Comments by "romanmir01" (@romanmir01) on "The ONLY Group Opposing Racial Equality [POLL]" video.
***** There shouldn't be any subsidies paid to anybody and no money should be stolen from individuals in form of any type of income taxes, inflation (money printing) and business regulations, which are also taxes. You are the chicken with a very short beak and you can't see past it. Of-course the military is gigantic, it's a huge subsidy, which shouldn't exist. As to oil or anything else, the only problem there is that often the land where the mining is happening is so called 'public property', an oxymoron, that chickens like you can't understand. There shouldn't be any 'public property' and more importantly no business should be happening on any land that is not privately owned and operated. Nobody should be forced to pay so called 'living wage', WalMart jobs are entry level jobs, not jobs for people with families. Just because WM workers can only find WM jobs does not make it WM responsibility to provide them with a so called 'living wage'.
For every WM advertised position, hundreds of applications sent to the company, AFAIC WM IS OVERPAYING ITS WORKERS AND SHOULD SLASH THE SALARIES TO THE POINT, WHERE ONLY A FEW PEOPLE APPLY FOR ANY POSITION, they are an extremely efficient company, but they can be made much more efficient. As to gov't subsidies - these shouldn't exist at all, again, for anybody under any circumstances.
As I said, the mob is a bunch of brainless chickens, you are part of it, chicken, go dig in some pig shit, maybe you'll find a worm there.