Comments by "romanmir01" (@romanmir01) on "Pope Francis Goes Off On Capitalism" video.

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  22. HyrdaRancher  If you are an employer, you know perfectly well that you don't have the power to force anybody to work for you. That's why I can't pay my employees 20 cents an hour for example, nobody would work for me. I have to pay them what they would agree to, because they have to weigh that wage against the cost of their leisure time OR of the cost of taking lead and actually working for themselves. Nobody is stopping anybody from working for themselves, it's only a matter of rational choices. You are forgetting something as well, the people that are your customers have to be REAL customers, as in the trade with them should give YOU something, not just meaningless paper.  So in the simplest terms all trade is about trading GOODS that we produce, we are exchanging goods (or claims on goods, which is money).  So if there are only 2 employers, it stands to reason that nobody else is producing anything that they can exchange. That's because either we are employing 100% of the population, or there are people that are not working for us, but are still eating, it means they are subsistence farmers or hunters / gatherers or fishers, etc.  They can't exchange the output of their labour for other people's labour in any meaningful way, they are not specialised enough to have the economies of scale to hunt / gather / farm / fish for more, than just themselves. So WHO is really exchanging the overproductive capacity here? If you and I are the ONLY 2 employers, it means you and I are exchanging productive overcapacity. The workers that we hire also exchange the productive capacity of their own with each other and this is only happening in the economy with 2 functioning companies, so that means in between the 2 of us we produce everything necessary for survival of a human being. Do you understand what I am saying? The economy is not about millions of dollars (that's just storage - claims on future consumption against the OTHER company), the economy is about our ability, as companies to produce. THAT is what is borked, totally broken in collectivism, they don't see, they don't understand, they don't care about what the economy is. They think money is the economy, not realising that money is just a claim on future consumption, but to engage in future consumption there has to be a form of production. Money is only as good as what exists to buy for it. It's NOT our employees that we exchange with, it's the BUSINESSES that exchange (trade). You see, without businesses, without production there is no consumption. Consumption is a trivial consequence of production. 2 company example is a simple way to understand that it's NOT the so called 'middle class', it's NOT the consumers that drive the economy, and businesses are NOT abusing anybody, businesses create the economy and provide people with a higher standard of living than that of hunters / gatherers / fishers, businesses do everything for the economy before paying 1 cent in taxes. This is part of the reason why I am against all income related taxes (the other part being that it is immoral theft), I am against all income related taxes, because these are the most destructive taxes, which prevent business investment and prevent more businesses from being built and thus prevent (or reduce) standard of living for everybody. That is why my position is and always was (for many decades now) that collectivism of every type is absolutely immoral and economically destructive, and the profit motive is the most moral and constructive motive.
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  27. Beelzeboogie  "Ah so it's ok for businesses to manipulate the military might" - no, did I say that? Absolutely not. It is the collectivists that put the corrupt politicians in power that allow for that type of behaviour to happen. The mob is stupid basically, it acts AGAINST its own long term interests and its own long term interests is to keep the gov't out of businesses, out of money, out of taxing income, out of wealth redistribution, and to do that, the mob needs to ensure that the politicians that are elected are NOT elected because they promise corruption (theft, redistribution) but because they promise to KEEP the fundamental Constitutional values in place, which are - as little gov't as possible, just enough to prevent occupation by foreign violent states for example. As to your complaints that businesses did not do badly with the Nazis, it's exactly the same song.  The Nazis came to power in a country, that allowed them (the collectivists) to take over. Of-course there is a difficult history that I can tell you all about, I spent plenty of time in Germany and actually cared enough to study the issue.  The Keiser was not the worst thing that happened in the world, he was weak and was beaten, but what came after, what beat it, allowed for more collectivism to occur. It's a complex issue of destroying capitalist principles over time, destroying entire classes of bourgeois and creating the idea that collectivism and its discipline will save the country and the nation. Mix the earlier form of Marxism with the final understanding that an average German did not see any value in allowing for international style of Marxism and you get your nationalist democratic movement, which is what the mob actually rallied behind and gave a wide enough road for the nazis to march in. Once the nazis are in, the free market capitalism is out, but SOME people will make money in that system, even more than before, because they will cooperate with the regime. Are you blaming the people who manage to survive and thrive in that system or can you admit that the system should not even be allowed to exist in the first place, so collectivism allowed this, collectivism is the root cause of this evil, and funny how TYT's Ben (a jew) is all for collectivism.
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  34. Sigmund Frued  So you like private property ownership and operation but you can't understand that a central government ends up corrupting the system and thus destroying the freedoms that allow private property ownership and operation.  You are not very consistent in your believes. No business is a 'leech on society' unless it is forced upon the market by the government. Nobody is a leech upon the society if members of the society deal with the business on voluntary basis.  Great Depression was caused by central gov't, first ensuring that the Fed would print money to buy all the bad UK debt from France and then, after the inevitable asset bubble crash that was caused by that inflation, the gov't stepped in and stepped up the inflation (you can also call it QE) and used the fake money to buy real assets with the explicit goal of destroying them. So you are complaining about lack of morality of free market capitalism and you are against anarcho capitalism out of some misguided moral principles, yet you are closing your eyes to the immoral destruction of assets during the Great Depression by the gov't (like the programs designed to purchase and destroy food) during the times, when people were starving. That's an interesting moral stance to say the least. And of-course lastly you are calling for the bloodshed, which is completely in line with the other collectivists that have ever stepped a foot on this planet. They all and always called for a revolution and blood, supposedly "for the good of the mankind". You are the largest hypocrite, a murderous one, as I have already said many times even in this thread.
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  46. HyrdaRancher  I disagree FUNDAMENTALLY that it is of any private person's business to do anything for anybody rather than for themselves. So I disagree fundamentally with your premise that a business owner "must provide" anything to an employee.  My employees are important to me, but they are only here because I need to extend my own productivity and I do it by automation and by employing people, and so there is always competition between capital and labour and if you make labour too expensive for me with laws and taxes, I will find ways. I will move, I will buy more labour savings devices and hire less labour, I am not going to play by your nonsensical ideas that I am somehow responsible for other people's well being. My goal is to make as much money as possible by building the best mousetrap that I can build and by finding the most customers that I can in order to maximise my efficiency and return on the investment, nothing else. The good thing about it is that if the government is not involved, then people like me, acting in their own self interest create and grow the economy. By the way, you are blaming capitalism for the mistakes made by the collectivism, like the Great Depression, where the asset bubbles were created because of the gov't intervention in the money markets, printing US dollars (and don't start on the nonsense that the Fed is not really part of gov't) to buy bad UK debt from France. The free market responded by placing all that cash into something, that something being the agriculture stocks and the bubble was created. Just like the housing bubbles, just like the bond bubble of today, it is not at all the fault of capitalism, it is the fault of central government planning and collectivism, which tries to manipulate the markets and distorts them.  Of-course then the market CORRECTED the mistakes of resource misallocation that were created by the gov't, the gov't responded even more stupidly, collectively and violently, by printing even more money and buying up even more assets (in many cases to DESTROY the assets to prevent the NECESSARY deflation). So the gov't created inflation, destroyed assets and turned the necessary recession into the unnecessary depression, which lasted up until the end of WWII, when gov't finally cut spending by 64% and taxes by 32% and then depression ended. As to your nonsense about gov't non-intervention in the years 1905 to 1933, it's just that -nonsense. US gov't created the IRS and the Federal reserve in 1913 and in 1917 the Congress gave power to the Fed to monetise USA Treasury debt, consequently and almost immediately inflating a huge bubble and causing a recession and a depression by 1920, and then Harding allowed massive devaluation by NOT intervening and the market corrected in less than 2 years the depression was over. In 1925 the USA gov't intervened more, this time to buy bad UK debt by printing USD, the market responded with an asset bubble and the inevitable bubble collapse caused the necessary recession, which would have also worked itself out quickly, but Hoover intervened violently and then FDR did so even more violently, causing the Great Depression. This is not what they will give you in your worthless history class in your public school, so I am not blaming you for ignorance here.