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Comments by "" (@A86) on "Newport Police Hold Torii Hunter at Gunpoint" video.
"and the same color as 38% of California's criminal element" And there it is. That's what I knew this was about. How many of the 38% of California's criminal element (aside from whether or not that stat reflects burglary, whether or not they're all actually guilty and whether or not profiling accounts for any of that) how many of them burglarize neighborhoods with a 0.7% black population? And how many black burglars (or any burglars) have pictures of themselves everywhere and answer the door?
Well, maybe you. lol XD
"Where in the Tweets are pictures mentioned?" What person has no pictures of themself in their home unless they just moved in? -__-
In some crime categories there is a heightened rate of arrests for blacks despite no evidence of higher rate of offense at all (such as drug conviction). "Whether this played any role in their perception of a threat, we will never know" Not for certain but it's likely given this is not an isolated incident and this is not uncommon between police and innocent black people the police confront. These kinds of stories happen every week of innocent blacks being arrested or shot by cops.
After looking back it looks like I did make that mistake. I apologize.
"police to pull their weapons anytime “anyone” walks out of a builiding " Protip: 1) Answering the door is not walking out of a building. 2) If you see pictures of the guy around the house it's a dead giveaway he lives there. Common sense. Lol 3) Burglars in process don't answer the door. 4) They're not supposed to pull their weapon unless there is probable cause to believe a crime is in progress. They don't just assume everyone is a criminal. How many stories do you hear of this happening?
So, I ask you again, how did you come to the determination that there was probable cause to perceive him as "looking wrong"? What looked wrong about him? "one of 0.7% black residents of Newport Beach" And? He can't be one of the 0.7% of black residents? If a white man answers the door in a 99% non-black neighborhood that white man can't be a resident part of the >1% of white residents?
Pointing at gun at and arresting a man who obviously lives there is "right and professional"? Not even close, and I'm quite sure if he was white you would agree. Even ignoring that you try to justify the situation by saying, "blacks are 5x more likely than whites to commit violent crime" First of all this useless statistic is based on nothing but hot air. Not only are black people nowhere near 5x overrepresented (the actual figure is 2.5-3x) what does this have to do with any random black man?
Read my previous comment: "Most white people are victimized by other white people and most black people are victimized by other black people. A mostly-white neighborhood is more likely to be robbed by a white robber than a black one. So, that would still make no statistical sense to assume the black person is a robber." You are assuming that black crime reports are both an accurate representation of actual offense rates and evenly spread.
That's very true as well. Blacks only make up 13% of American drug users, and white Americans are actually more likely than black Americans to use marijuana or cocaine. Yet blacks make up 30-40% of drug arrests for all drugs except meth and prescription drugs. Blacks make up around 40% of marijuana arrests even though whites use it more. That definitely shows a pattern of racial profiling and racial double standards. That's not the only category cops target blacks in either.
I have no idea if those statistics are correct or not, but WTF does that have to do with Torii Hunter? Over 80% of convicted pedophiles in the US are white, does that mean it would be okay for the cops to assume any white man with a kid is a pedophile?
He said they escorted him upstairs with guns drawn. When they saw pictures of him all over the house that should have been a dead giveaway he lives there. There would be no more need for guns at that point even if they still wanted to see ID. You seem to keep ignoring that part and you completely ignored the fact that the security company would have given them info on the homeowner.
What crime was in progress? The police simply assumed there was one, there turned out to be no evidence one was ever in progress. Just a false alarm (which are not exactly uncommon with security systems).
Here it is: (.) centerforhealthandjustice (.) org / DJIS _ ExecSumm _ FINAL _ 1222 (.) pdf
I'm sure they had to go thru a foyer or would be able to see the living room before going upstairs, and chances are there were pictures of him upstairs as well....
He just keeps burying himself deeper and deeper in the hole by leaking out racist sentiments, doesn't he? If this is what the fuck passes for a "liberal" these days (his channel implies he considers himself a liberal) no wonder the Democrats are in so much trouble. Just more proof there's little difference in the 2 parties if there are a lot of self-proclaimed liberals with the racial mindset of good ole boys.
"of course they would check out any man alone with a child as a suspect, and arrest him if they had evidence" Okay, so why don't we hear of this thing happening to white celebrities (or white citizens in general) and what evidence did they have against him? Hm?
If you read the article it also said, "Still, none of these criticisms addresses the underlying fact: the eight-to-one statistic controls for arrest record, meaning that even among suspects with comparable criminal histories, the nonwhite suspect is far more likely to go to prison than the white one."
"I'm sure the police were ready for someone to come bounding out of the door" I'm certain, but the fact the guy's face is in pictures all over the house should be an instant giveaway that it's his home. -___- Along with the fact that he had no burglary kit or uniform (as you said, any burglar in that area would likely be a professional). Given cases like the Kenneth Chamberlain case I'm pretty sure race was likely a factor. Your "hood instincts" comment also shows your true motivations. Thanks
First you condemn odds and then make a statement based on...odds. Irony. Now you're claiming any black man in a house (even if he has pictures of himself everywhere in the house, lol) must be a criminal. Do you have anything to back that ridiculous comment up? You're right that every interaction is not racist (nor did I claim it is) but cops do this shit all the time with black people. What are the odds its all a coincidence?
And I can easily support my claim on the drug busts: articles (.) latimes (.) com / 2010 / oct / 27 / opinion / la - ed - arrests - 20101027 "and I bet people who just fucking obey the law are far less likely to be arrested" I think you're quite naive with a mindset like that. Every month there are stories of black people being arrested despite not even committing a crime. Like that black homeless woman who sought help for leg pain.
Coming in with guns drawn is not proper procedure: (.) montgomerycountymd (.) gov / poltmpl (.) asp ?url =/ content/pol/districts/MSB/MgmtBudget/faru/index (.) asp Nice try though. Especially when there are pictures of the person who answers the door and there is no evidence a burglary is in process.
It looks like the last few lines of your post is quoted from the article.
Probable cause to kill a man is "pedantic"? That sounds quite fascistic. Or maybe you have low value for black lives anyway (I say you do based on your comments). "are not distilled from aggregates--but perceptions, what 'looks right or looks wrong" Of course a black man being in a suburb looks wrong to a bigot. You said "chances are he did not belong there". Exactly how did you determine he didn't belong there? Black people don't belong in certain areas?
"possible criminal trespass or false alarm, assume the former" This not police procedure for possible false alarms: (.) securitysystems (.) org / procedures-for-false-alarm-reduction / Also, police have to have evidence or probable cause of a trespass. There was none. In Mr. Hunter's Tweets he claimed they walked him upstairs at gunpoint to get his ID. When there are pictures of a person plastered all over the walls of the house it is not proper to point a gun at them.
What I posted was indeed verifiable. You can go back and check out the link that I posted. No statistic you've posted so far has anything to do with this situation (though to be fair mine aren't related either). "both unverifiable and extraneous" (.) ncjrs (.) gov / html / ojjdp / jjbul2001_12_3 / page2 (.) html You can stop pretending it's not there. You have also not posted a single statistic that has anything to do with assuming a man whose pictures are on the wall is an invader.
That was for arrested persons with no prior charges. It also said, "Of the cases that were continued, however, African-American defendants (39 percent) were more likely than white (31 percent) and Latino (23 percent) defendants to be transferred to criminal court. Among first-time arrestees for Class 4 possession, whites (36percent) were more likely than nonwhites (19 percent) to be sentenced to court supervision or probation." Any way you cut it, minorities are treated much more harshly.
How about straight from Orange County statutes? library (.) municode (.) com / index (.) aspx?clientId=11378 Alarm companies are supposed to give names and addresses of alarm system owners if the alarm goes off. They're not supposed to assume anyone who comes to the door is a burglar. There has to be evidence of a burglary in process. Nice try.
Even if not your family they should at least see pictures of yourself. Few if any people have absolutely no visible pictures of themselves in their home unless they moved there less than a couple months ago or are cameraphobes.
"unrelated Cook County study of criminal justice systems" As opposed to your unrelated stats about black burglars in Cali that have nothing to do with Newport Beach or that neighborhood or Torii Hunter? "anti-racist white-man-pedo myth" If is a myth then why was it supported by the OJP? Has nothing to do with anti-racism. I love how it's okay for you to use black crime stats but not okay for others to use white crime stats or you cry racism. I also said nothing about Dave Chappelle jokes.
So what "looked wrong" about a man with no burglary kit, no burglary clothing and no kind of movement or actions to indicate he didn't belong there, answering the door at a home? What about him didn't belong? Do burglars usually answer the door when someone comes knocking during the robbery? Do they usually casually greet the people who come there or run away? Do they usually take the time to plaster personal pictures all over the living room to make it seem like they live there? Lol
Read my post. Also, read this: (.) huffingtonpost (.) com / 2011 / 02 /01 / blacks-far-more-likely-th _ n _ 817105 (.) html Nonwhite suspects and arrested persons are significantly more likely to go to jail for the same crimes white while suspects and arrested persons are more likely to be given probation.