Comments by "Otay Buckwheat" (@OtayBuckwheat) on "Kimberly Klacik: My chances of winning congressional race get better every day" video.
Hurricane Alert (Red States)
Paulette will be the name of the next tropical depression with a 90% probability of cyclonic development in 5 days, and the one they'll name Rene is right behind that one and it's really nasty and looking like a serious threat for the US and we're not even halfway through hurricane season yet.
With dry air over the northern Atlantic, that high pressure system, the currents, sheers, warm water and jet streams all working together, it's a recipe for disaster because they're both heading west.
The 1st one has chance of turning north but the second one could hit the east coast, Florida or the gulf, and the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Bahamas are all in danger too of course, but the water is warmer west and north of the lesser Antilles and that's the one to watch because it could become a Cat 4 or Cat 5.
#2 was technically the third one that was developing but the much weaker second batch of thunderstorms dissipated and fell apart.
All the coastal states and the lower east coast, mostly red states in 2016, could be in danger, and it's even possible that two could hit if the first one doesn't turn north early as some spaghetti models indicate as a possible track, but not so much for number two!
I've brought this up before because Houston and New Orleans recently lucked out, but if the next one or the one after that hit's a heavily populated coastal city, Florida or the Carolinas, things could go south fast, and I don't even want to think about how bad things could get if they both hit and did a one two punch.
The next part should concern everyone regardless of which side you're on politically because like masks, this shouldn't be politicized. Trump is using FEMA Disaster Relief Funds to provide that $300 he's supplementing unemployment benefits with, but hey, what could go wrong?
So much can happen before the election and I have more news nobody will want to hear or believe. The Republican Mayor of Lake Charles has expressed his concerns about being forgotten as they face months without power in the hot and humid coastal south. Many of his residents are now homeless and very discouraged according to local news sources, and relief money for Puerto Rico was held up for 2 1/2 years and many people in leadership positions know this since it was in January of this year.
They remember the paper towels too! Puerto Rico was without power for a year in places and there are still tarps on roofs too, and we could get hit again in 10 days! 🇵🇷
After the photo-op meetings where the president went off on political tangents which they didn't care anything about in Louisiana or over in Orange Texas, the tweets and distractions have made the mayor and residents very nervous in hard hit Louisiana. They're still recovering from Harvey to the west and that storm was three years ago, and for anyone that's forgotten, Hurricane Harvey went from a tropical depression to a major hurricane in jusy 40 hours and the two storms coming from Africa will likely be hurricanes before they even get in the gulf or to the east coast as they track westward, and the second one is predicted to be the one to watch and be concerned about, but don't ignore the first one either!
The ocean is warmer than last year and this was predicted to be a very active season.
Another significant reminder, by the first of September 2019 we were only up to the D's with Dorian, and Omar was our most recent named storm system, so we've already exceeded last season by eleven! ELEVEN
The second most impressive system is just off the African coast. According to the National Hurricane Center, gradual development of this system is expected with time, with a tropical depression forming by the middle of next week while it moves generally westward over the far eastern tropical Atlantic.
The administration will stop the aid when the coffers reach a set amount, and they'd planned on using 2/3rds of money FEMA had set back for 2020, but with Laura and the wildfires those funds were only expected to last 3 or 4 weeks, and if another hurricane hits the US Islands or the mainland, that aid will stop immediately, so only bank on two weeks if your state is participating and you're received the extra funds.
I'm sharing this information so everyone can be prepared. This is a bipartisan public service message to everyone!
These threats will primarily affect Red States!