Comments by "romanmir01" (@romanmir01) on "Bought Corporate Media HATES Bernie Sanders" video.
Eventually USA economy will disappear, it is dead already, USA is bankrupt. The totalitarian system will be set up in place and whether Trump or Sanders or Clinton are in power at the time is really irrelevant, USA WILL GO TOTALITARIAN. With Sanders totalitarianism takes the shape of socialism/communism, with Trump and Clinton I think totalitarianism will go corporate, so fascism. ALL OF THOSE are anti-individual, pro-State, against individual freedoms, for the collectivist system, whether the collectivist system is used to grow the power of the State to promote socialism or fascism ... doesn't matter to me 1 bit. What matters is that nobody is running on the platform of freedom and liberty. Sanders is a collectivist authoritarian mobocrat, he wants to steal from some to ensure his ideology comes to power and stays in power. I don't want any of his ideas to be implemented anywhere ever, unfortunately they are already and they are destroying so much of the rest of the world. Where is Gary Johnson, dammit?