Youtube activity of "Oscar Grainger" (@oscargrainger2962) commenter.
- Name Oscar Grainger
- YouTube id UCvfREynJ3wRe1Bp5C5dmFYw
- YouTube name id @oscargrainger2962
- Found user comments 1757
- Hearted comments 5
Comments grouped by channel
"1420 by Daniil Orain"
"ABC News"
"ABC News In-depth"
"AFP News Agency"
" Documentary"
"Al Jazeera English"
"Andrew Lawrence"
"Artur Rehi"
"BBC News"
"BFBS Forces News"
"Bloomberg Television"
"Business Basics"
"CBC News"
"CNA Insider"
"Channel 4 News"
"China Observer"
"Combat Veteran Reacts"
"Covert Cabal"
"DW Documentary"
"DW News"
"Daily Mail"
"Darius M"
"DawnNews English"
"Democracy Now!"
"Econ Lessons"
"Economics Explained"
"Ed Nash's Military Matters"
"FRANCE 24 English"
"Forbes Breaking News"
"Fox Business"
"Fox News"
"Good Times Bad Times"
"Hindustan Times"
"Inside Edition"
"Jake Broe"
"Kyiv Post"
"Mark Felton Productions"
"On Demand News"
"Patrick Boyle"
"Peter Santenello"
"Real Reporter"
"Republic World"
"Sky News"
"Sky News Australia"
"South China Morning Post"
"TLDR News EU"
"TVP World"
"Task & Purpose"
"Taylor The Fiend"
"The Electric Viking"
"The Enforcer"
"The Guardian"
"The Independent"
"The Rubin Report"
"The Russian Dude"
"The Sun"
"The Telegraph"
"The Wall Street Journal"
"Times Radio"
"UATV English"
"VICE Asia"
"VICE News"
"VisualPolitik EN"
"Voice of America"
"Volodymyr Zolkin"
"WELT Documentary"
"William Spaniel"
"World According To Briggs"
"Zeihan on Geopolitics"
"bald and bankrupt"