Comments by "Tom Golden" (@tomgolden1673) on "Biden administration has not taken a full throttle approach to confront China, Gen. Keane says" video.
Maria should take a fox group to China and visit China's cities and report on their advanced tech schools called "STEM" ,these schools are out producing skills required to compete in Science Technology,Electronics and Mechanics,the amount of engineers graduating in China's Stem schools is one reason China's winning in every sector,you should go visit and report on the China education system and when you go check out all the modern infrastructure unlike any on the earth,you have to see it for yourself to understand America's challenges to compete,don't just take Washington DC"s word,
China's new innovations are conquering the EV industry,its all about the "STEM SCHOOL SYSTEM" those classrooms are state of the art ,China's infrastructure today is 22 nd century,where are we as a country compared to China.
It's our school system that's failing our children's education,the department of education has set us back at least 50 years with all this indoctrination that has very little to do with preparing students for the future work places and businesses and China entrepreneurial minds are gaining in many areas,