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Comments by "" (@A86) on "Osama Bin Laden Pakistan Compound" video.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "you still haven't provided a good reason why we want to continue to hang out in Afghanistan" I spelled it out for you: POPPIES. The country does have other resources ripe for exploitation such as natural gas and lithium.
@AlvinHDavernport - I didn't say it would last until November 2012. But Obama did need to do something in the meantime. If Obama waited until next year or later this year to start trying to come back in poll numbers he'd potentially be fucked as by then Trump or some other Republican may have already obtained an irreversible lead. The boost will indeed be gone by Nov. 2012 but by then Obama will have already been campaigning hardcore for over a year.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - You keep acting like things stopped happening in Afghanistan after 2003. While the people were more concentrated on Iraq most Americans DID still remember there was a War in Afghanistan. OBL was the main excuse the Bush Administration used to go over there. What would they do with their main excuse gone? Most Americans never knew much about the Taliban. Most didn't know they existed until 2001. The Taliban did not hold the same menace in the American mind as OBL.
@EvilFingers - Duh. The same people who paid for this supposed operation to kill him - the US taxpayers. Either way we're paying for his burial. Whether at sea or land.
@AgrivatedKillah - Nothing really has changed just because a Democrat is now running the show. It's not that Bush and Cheney were just extremely evil men running an otherwise good-hearted organization......the government and corporate America have teamed up and will keep their profiteering operations going no matter which party is in charge.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - What makes them less trustworthy than our own government? You just admitted our own government will lie to get us into frivolous wars like Iraq. "Here again you assert that catching bin Laden would take away our reason for being over here" Okay, let's play out your argument. Say in 2006 Bush said "OBL is dead". What then would be our reason to stay in Afghanistan?
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "but your belief requires you to believe that OBL was caught and killed on Bush's watch" How? Where did I say bin Laden was caught and killed? I said he I think he probably died. I didn't say he was killed or captured. The man was on dialysis according to some reports. It's not exactly a shocker when 50-something year old men go (as in die) on dialysis. It's a very taxing way to live and the older you get you're knocking on death's door step if you don't get a transplant.
Not to mention it seems quite odd they just dumped his body in the sea. Now where's the proof that he's been killed? They say they'll show pictures "in the future". Sounds like an excuse for them to have time to doctor photos. The US government likes these idiots (terrorists) running around free. It's a convenient excuse for perpetual war overseas and it's a brilliant fear tactic to keep the public in line.
@AlvinHDavernport - 46 to 54 is too close for comfort for an incumbent. I hated Bush but admittedly he had a stronger lead than that in 2003. Partially from riding the coattails of 9/11. I'm glad we had a reasonable debate too that didn't get too dirty or heated. ;) I think we're basically on the same side overall but I'm just more skeptical because I don't think the government has changed a bit since Obama took Office and I think Obama has unfortunately entered the Washington Bubble.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - I was responding to someone else who said burial at sea is cheaper. That IS an economic argument, not a sensible one at that given the government has been extremely wasteful when it comes to money spent on these wars. Anyway, Che's hands got taken off as proof he was dead. Hitler's body was never found. It's unknown if the Russians burned his corpse. For bin Laden the only "proof" is a DNA test no independent party has confirmed and no pictures so far...
@DoktorSick - No, it's because they've lied an innumerable number of times about stuff like this and they have a history of nefarious actions.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - Americans sort of forgot about Afghanistan once the War in Iraq got going. Most Americans still agreed with the War if Afghanistan prior to last year. Al-Qaeda doesn't really seem fractured to me. It's not at the status it was under OBL but they're still competent enough to be used as an excuse to stay overseas. The Taliban's continued existence and resurgence provides more excuse to stay in Afghanistan, even though they aren't really doing anything about them.
@AlvinHDavernport - True, boosts this early are still a shot in the dark. Things could turn around significantly in the next year-and-a-half like it did for Bush Sr. between 1991 and 1992. It's probably still better policy to keep your approval rating up at all times if possible and not let it get too low. That's part of why Obama punked out on other legislation. Even though he could have gotten higher ratings by not caving in but that's another story...
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - I don't know about you but if this happened under Bush I'd be even more skeptical. Not only because Bush was a more obvious liar but because killing OBL would be somewhat contrary to Bush's motives. Bush's motives was to have an excuse to stay over there as long as possible. Yes, yes he claimed we were there for more than bin Laden but that wasn't their real interest either. Their real interest is to stay forever to keep sucking oil out of the sand.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - If OBL was declared dead and just had a bunch of neophytes in charge a lot of Americans would put pressure on Bush to pull us out of Afghanistan. Now that some of these neophytes are becoming more competent with experience they pose more of a serious threat and thus an excuse for the military to have a reason to stay in Afghanistan and possibly send more people into Pakistan. OBL isn't needed as much now as the brains of the operation holding the body together.
@DoktorSick - I didn't say they did before. Though they've lied about all kinds of other information related to this war. Most Americans don't even know the US military is actually paying off the Taliban to leave our troops alone. The Taliban has gotten re-situated since 2002.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "you now assume the government would be candid about him keeling over from a disease" That's the opposite of what I'm claiming. Of course the government will take credit for his death either way. If he dies of natural causes or is killed by the military. The government kind of sees it as a "duty" now since in 2001 they vowed to hunt him down. Not to mention bin Laden dying of natural causes and this being admitted would be shameful to the government.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "And if he's been dead why did Bush not only not take credit" Sorry but that's a false dilemma. If bin Laden died who says Bush had anything to do with his death? Who says the government knew for sure back then bin Laden was dead? Bush was very much interested in making sure people thought bin Laden was alive and well. Taking credit for his death seems contrary to what Bush's interests were.
@AgrivatedKillah - I generally have low tolerance for conspiracy theories. I can't stand Birthers. However, just like I don't like Birthers I don't trust the Military-Industrial complex either. This man (bin Laden) has been sending us videos for years and we could have interrogated the go-betweens but we've left him out there as an excuse for these wars in the Middle East. Now some younger guy is replacing him and Obama needs to get re-elected all of a sudden he's dead but conveniently no body.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - The only geography that's relevant is the geography of areas sitting on top of natural gas. Some natural gas can be siphoned out of mountains. If Afghanistan were a steppe plain it would be irrelevant if the natural gas is buried underground in pockets too deep to drill for or too dangerous due to methane ice pockets.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - The American focus shifted away from Iraq after Obama scaled down the war there. Now the focus is back on Afghanistan. However, OBL holds nowhere near the importance now overall that he did back in 2001 or even 2006. He's expendable now. The problem is you don't seem to believe the military and government are devious enough to keep the Taliban around to keep the poppy trade going so the US can profit. If so you'd be wrong.
@cpufightclub - I'm a he. ;) Yes, those are the dubious sources I'm referring to. We all know they're dubious because if this were Bush claiming the same shit 3/4 of the people screaming at me and others who are skeptical would be right there with us thinking something doesn't pass the smell test. But because the President is now Obama the military-industrial complex can now be trusted because they've had a change of heart with a 'good guy' in Office....
@watisdanwelbeschikba - I didn't say he wasn't dead. I said I think he's been dead for years, hence why there's no body.
@AgrivatedKillah - You accused me or implied I'm a conspiracy nut when it's obvious I'm not if you read my posts. You also said something which indicates you believe I'm just anti-Obama. I view Obama about the same as Bush but it has less to do with either of them and more to do with the fact that the military-industrial complex's mindset and motives haven't changed. If anything they're probably getting worse as time goes on.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - And you've conducted a memory analysis that people won't remember bin Laden being killed? Ironically you're criticizing me for the same kind of argument you just made. "he's not taking much credit for it" He made at least one speech about it and it's been 24-hour news. Doesn't seem low-key.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - To be honest OBL wasn't such a mastermind himself. A lot of attacks under him failed and a lot of the ones Bush and Obama had stopped with the FBI and DHS were such harebrained schemes they were almost bound to fail. If Bush claimed credit for bin Laden's death a pullout would be more imminent since the replacements weren't as lined up several years ago as they are now. Al-Qaeda hadn't rebuilt to the degree it has now.
@AlvinHDavernport - Sad as it is Trump was leading in Republican polls on who they'd be willing to vote for as President. In that same poll almost 50% of Americans said they wouldn't vote for Obama. That's too low for any politician's liking. Trump might not have gotten there but Huckabee could have at this rate as he was tied with Trump and seen as a more serious candidate.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - You're correct about Afghanistan. Still, it makes a lot of money for some people. You're also right that al-Qaeda isn't the threat now that they were back in 2001 but the military doesn't really care. They'll keep right on dangling them out there as an excuse to stay in Afghanistan and go into Pakistan. When they blow them out of Pakistan and they run over to another neighboring country the US will get bogged down in Pakistan for the next 10 years.
@EvilFingers - How would it turn into a shrine if he's in an unmarked plot of land? Do you see the false dilemma? You don't have to put up a sign that says "Here lies bin Laden".
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "would be more shameful for OBL to die in a hole of sickness" For him maybe but then the American people would be upset some all-American boy didn't plant a hollow-point between his eyes like the news is now reporting about his death.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - You're right the excursion into Iraq was even more questionable. The Afghanistan war is now becoming that way since it's now known the Taliban has regrown in that region and the US is doing little about it other than paying off warlords to leave us alone and hosting "bacha bazi" pedophile parties for Afghan Security Forces. (True story, fucking sick)
@AlvinHDavernport - They call the election a "race" for a reason. Like it or not Obama was getting upstaged by old Donald Trump in popularity ratings. If Obama let this go on too long it could get to the point where he would never catch up, just like what happens in a footrace if you fall too far behind. This may not carry all the way to Election Day 2012 but it gave Obama a temporary boost to last him for a while until he starts campaigning.
@EvilFingers - Come now. The US government hasn't cared all this time about how much money we blow over in the sands of the Middle East. Why start now? They didn't care about blowing $2.5 Trillion+ on Iraq which had nothing to do with bin Laden or 9/11 but $50,000 or so now to bury bin Laden is now too expensive?
@RealityGrapple - The only videos we've seen are ones of a bloody mansion room or something. We have no clue if the DNA or facial tech belongs to him because almost none of us would know about that stuff in the general public. They could tell us it's Hitler's DNA and we'd never know the difference. We have no way to confirm if his wives actually said that (or anything). We just have to take their word for it. The birth certificate is at least easily confirmed to be real independently.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - 1) I didn't say the Bush Admin. knew about him dying for sure. 2) You haven't provided a reason why the Bush admin would want his death known. It would spoil their reason for being in Afghanistan. Why would they reveal OBL's death if they knew? So the public could ask now can we leave? 3) Afghanistan is indeed the largest producer of poppies. Look it up. In 2007 92% of world opiates were grown in Afghanistan. This is according to the UN and UNODC.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - - "requires you to also believe that Dubya caught public enemy number one" False dilemma. A person can't die unless Bush killed them? What the fuck kind of logic is that? Bin Laden was suffering from serious health problems. It's not exactly like he was in the prime of his life. If he died some time in 2006 or 2007 doesn't mean Bush had him killed or the military got their hands on his corpse.
@vaweyrr - And your shitty logic is he's dead because the government said he is (the same government that lies about shit all the time of what's going on overseas) and because they claim to have DNA that no one would know is legit or not anyway? Awesome "proof"..... Anyway, I can't remember the younger leader's name off the top of my head (it's a long name) but I'll return shortly with it.
@RealityGrapple - You've got a great point there. The 1953 installment of the Shah was the shot heard 'round the world in terms of what Western business interests were going to be in the Middle East in the post-colonial world after WWII. As simplistic as it sounds a lot of this truly does boil down to Big Oil.
@DoktorSick - The US military and CIA are indeed dubious sources.
@RealityGrapple - Very true. Obama doesn't directly control the Military-Industrial Complex. It's a juggernaut all its own and its the tail that wags the dog even with Presidents. I remember back in 2009 military leaders were making statements that they'd disobey Obama if he told them to do such-and-such. That goes to show how much power this machine really has. At the end of the day if OBL was or wasn't killed by the US military they have no intentions of leaving the Middle East.
@EvilFingers - By that logic they could just as easily watch a large group of Americans tossing a body into the ocean and watch which direction it floats away.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - Why does everyone who thinks this is real keep mentioning Bush? This leads me to believe a lot of the people who think it's for real are just personal fanboys and fangirls of Obama who would be screaming "This smells fishy...." like the rest of us if it happened under Bush. I think bin Laden has been dead for years and the Bush Admin. didn't take credit because they needed him as a bogeyman. I think they're now claiming he's dead since he's no longer useful as a bogeyman.
@AgrivatedKillah - It has jack shit to do with the fact that it's Obama in office. I'd be just as skeptical (probably more so) if this happened under Bush. Maybe you bought into all that "Yes We Can" marketing but I didn't. Obama's presidency has made it abundantly clear he's another bought-and-paid for Wall Street fatcat like Bush. The government and the military didn't magically change when the (R) changed to (D). The military and CIA are still the same juggernaut.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "and his political opponents didn't see fit to do the same thing?" Obama and Bush do have some differences. Bush was very much invested in Fear. He wanted the public to believe the bogeyman was everywhere. Obama takes a different approach. Not to mention there are other operatives who easily will take bin Laden's place. Killing bin Laden is not the same as killing Hitler. Al-Qaeda is like a Hydra.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "But again what is their excuse to stay in afghanistan" Bin Laden, the Taliban. Those were our excuses. Bin Laden is out of the way but there will likely to be a convenient backup leader soon who becomes the new #1. That wasn't as true several years ago when al-Qaeda was more disorganized than it is now. The US might go into Pakistan but you're right it won't be to snuff out remaining terrorists. That will probably be the excuse though if we do go over.
@RedTheDonkey - And how would any of us known this DNA is bin Laden's DNA? Hm?
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "Pakistani ISI has a large portion of pro-theocratic members" So does our military. Read up on the Air Force and religion. Anyway, what would they have to gain by lying about bin Laden's death? The Taliban would remain if we wiped out AQ but the military isn't trying to wipe out the Taliban. It seems you think the military is trying to fulfill said goals.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - A lot of toadies have been killed...only to replaced by new ones. Al-Qaeda has grown and that's why terror levels have been ramping up since last year. As stupid as Bush was there was a method to his madness. Bush wouldn't do anything that would end his reason to be in the Middle East. The death of OBL would effectively end his reason to be over there. OBL wasn't the sole predication but he was the main one aside from Saddam. You seem to think Bush's policy was random.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - You said people won't remember this next year. That IS making a claim about people's memories. How do you know how long they'll air this story? You need to calm down. Either you're getting so flustered that you're forgetting stuff or now you're just being dishonest.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - When we entered Afghanistan in 2001 it was claimed we were doing so because supposedly the Taliban had something to do with the 9/11 attacks. The US military wants to stay in Afghanistan because it's the world's largest poppy exporter. Big money.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - Where did I say Bush was responsible for killing bin Laden? Because I think he's dead doesn't mean I think Bush or the US military did it. Osama was used as an excuse to get into the Middle East period so we could end up going over to Iraq and Bush could settle his issues with his daddy's foe. However, once Iraq became a death trap people started thinking about bin Laden again and the fact he was still loose. Have you being paying attention for the past 5 fucken years?
@stigger91 - Why not just bury him in a plot of landed guarded by soldiers?
@vaweyrr - Bin Laden is useless. He's been replaced by this younger guy they've been yammering about in the news for nearly a year now. Do you honestly think terrorism is going to stop or the US involvement in the Middle East is going to end now because an expendable leader is gone? REALLY?
I'm skeptical of this whole thing. I've suspected for years that bin Laden has probably been dead. Since around 2006 or 2007. There are various sources in the Middle East that have circulated this rumor. The whole thing seems too convenient. It's conveniently in time for when candidates start heating up for Election 2012. It feels a lot like when Reagan delayed a resolution on the Iran Hostage Situation so the release could be timed just after his Inauguration speech.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - It's certainly more fractured now than it was under bin Laden. Still, even fractured they still pose a serious threat and simultaneously pose an excuse to stay in Afghanistan. The stupid part is al-Qaeda has mostly moved on from Afghanistan. The biggest threat in Afghanistan is the Taliban who we're paying off to leave our troops alone. This whole war is a scam.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - Various intelligences, leaders and news sources seemed pretty unanimous that bin Laden was dead. That doesn't sound like they were trying to undermine one another. "To destroy the taliban" Without bin Laden that excuse falls apart. We've been giving the Taliban money for years. Hence why I think they're going to have a replacement for OBL pretty soon. OBL was kind of the key excuse holding this web of lies and half-truths together. The curtain falls more without a bogyeman.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - "Bush who stood next to the big stupid sign that said "mission accomplished" That was the thing - Bush did it as a publicity stunt to appease his ego and get the media to wind down in paying attention to what was going on in Iraq. Anyone with a brain knew he wasn't done over there and by God it was just the beginning. If Bush claimed to have had bin Laden killed people would be like " can go home now?" As of 2011 there are replacements for OBL.
@deathrol3 - I'd be even more skeptical if this happened under Bush. Especially if it happened just as election season was ramping up like it is with Obama. I don't know about you guys but I don't give Presidents passes according to which Party they belong to. I don't like either party anyway. The government has not changed one bit just because a (D) is in office.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - Probably more so the untapped natural resources of Afghanistan then like natural gas and lithium. That said, I think these terrorists could be taken out by Navy SEALs and the Green Beret or the British Gurkhas instead of invading a country wholesale like Vietnam and the Soviets did in Afghanistan in the 80s.
@AlvinHDavernport - Even though the Colombian government was a puppet they're still not our government. Different governments around the world have different ways of going about things, even when they're puppet governments installed by the US. For instance - the US government never committed crimes in modern history as openly and unapologetically as the government of Zaire under Mobuto. Even though he was a US puppet.
@AlvinHDavernport - Possibly, but Obama plans to get other things done that will keep his ratings up in the meantime. I can't stand Donald Trump but he did pose a legitimate threat to Obama in terms of reelection numbers. That's how stupid this country is. A politicians knows if they fall behind too far and let it go on too long they most likely will never catch up. Obama did kind of need something now to get his ratings up again.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - No such claims? Leaders and news sources in the Middle East have been saying for years that bin Laden is dead. So did Benazhir Bhutto shortly before being killed. Admittedly he had already been sick for years. "the fact that Bush's wars didn't catch public enemy #1 made us look incompetent" While true catching bin Laden would also take away our reason to be over there. The Taliban declined between 2001 and 2005. Bin Laden was the only memory Americans had of why were there.
@biggydx - It's not that I want to see his body for some sort of bloodthirsty glee, it's so that I know there is legitimate proof that he's dead. Otherwise you're asking me to just take the word of some dubious sources for it. Some dubious sources known for lying, cover-ups and immoral black ops.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - Elvis Presley didn't hold any importance for the government, that any of us know of. There wouldn't be much reason for them to lie about his death. There is quite a bit of motivation to lie about bin Laden being killed by the US military's hand. Boasting/bragging rights, politically profitable for whichever President is running for reelection, conveniently moves a pawn that's outlived its usefulness off the board, etc.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - We can't drill in Canada like we can in Afghanistan. They're not a developing country that will just let us do what we want and give them pennies like we could with Afghanistan. Canada would sell at a higher price. The US has natural gas but the problem is a lot of it is in hard-to-reach places. Some of it may require so much energy to reach that it would be economically inefficient to go after it. Afghanistan's gas is easier to get at.
@AlvinHDavernport - How many Americans knew about Tirofijo compared to Usama bin Laden? bin Laden was a celebrity of sorts compared to the other guy. They chopped off Che Guevara's hands to prove he was dead. With bin Laden we just have a DNA test....that they could tell us is his DNA but actually isn't and none of us would ever know the difference since we don't know jack shit about his DNA anyway.
@EvilFingers - How will they get his corpse if they don't know where it is? A corpse in an unmarked plot of land in the sand/dirt is just as gone from memory as it is at the bottom of a sea. Especially if they bury him more than 6 feet under.
@JACKtheRIPP3R189 - Again you did exactly what you claimed you didn't do - you made a prediction about what people will remember or what the media will do. If you're going to criticize me for making predictions you shouldn't do it yourself.
@SSky06 - You might not want to mention JFK. Lol It's not like he didn't die under suspicious circumstances.... I didn't say his body needs to be paraded around through the streets, but without a body how the fuck would we know if he's dead or not? Who said the US government was sure he was dead in 2004 or 2008? Even if they did know Bush didn't want him dead because OBL was useful for Bush. He gave him an excuse to stay in Afghanistan.