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Comments by "romanmir01" (@romanmir01) on "Shark Attacks More Common Than Voter Fraud" video.
@Piriathy STRAWMAN. I didn't say: people who don't have enough money should not have equal rights. I said: people who DO NOT PAY TAXES must NOT be allowed to vote, when their voting can raise taxes on people who DO PAY TAXES. The founders ARE turning in their graves - they see the Republic destroyed by this mobocracy that you are standing for.
@crocfme It's called: sovereignty of a country. It's called VOTING. Vote for people who are FOR the CONSTITUTION and then all the unconstitutional shit, income taxes, SS, Medicare, ALL undeclared wars stop. The only constitutional taxes were excise, import, sales taxes. NO tax can be applied unless it is apportioned, thus the 16th amendment is an abomination, just like the 18th was and also 17th is today. In USA 17th Amendment is what needs to be repealed to fix the sovereignty issue.
@Wh47n0w1517 No, it's a dictatorship now, with POTUS starting wars on his own, now Obama killing people on his own, NDAA, etc. 50% of people who don't pay income taxes can vote to force those who DO pay income taxes to pay MORE income taxes - this is MOBOCRACY right now. To FIX this problem, income taxes must be abolished at the very least (and so must 99% of the government as well.)
@ooMONKEYoo AGAIN: SPENDING. Taxes are SPENDING. ANY SPENDING BY GOVERNMENT IS A TAX. Either it is raised as a tax now, OR it is raised as a tax later (plus interest). It is raised either as a direct tax OR an indirect tax. Also: the WORST tax is the insidious tax of INFLATION. Inflation is something that the POOR should really be worried about, because it's THEM who is fucked by the INFLATION TAX the most. The rich don't care, they move money into other commodities, the poor are fucked.
Nobody with 0% income tax should be allowed to vote. There are about 50% people with 0% income tax that can vote to raise income taxes of those, who actually PAY income taxes. This is what Constitution is supposed to prevent - majority abusing minority.
@ooMONKEYoo As to Republicans or Democrats - this is all nonsense, it's a ruse. The first spend on wars and whatever, the last spend on welfare and whatever, it doesn't matter, none of it is Constitutional, none of it can be spent, it all must be stopped.
@Wh47n0w1517 It's a republic, not a democracy. Freedom is NOT best served by a democracy, because majority of voters are stupid and they will vote against freedoms of all people if allowed.
@Wh47n0w1517 AFAIC it is WOMEN that are responsible for the cancerous growth of government in the first place though, as they are nearly always going to vote for bigger gov't handouts (and this contraception case shows how they think). They want gov't to take care of them, but WHO is PAYING for this? Again: having people who are not paying into the system being beneficiaries and being able to vote is wrong. SAME with monopolies that gov't creates - the banks.
NOBODY whose INCOME TAX is 0 should be allowed to vote.
@Wh47n0w1517 There is no freedom in democracy at all. Democratically elected gov't always creates slavery and eventually leads to tyranny of the majority and then tyranny of party of the majority and tyranny of a dictator, even if it pretends that the dictator is an elected one, it doesn't matter. There is no freedom in democracy, most people are as dumb as a door knob, or worse, they will absolutely vote against their own freedom for little crumbs.
@ooMONKEYoo AGAIN AND AGAIN: FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. Unless you PAY those, you can't be allowed to vote in FEDERAL elections. If you are getting benefits from federal gov't even in terms of not paying federal income taxes, you shouldn't be allowed to vote, which means you shouldn't be allowed to vote to INCREASE federal income taxes of OTHER PEOPLE.
@Wh47n0w1517 Anybody who is GETTING something out of the system and didn't pay into it. You think women weren't allowed to vote early in the days for what reason? It was specifically because they mostly weren't tax payers and that was because they didn't have much say in the economy, they mostly didn't run businesses, didn't own businesses and land, etc. In fact industrialisation gave women rights by increasing productivity of all and allowing women to stop being baby making machines.
@wtfdoihavetodohere No, I am not happy. It shouldn't be "money running the gov't", it is SUPPOSED to be people running it, except that the gov't isn't supposed to be running OUR lives, so gov't must be much smaller. As it is now - yeah, money runs it and destroys the economy for the actual people.
@PirateFish1 DEMOCRACY? WHO SAID IT WAS DEMOCRACY? For thousands of years we know already that democracy ALWAYS descends into tyranny. It's not like Plato wrote on Democracy just for fun - he outlined what was already clear to him then, which is true today - democracy is a step before tyranny. Tyranny of majority, as 51% of people can ALWAYS agree to abuse 49% of people, just put an arbitrary line a tiny bit above 50% using any characteristic describing people and you have your tyranny.
@ooMONKEYoo Nonsense. The moment a person can directly stop paying a tax while keep voting to increase that particular tax upon those, who pay it, it becomes discrimination, and this case it is discrimination of minority by majority, because simply put: 51% can ALWAYS agree to raise taxes on 49% as long as those, who raise the tax do not raise the tax on the 51% itself. It is the tyranny of majority and it is wrong, as it was in case of racism as well.
@Piriathy STRAWMAN: I didn't say that women are evil. I said: women used to not have jobs that paid taxes, thus they could not vote. Once the society decided that women are working enough and paying taxes, the women gained ability to vote (this was the precondition, no woman would win that suffrage movement without huge numbers of women workers). However it is WRONG to have SOME people not pay taxes and being able to vote, because their vote INCREASES taxes of those, who pay them - slavery.
@Wh47n0w1517 Do you even KNOW the US history? Do you even KNOW that not everybody was meant to vote from the very start? LAND OWNERS were allowed to vote first of all, and that's correct, because they were the ones PAYING TAXES to the gov't in the first place. Those who PAY should be able to order the music, those who DO NOT PAY should wait in line where they belong.
@Wh47n0w1517 I don't believe that WOMEN shouldn't have rights to vote. I believe absolutely that ANYBODY who does not PAY WITH HIS LIFE - HIS TIME - HIS WORK towards the spending by the Federal gov't must not be allowed to vote in Federal elections, because he is then benefiting directly by abusing - ENSLAVING others via the threat of Federal gov't violence. Allowing people NOT to pay taxes and vote while there are people who DO pay taxes means it's slavery - direct confiscation of LIFE.
@crocfme Cut the gov't by 99.9%, the gov't stops spending, the economy starts growing, put a flat sales tax of 20% on all sold goods and another 20% tax on all imports (just across the board imports). You easily deal with this nonsense.
@Wh47n0w1517 The Republic, not a democracy. Republic - if you can keep it. Nobody who is NOT PAYING for whatever purpose that is served by the money collected by federal gov't must be allowed to vote. But you should be able to EARN that right by actually participating in the economy in a way that gives you that right. What happens instead - 51% use the situation to vote in whoever, that will tax the 49%, democracy does not work. Democracy destroys freedom, slavery can be democratic.
@PirateFish1 A person is NOT affected by the political affairs unless the person PAYS for the political affairs directly. All taxes must be APPORTIONED for that very reason, and that is why the 16 amendment must be abolished at the minimum. The 17th must also be abolished, because States must have their sovereignty, otherwise they need to secede ASAP, because the contract that is the Constitution is broken.
@Nebbyker DID I SAY: Let's go back to those times when women didn't vote? TODAY women ARE working, they are working and many pay taxes, and just like any other people who work and create and pay taxes they need to vote, because IT IS THEIR WORK that is being STOLEN from them by gov't and the rest, so they MUST HAVE A SAY. So your strawman doesn't hold.