Comments by "Setta" (@settame1) on "The IVF "Debate" is One the GOP Should Avoid" video.

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  17.  @daemonsilver3304 why? Eggs can be federalized one at a time, they don’t even has to discard fertilized eggs. Natural conception and IVF have the same implantation rates so if you’re against it at that stage you’re also against natural implantation. The drugs used for IVF were developed with governmental funding so we’ve already paid for them, so saying that it’s a cost on the tax payer it really isn’t, not to mention it’s already typically completely covered for medically necessary IVF. To get to IVF (that’s covered) you have to exhaust all other possibilities for conception because it is an invasive procedure. Personally we tried IUI 12 times, each time we had a high likelihood of 5+ which would have caused a medically necessary selective reduction in embryos (aka abortion) because it would have risked the health and wellbeing of the other embryos. It’s done the vast majority of the time with the parent’s eggs and sperm, if not it’s from willing donors (trust me, people don’t go through with it unless they believe in it cause even with $10k in compensation it’s a very medically intense journey). Any good clinic with high success rate only implants one blastocyst at a time because it’s to risky with 2 considering there is already a 5% chance for identical twins via IVF. There may be an argument made for genetic testing (at day 6 cells are tested for chromosomal anomalies) but this is typically not covered by insurance and parents have the right to choose to keep or destroy those embryos. Now how correct that testing is is an issue, it typically is a small sample (because at day 6 there aren’t many cells) so it probably catches more anomalies than normal, but it also is weeding out eggs that have a high likelihood of failure to implant or early miscarriage, if you’ve been trying for 4 years or longer you don’t really want to take that risk. All the other BS is made up outrage that doesn’t exist. The Alabama case was regarding gross negligence by the clinic and had nothing to do with the actual IVF procedure. It was a clinic that didn’t want to pay.
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