Comments by "KGS" (@kgs2280) on "Why Has Go Fund Me Become America's Healthcare System? Featuring Wendell Potter" video.

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  2. I’ve got Kaiser, and I really loved it at first because deductibles were low, even on prescriptions, (it was from my husband’s work, and I found that the plan rates were very expensive. But they they were very good at fixing my broken toe. Anything beyond that they were not so good, and they are TERRIBLE at diagnosing. They fumble around trying to find what is wrong with you, but when it doesn’t work, they try something else, and if that doesn’t work they just throw up their hands and walk away. Or if you have pain that they can’t figure out, and especially if you’re a woman, they tell you’re probably just depressed and they write you a referral for psychiatry. I once had cancer and the doctor gave me what he called a “very aggressive” chemotherapy treatment. Yeah, it was that! It made me diabetic for life - DURING the first treatment! I was supposed to have sixteen treatments (!!!), but by the third treatment I knew I would be dead from the chemo long before the 16th treatment, so I quit after three. Just told him I didn’t want to die like that, and he was so mad at ME! I asked him what my chances were if I continued the full treatment and told me I had a 60/40 chance of still being alive after 5 years with the full treatment, and get this, he said I had a 50/50 chance of same without treatment. (And I had already had surgery to remove the tumor). I’m no mathematician, but it didn’t seem worth continuing treatment that might kill me for a measly 10% gain. I never went back, and here I am, fine after fifteen years. I started getting degenerative disk disease in my back, which I think the chemo also contributed to, so I ended up having three back surgeries, none of which did me a bit of good, just left me in constant pain. I don’t want to sound histrionic, but I feel they’ve ruined me. So, I’m not very amused with Kaiser anymore, and will only go there fore something relative minor like stitches or a broken foot. It’s so frustrating!