Comments by "" (@A86) on "Backstabbing, Gossip And Other 'Bitchy' Behavior Women Do [STUDY]" video.

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  8. FuckYouYouFuck - "but they used their power to make laws and enforce traditions that advantaged men, would you call that society matriarchal?" Technically it would be in power but not in deeds it grants to the people not in power. "but I think equality of opportunity amongst genders is pretty close. Women graduate university at a higher rate than men, for example" While that's true that's not necessarily due to equality of opportunity. That's because more women than men go to college, so more also graduate. Men are actually technically overrepresented in college - there are more men in college than there are that apply for college percentage-wise. If there were full equality of opportunity there'd probably be a lower amount of men in college since women make up a good majority of college applicants and women in general tend to have higher GPAs than men. There are many counter-examples I could point out where society and institutions are unfair to women. Women are more likely to be penalized when asking for a raise compared to men and are given lower starting salaries for the same exact jobs.  We've come a long way but we've still got distance to go. As for economics law that thing with salaries is one example I was talking about. Even though gender discrimination is technically illegal the system allows it to exist (at least de facto) at huge rates. Women are given lower starting salaries than men for the same exact jobs, most of these employers are never penalized. Likewise racial discrimination is illegally but still widely exists anyway (de facto). Blacks with equal credentials are 50% less likely than equally qualified white counterparts to get hired. Most of those employers never suffer or pay a penalty. Because laws exist doesn't mean they're enforced. Look at all the abridgments the GOP makes of Separation of Church and State laws.
  9. Stig Helmer - "If women can influence politics to provide special benefits just for women" There are no laws in the US that are made only for women. Women are the majority group that take advantage of or are the beneficiaries of certain laws (such as family court laws) but no laws currently exist that only women can legally apply for.  "then there most certainly isn't any "patriarchy" False. By that logic there is no racism in America since minorities have been able to affect policy to provide benefits for minority groups. Again you're making the false equivalence that patriarchy requires a complete and absolute. That need not be true just like because America no longer has slavery or Jim Crow does not mean it is no longer a racist society or that white privilege no longer exists. "protective laws, shorter punishment for crimes, health and financial benefits" None of these laws are laws only women can apply for. There is no special protection law for women or special finance laws only for women (there are women-specific health insurance plans, but that's due to biology). Men simply file restraining orders much less often and less often qualify for child support since mothers make up the majority of parents with custody and women earn more than men about 1/3 of the time. The parent with primary custody gets child support regardless of gender. Alimony is given to whatever former spouse earned less (which 2/3 to 3/4 of the time is the wife). Women can also go to jail now for not paying child support. I should know, I handled cases like that for the State of Maryland when I worked for the govt. Minority males are eligible for Affirmative Action. Again, it's not only for women.
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  15. tharpoon - "society in general has a negative view of males" I think you're WAAAY over-generalizing. The average person does not think men are bad (or good) or think women are good (or bad). I can list as many negative social stereotypes about women as you list about men. Like stereotypes of women being bitchy, over-emotional, irrational, untrustworthy, backstabbing, vengeful, entitled, unqualified, ungrateful, etc. That doesn't mean society overall views women negatively because popular negative stereotypes do exist. "but its still seen as bad" It depends on the situation and the individual. Most people don't see insulting or criticizing a woman as bad unless part of the motive of your criticism is because they're a woman. Of course there are some people that will applaud misogyny but I think they tend to be a minority (I think/hope). Likewise there are people who will view criticism as bad if you criticize a man partly because he's a man, though there are people who will applaud misandry too.  It all depends on the people and situation. I will say people tend to have more tolerance for people being rude to men, including other men. I think it has little to do with feminism and more to do with the fact that people expect men to be emotionally tougher than women and less liable to cry or fall apart. It's another social stereotype that's existed since ancient (and likely prehistoric) times. That particular double standard doesn't have much to do with feminism because even though it's unfair to men it's actually an expectation that assumes women are more psychologically fragile than men. It was created during times when women had little power.
  16. tharpoon - As a person who considers themself a feminist (and a masculist too) I agree with about 85% of what you said. The only part I would have disagreement with is that many of the negative stereotypes of men already existed before feminism. Part of it was a natural consequence of the unrealistic standards and beliefs society traditionally holds about men: viewing us as hunters, always thinking about sex, prone to masculine aggression, etc. Naturally that leads to negative stereotypes such as us being seen as violent, unreasonable, piggish, etc. I think some of the more extreme forms of feminism have definitely helped but I think it's more them piling on than making up new prejudices. I agree with you totally about people being more likely to get upset overall if you criticize a female. Even if it's a female who more than deserves the criticism. I notice though that people tend to be more okay with criticizing women if the woman is portrayed as promiscuous or "loose". It's part of the "slut-shaming" mentality. I remember on that ABC show "What Would You Do?" people were inclined to help a woman if they saw a guy at a bar harassing her and the woman seemed innocent-like. If the woman was dressed provactively and spoke more loudly people were less willing to help and more likely to defend the actions of the man harassing her for sex. Some feminists do exaggerate about the social and legal positions of women, but so do some MRAs exaggerate about the position of women. I would say the truth is often somewhere in-between. 
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