Comments by "romanmir01" (@romanmir01) on "Big Banks Fined* For Rate-Rigging Scandal | *Slapped On Wrist" video.

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  8. *****  "Give me the ability to issue and control nation's money and I wouldn't care who writes the laws." - I am probably paraphrasing Rothschild here, but that's his quote from late eighteenth century.  The governments are running the largest ponzi scam operation in the world, and this ponzi scam is the fiat currency without any real money behind it. Money is a social construct, it is required to be something of value and something that stays valuable and doesn't spoil and doesn't rot, etc., so gold does very well being money. The governments hate gold and any real money because then they can't really steal - they are forced to tax.  Do you think it is MORAL for somebody to incur debts on behalf of UNSUSPECTING others? Think about that. Is it moral to get into debt that YOU cannot repay and that is going to be left over for others to repay, while they didn't in fact incur it, they didn't vote for it, they didn't profit from it.  Inflation  is just money printing, inflation is not rising prices, rising prices are an inevitable consequence of inflation, but prices don't inflate, they rise. Money supply inflates or deflates, that's the real definition from a little while back, before they started changing the definition even in vocabularies.  Inflation is a way to expand gov't power without taxes, it's a way to steal savings from savers (and investment comes from savings). Inflation is a way to diminish the value of currency and as such, it is a way to LOWER prices, including wages, so that's why gov'ts say that they 'need' inflation to encourage exports. In reality inflation simply lowers prices, so it's an equivalent of having a sale, selling your stuff cheaper, except with inflation you don't do it honestly and you don't really change the price of products, you change the price of money, which robs from everybody who holds that currency or assets denominated in that currency.  The reason for the economic disaster that is slowly unravelling (since 1971, when Nixon defaulted on the gold dollar) is inflation and the resulting growth of gov't power, resulting growth of monopolies through gov't power, resulting destruction of savings and thus of investment capital, destruction of competition, destruction of the law itself. Why does gov't pass more and more laws every year (tens of thousands of new laws)? Do they really have to change the basic criminal laws, like: don't murder? Don't steal? Don't rape? They don't, so why are they constantly inventing new laws unrelated to these things? It's because the gov't is growing, it's power is growing, it's size and it's reach is growing and it could NEVER grow this way if it was bound simply by taxes that could be extracted from the economy, because a slower economy would slow down the rate of extraction. Inflation, on the other hand, backed with a military force that promises to attack ANYBODY that questions the supremacy of the so called 'reserved' currency, now that's a powerful force that allows gov't and the most connected companies to keep growing, it's a feast among famine. The gov't is the force that is destroying the system and the problem is, that such a huge part of the population now is on the dole that they won't stop the gov't from this abuse, they won't remove it from power. It WILL lose the power but that will be quite dramatic and very traumatic as well.  This will happen once the world stops IMPORTING USA produced inflation.
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