Comments by "" (@A86) on "Backstabbing, Gossip And Other 'Bitchy' Behavior Women Do [STUDY]" video.
FuckYouYouFuck - "No one controls society. It's not a top-down centrally managed hierarchical authoritarian thing, and has become less so over time, especially increasingly pluralistic"
Might want to rethink that sentiment. If it's true that no one is in charge in society and (Western) society is an egalitarian and pluralistic cooperative then Progressivism is pretty useless since you've already achieved its objectives, according to how you described society. If what you said is true then you should stop speaking out against "The Rich", Wall Street, etc. Like you said, no one is in charge and everyone is responsible for their situation in life. That would be the ultimate implications of what you said if what you said is true. The Rich aren't in charge, racism isn't a problem, the Religious Right aren't in charge either, the government isn't authoritarian and society is fair for the most part.
It's funny TYT is supposed to be a "progressive" place but its comment section, most of whom presumably consider themselves "progressives", have reactionary conservative-minded sentiments when it comes to issues or groups they personally don't empathize with the plight of.
tharpoon - "society in general has a negative view of males"
I think you're WAAAY over-generalizing. The average person does not think men are bad (or good) or think women are good (or bad). I can list as many negative social stereotypes about women as you list about men. Like stereotypes of women being bitchy, over-emotional, irrational, untrustworthy, backstabbing, vengeful, entitled, unqualified, ungrateful, etc. That doesn't mean society overall views women negatively because popular negative stereotypes do exist.
"but its still seen as bad"
It depends on the situation and the individual. Most people don't see insulting or criticizing a woman as bad unless part of the motive of your criticism is because they're a woman. Of course there are some people that will applaud misogyny but I think they tend to be a minority (I think/hope). Likewise there are people who will view criticism as bad if you criticize a man partly because he's a man, though there are people who will applaud misandry too.
It all depends on the people and situation. I will say people tend to have more tolerance for people being rude to men, including other men. I think it has little to do with feminism and more to do with the fact that people expect men to be emotionally tougher than women and less liable to cry or fall apart. It's another social stereotype that's existed since ancient (and likely prehistoric) times. That particular double standard doesn't have much to do with feminism because even though it's unfair to men it's actually an expectation that assumes women are more psychologically fragile than men. It was created during times when women had little power.