Comments by "" (@aylbdrmadison1051) on "Flight Attendants Join Picket Line for Actors and Writers on Strike" video.

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  9. Β @1motomanicΒ  : Yes and no. You can leave if you want, but there is always at least enough unemployment to make sure there are at least enough people close to desperation (currently that's 60% of Americans, btw), that the Capitalists will always have the upper hand. That's the entire agenda of Capitalism. And no, not everyone is in a position to start their own business. Have a little compassion for those who are not as lucky as you. Why downplay the difficulties of those going through things you are lucky enough to have been helped to get around, or are not debilitated in some way. Victim blaming only makes the blamer look like an a-hole. You serve to do better and be a decent person with some compassion. Just because a thing is easy )or even doable) for you, doesn't mean everyone has the same life as you. There are things they can do better than you too. Should they rub it in your face when you are the one struggling? Or should they be a decent neighbor and help their own neighbor? Like it or not, humans are a communal species, not a solitary species. You are only here because of society, and now that you can give back to society, should you deny others the help they have likely given to the society that gave you everything? A home, food and protection, then an education, then a job, then perhaps a lo to create a business? No person is an island. Individuality is a thing, of, but that doesn't mean we should cowardly shirk our own responsibility to the society that made us who we are. Even if we are so weak as to not care about the struggles of others. Regardless, we have no need for the wealthy elite, and yet they could not exists without us. The worker is far Far more important than the Capitalist who takes and gives back only what little might be required by law. Is that really a system you support? Where those taking the greatest risks have to sup[port those few who already take half of the wealth we create? Slavery-lite, is still slavery. And all of us have been subjected to mass Capitalist propaganda all of our lives. They're the ones who can afford the most, and the most effective propaganda. So of course the naturally greedy Capitalists are going to use as much propaganda on us as they can. Ever wonder why most Americans are literally afraid to read about things like Communism and Socialism, and why there is an entire party dedicated to making sure we hate those things? Ask yourself this: can you name even one country in all of known history that was ever classless, moneyless, or stateless? Let alone all three of these core principles of Communism. I'm not even advocating for such a utopia right now because humanity is far too irresponsible to handle a utopia. Maybe someday, but not now. There are far too many bigots. Say starting a particular business costs $50k. You have one person who grew up in a fairly wealthy family, and receives $20k as a graduation gift, and another whose family was poor, and does not even own their own house, so they have no equity. The rich one can probably get a relative to cosign a loan, and the poor one cannot. Tell me how you think they have the same options.. And that's just an average scenario, but all too often, life is far more complicated than that. You didn't live a life of struggle apparently, or just don't care about others. Either way, at the end of life what will matter most is how you treated others, not how wealth or power you gained. You can't take it with you. But your legacy will always be connected to you. I hope your legacy will be a legacy worth celebrating, or at least remembering.
  10.  @whiskeymonk4085  : Not everyone has the same aptitude, and regardless, there are always going to be other jobs that need to be done. How does saying "learn to code" help the overall issues? Everyone could have prosperity, but Capitalists insist that we have a whole lot of desperate people who will be forced to work the physically harder jobs for far less pay, while most would rather have a safer, less stressful job (like coding). This is all just so we can have a very few super wealthy people, and mostly really stressed and angry people who fight each other instead of standing together against their mutual oppressors. Perhaps you are really trying to help, but people should be paid more for doing the far nastier and far more dangerous jobs, than for a nice cushy safe and comfortable job like coding. I don't know how many years you spent to learn coding, but it took me well over a decade to go from $12 per hour to just $25 per hour as a carpenter, woodworker. And as someone who built houses, my job was mnore important in that people can live easier computerless than they can live homeless. And yet the coder made 2x more than I made even at the end of my career: $35 per hour. And a coder doesn't risk life and limb everyday. I did. And I suffer debilitating back injuries now. See, I didn't come from a family of means, so I didn't get to learn something like coding. U started working full time when I was 16, and to work my way up doing things like running uphill with a full wheelbarrow. Now I am in great pain everyday, and I was almost paralyzed from the neck down, and was cheated out my workers compensation for that too. Bigotry is how the very few wealthy elite have been able been able to completely dominate and oppress hundreds, thousands, and even millions of times their own number. Otherwise that would be impossible. But as ling as we fight each other and do not stand in solidarity like these fine folks have, we will forever be enslaved to the will of the very few wealthy elite. Don't blame the victims of a crap system designed solely for the wealthy. Blame the crap system. I cannot say how much of that definitely applies to you. Only you really know that. But these things apply to many people, in part or in full sometimes. Take what seems applicable and assume the rest is for someone else. Regardless, I wish you and all of our fellow Earthlings peace and prosperity.❀🌍🌎🌏🌐 (Only bigotry keeps us from all having them both.)
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