Comments by "Tom Golden" (@tomgolden1673) on "Prepare for even higher prices at the pump: Rep. Westerman" video.
Its healthy to be a climate skeptic ,when the Cold war powers were aggressively testing nuclear weapons,the Scientific
Community was seriously stressed out that nuclear radiation fallout was most dangerous problem long term,if,carbon is trapped in our atmosphere,how is the radiation fallout isn't trapped in our atmosphere as well,So if our magnetic fields expand and contract, doesn't the radiation expand and contract if trapped in our atmosphere,for The French for example tested in northern Africa radiation is still present in dangerous levels,and couldn't that radiation magnetically expand to Spain,France,and Portugal,on a hot clear day,Scientists in the 1950's were furiously upset,when the U.S. were found out to be conducting upper atmosphere nuclear testing that was operation Starfish,you should do some research on that