government shouldn't be in business of asking people what their jobs are, how they make money, etc. NONE of it is gov't business, of-course that ship has sailed when IRS came to town.
A company can't dump stuff into your 'drinking supply' if your drinking supply is privately owned (probably by more than one owner too), but if your drinking supply is NOT owned privately, but instead is 'public', then a company can absolutely dump into it and it will get away with it because gov't limits liability and allows the company to do it.
Romney shouldn't run from his record, he should double down. Outsourcing jobs out of USA? HELL YES. Because USA doesn't want the jobs, and it's clear from the way the voters vote, it's clear from the way gov't behaves, it's clear that the system isn't there to encourage job creation, it's there to destroy productivity, not to promote it. The bigger the gov't, the less productivity there can be - gov't sucks the blood out of the economy by its very existence. Inflation, taxes regulations
All regulations create moral hazards, all regulations create corruption, all regulations destroy economy in the long run, all regulations create culture of dependency and remove personal responsibility and all regulations are based on threat of violence by gov't force. Gov't cannot be allowed to threaten people with violence for doing business, and what you think of as 'externalities' are simply costs that gov't allocates to the tax payers, to the society rather than where they belong: business