Comments by "MGTOW-Balance" (@mgtow-balance3409) on "Making The World's First Male Sex Doll | Slutever" video.
+Twisted Frannie
ya know i'm very glad to see how more and more men are learning not to listen to shit that women say. "some of us" = not MOST women = your statement is invalid when compared to reality
so putting to the side the bait 'n' switch, divorce rape, cucking, manipulating, gaslighting, etc., etc., NOW we have #metoo which allows ANY female to use the power of govern[MEN]t against ANY male with NO EVIDENCE REQUIRED, just her word!! but since you're a female you don't have to worry about now do you?
story from reddit: man on the train going home from work. a group of young bitches decide to play truth or dare against him, accused him of some bullshit. train was stopped next station, cop gets on, man gets arrested with NO EVIDENCE REQUIRED. the storyteller tries to intervene, cop says mind your business or you get arrested too. fuck you gotta say about that?
when it comes to all this anti-male misandric bullshit i have just one response: #FuckYouToo