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The Young Turks
Comments by "" (@A86) on "Jordan Russell Davis: Unarmed Black Teen Shot Dead" video.
To be honest, this being in Florida was one of the main reasons I took race into account, lol. The SYG law has been unjustly applied to white and non-black victims too (see Daniel Adkins, a white guy shot by a black shooter using the SYG excuse), but the law in Florida seems to have double standards about when they decide to take SYG seriously or not depending upon the race of the victim. I was making a complaint about institutional racism but I think some white people have a difficult time
"In 93% of the murders of black people, the killer is black" And? In 86-89% of cases where a white person is murdered the murderer is another white person. Does that mean we shouldn't report on a black person killing a white person since 9 out of 10 other white people killed were killed by another white person anyway?
It depends on what crimes you're talking about. In both the US and the UK whites are disproportionately arrested and convicted for crimes like child molestation (white inmates are 3x more likely than black inmates to have been convicted for sexually abusing kids), DUI (which kills as many people as murder), arson, hate crimes, serial killing, etc. Does that mean we should keep our kids away from every random white guy? Crime rates don't reflect the average person. Jesus racists are stupid.
Or the fact that cops are more likely to let white offenders off with a warning than minority offenders, or that cops pull over minorities for random stop-and-search pat-downs several times more than whites (which contributes to why more get busted per capita). The FBI and DOJ statistics themselves actually have a disclaimer that their figures don't take inequities and disparities into account and aren't a reflection on the average citizen. Racists always ignore that disclaimer.
Except it's not a fact. You have no evidence this is how the majority of black people act (and since when you have even met the majority of black people)? Typical conservative - makes broad statements about minorities he can't back up, then complains when he's called out on it and called out on what his behavior is.
There was a Civil War 2 already? *mind blown* 0__0
The guy convicted himself. Not much excuse for a guy who shot 7-8 FUCKING TIMES at a car of unarmed teenagers when none of them even started a physical altercation with the shooter. If the shooter was black and the teenager was white I'm sure you'd have convicted him too already.
Victims of what? The only people gun-control laws take guns away from are psychos like the guy who shot that teenager. This man was certainly NOT law-abiding. "Law-abiding" people don't shoot unarmed teenagers 8-10 times unprovoked and then run and hide from the cops. The fact he ran shows his criminal intent. Kind of interesting you tagged on "law-abiding" near black given there are white people who aren't law-abiding either and own guns. Anyways, I won't try to psychoanalyze tonight.
Someone responding harshly is not an excuse to shoot them, especially damn near 10x. There is no evidence any of them tried to fight him, even if they did the number of bullets fired would be overkill. People don't have to obey you when you tell them to turn their music down (and we have no evidence he asked politely either) and you can't use violence if they don't respond. Especially if they're not on your property.
Because you can expect some white people to defend this guy because the kid he shot was black. Because the kids were dismissive of him and because it was more than 1 black male in a car some white people will assume the black guys were "gangsters" or that they did something to warrant being shot (even though the investigation shows none of them had a weapon).
Makes broad, stereotypical statements about most people in a group of millions of people? Check. Assumes any problems they have is entirely self-caused? Check. Assumes discrimination is over while demonstrating a discriminatory mindset? Check.
We don't have evidence that he did it because they were black but we do know that HE DID IT and there appears to be no justification for it. Whatever the color of the teenagers there's no excuse for this guy and there's no reason for me to just assume there was a good reason simply because all the facts aren't in yet. We don't do that for every common thug who shoots other people so why should we for him?
I think the media probably would have picked on the similarities to the Trayvon Martin murder eventually but if the client didn't want this to become a race issue his own lawyer certainly threw him under the bus with that botched "defense" she gave. Lol
Their statistics are likely accurate in what they report (this claim that black people commit 39x more interracial violence is just bullshit though, according to the FBI black people are victims in about 1/3 of cases of interracial violence between blacks and whites) but that's the thing: it's just statistics. It doesn't take into things that skew the statistics, like the fact minorities are more likely to be given trumped-up charges, longer sentences or less likely to be able to afford a lawyer
American blacks are different from British blacks? Wha? Alright, I understand people from different countries have different cultures but WTF is that supposed to mean? There is NO excuse to shoot an unarmed black kid who was not bothering you, no matter what country they're from. The only dangerous thug here was Michael Dunn, who promptly RAN AWAY like the criminal he is. If he felt it was "self-defense" why run and hide from the cops?
The reason race is brought is up because this seems to just-so keep happening to black teenagers in Florida (and other SYG states) and people keep employing the "SYG" defense to get away with it. I'm sure you'd see the problem if every other black guy who shot a white person claimed "self-defense" and it was becoming a phenomenon.
Unfortunately America is probably still one of the most racist industrialized countries in the world (Japan has a lot of xenophobia but it's not the same psychology as American racism). Thankfully that trend may be changing for the better as the Elections of 2008 and 2012 hinted. :) But I think before things get better the rotten undercurrent/underbelly of America will fester even worse. It's like the last dying gasp of a moribund species.
Probably as many or more black teens have been shot this year. TYT hasn't covered most of them either. They didn't cover that black kid strangled to death by an off-duty white cop in Prince George's County, MD for being nearby the cop's house when some black kids played doorbell ditch.
So black people aren't citizens? Anyways, what do you call Fox News trying to portray Trayvon as a "thug" or posting stories about Daniel Adkins? When it's a story about a white person killing a black person it's "race hustling" but when it's about a black person killing a white person it's just fine, eh?
This case largely became a race issue when the shooter's lawyer opened up her big mouth and (possibly unwittingly) made it one. Her early defense of the shooter went something like, "It's 4 black guys in a car....C'mon!....C'mon! You know why my client felt threatened, it was 4 BLACK GUYS! Obviously he was justified in shooting."
Given they fight in the streets for political causes that usually aren't profitable I doubt this is for profit. Where is this profit in a story like this? A lot of white people (who are the majority) get antsy when people talk about racism. The only reason this is "sensational" is because of how this law is blatantly allowing a lot of people in these states to get away with cold-blooded murder on a flimsy "I felt threatened" bullshit excuse.
Earlier this year some guy asked me why did I complain about conservative media harping on Trayvon being suspended from school, I said because they never do that for white teens killed. The media didn't go on about how Natalee Holloway was a "loose" party-girl who ran off with strange guys in a car in a drunken stupor; the media didn't go on about how Elizabeth Smart might have skipped school before, etc.
Sorry, when you talked about black involvement in the African slave trade I thought it might have been the beginning of one of those "Well black people are responsible for slavery anyway, white people actually had nothing to do with it!"-type rants I've seen before on YouTube. Sorry if I made a false assumption.
They're not really being biased against the guy, they're predicting how this SYG law in Florida is justifying people to easily abuse it and how the Florida govt is more likely to give lenience to those who use it against black people. The fact that this kind of stuff just so keeps happening to black males since that law passed down there probably isn't just a coincidence. Racists have an age-old tradition of blowing away any black person they don't like and use the "I felt threatened" excuse.
Yeah, I've felt for years that American news is probably some of the most slanted and propaganda-filled news in the world outside of countries that are open dictatorships (the US is a borderline dictatorship ruled by a corporate-government-military junta alliance). It annoys me when people pull the old "What about all the other black people killed by black people?" excuse. Well hell, most white people are killed by other white people, should black-on-white incidents therefore not be reported?
"people just laugh at you for being stupid enough to be there in the first place" Who are "people"? I doubt most people would laugh about an innocent person being shot.
This wasn't a "mistake". Americans misuse that word today by calling every bad thing a "mistake". A "mistake" is an accident. The shooter made a bad CHOICE/DECISION. It was no accident.
Probably. Lol! I can see their headlines now about what an "upstanding citizen" Michael Dunn was while digging up every negative or questionable thing Jordan Russell Davis has every done (or flat-out make some some shit up like racists did with Trayvon Martin).
making a distinction (or simply don't make one) between when people are complaining about institutional racism from largely-white institutions and when people are complaining about social racism from everyday people. In this case I think the SYG laws, aside from being just a bad law in general, may possibly be emboldening a few unstable crazies who are racist to feel they can use that law as an excuse to get away with murdering a black person when they see how FL police react.
Agreed. Most of the time when I hear of an interracial crime I don't just assume race was the motive. The only reason I'm entertaining that notion in this case is because there seem to be an entire string of cases in Florida in the past couple of years where unarmed black people get shot over something minor (or something the black person didn't even initiate) and the shooter pulls the old "I felt threatened" or "I thought I saw a gun" excuse and the police actually take it seriously!
Don't be. I'm black and I have those days when I see comment sections or discussions that make me shake my head at black people, lol. Every group and so-called "race" has its fair share of bigots, dumbasses and ignorant people.
Hispanic is not a race. It's indeed possible to be white and Hispanic at the same time, just like one can be black and Hispanic or Asian and Hispanic. Besides, why would speaking a EUROPEAN language (Spanish) make one non-white? Lol Most people don't consider Indians "white" but the US Census defines "white" including people from North Africa and the Middle East. Most Indian-Americans identify as "Asian-American".